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Smarty - Manua手册 - Chapter 7. Built-in Functions第7章 内建函数 - {foreach},{foreachelse}用于像访问序数数组一样访问关联数组
{foreach} is used to loop over an associative array as well a numerically-indexed array, unlike {section} which is for looping over numerically-indexed arrays only. The syntax for {foreach} is much easier than {section}, but as a tradeoff it can only be used for a single array. Every {foreach} tag must be paired with a closing {/foreach} tag.
{foreach} 用于像循环访问一个数字索引数组一样循环访问一个关联数组,与仅能访问数字索引数组的{section}不同,{foreach}的语法比 {section}的语法简单得多,但是作为一个折衷方案也仅能用于单个数组。每个{foreach}标记必须与关闭标记{/foreach}成对出现。
from | array数组 | Yes必要 | n/a | The array you are looping through 循环访问的数组 |
item | string字符串 | Yes必要 | n/a | The name of the variable that is the current element 当前元素的变量名 |
key | string字符串 | No可选 | n/a | The name of the variable that is the current key 当前键名的变量名 |
name | string字符 | No可选 | n/a | The name of the foreach loop for accessing foreach properties 用于访问foreach属性的foreach循环的名称 |
Required attributes are from and item.
- from和item是必要属性
The name of the {foreach} loop can be anything you like, made up of letters, numbers and underscores, like PHP variables.
- {foreach}循环的name可以是任何字母,数组,下划线的组合,参考PHP变量。
{foreach} loops can be nested, and the nested {foreach} names must be unique from each other.
- {foreach}循环可以嵌套,嵌套的{foreach}的名称应当互不相同。
The from attribute, usually an array of values, determines the number of times {foreach} will loop.
- from属性通常是值数组,被用于判断{foreach}的循环次数。
{foreachelse} is executed when there are no values in the from variable.
- 在from变量中没有值时,将执行{foreachelse}。
{foreach} loops also have their own variables that handle properties. These are accessed with: {$smarty.foreach.name.property} with "name" being the name attribute.
Note: The name attribute is only required when you want to access a {foreach} property, unlike {section}. Accessing a {foreach} property with name undefined does not throw an error, but leads to unpredictable results instead.
{foreach} properties are index, iteration, first, last, show, total.
- {foreach}属性有index, iteration, first, last, show, total.
Example 7-6. Demonstrates the item and key attributes 例 7-6. 演示item和key属性
Template to output $myArray as key/val pair, like PHP's foreach. 用模板按键名/键值对的形式输出$myArray, 类似于PHP的foreach。
The above example will output: 上例将输出:
Example 7-7. {foreach} with associative item attribute 例 7-7. {foreach}的item属性是关联数组
Template to output $items with $myId in the url 模板中,url通过$myId输出$items
The above example will output: 上例将输出:
Example 7-8. {foreach} with nested item and key 例 7-8. {foreach}使用嵌套的item和key Assign an array to Smarty, the key contains the key for each looped value. 向Smarty设置一个数组,对于每个键名对应的每个循环值都包括键。
The template to output $contact. 用于输出$contact的模板。
The above example will output: 上例将输出:
Example 7-9. Database example with {foreachelse} 例 7-9. 使用{foreachelse}的数据库示例 A database (eg PEAR or ADODB) example of a search script, the query results assigned to Smarty 一个数据库(例如PEAR或ADODB)的搜索脚本示例,
The template which display "None found" if no results with {foreachelse}. 借助{foreachelse}标记在没有结果时模板输出"None found"字样。
iteration contains the current loop iteration and always starts at one, unlike index. It is incremented by one on each iteration.
first is TRUE if the current {foreach} iteration is the initial one.
last is set to TRUE if the current {foreach} iteration is the final one.
show is used as a parameter to {foreach}. show is a boolean value. If FALSE, the {foreach} will not be displayed. If there is a {foreachelse} present, that will be alternately displayed.
show是{foreach}的参数. show是一个布尔值。如果值为FALSE,{foreach}将不被显示。如果有对应的{foreachelse},将被显示。
total contains the number of iterations that this {foreach} will loop. This can be used inside or after the {foreach}.
Example 7-14. total property example 例 7-14. total属性示例
See also {section} and $smarty.foreach.
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- **{foreach}**:遍历数组或对象。 - **{if}**:条件判断。 - **{include}**:包含其他模板文件。 - **{block}**:定义可重用的代码块。 - **{function}**:定义自定义函数。 - **{debug}**:调试信息显示。 #### ...
5. Smarty模板语法:Smarty提供了一套自己的模板语法,如 {$var} 用于输出变量,{foreach} 用于循环遍历数组,{if} 用于条件判断等。学习这些语法可以帮助开发者快速编写模板文件。 6. 用户交互:新闻管理系统通常...
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2. **模板语法**:Smarty提供了一套简单的模板语法,如`{foreach}`用于循环,`{if}`、`{elseif}`、`{else}`用于条件判断,`{$variable}`用于显示变量等,使得非PHP程序员也能轻松理解。 3. **缓存机制**:Smarty...
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- **函数**:Smarty提供了多种内置函数来处理数据,如`{if}`, `{foreach}`, `{assign}`等。 - **属性**:属性用于控制函数的行为,例如`{if $var1==1}`中的`==1`就是一个属性。 - **双引号内值的嵌入**:可以在双...
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