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REPORT ztest. *--------------------------------------------------------------------* * INTERNAL TABLE DECLARATION *--------------------------------------------------------------------* DATA: it_blntab TYPE TABLE OF blntab WITH HEADER LINE, it_ftclear TYPE TABLE OF ftclear WITH HEADER LINE, it_ftpost TYPE TABLE OF ftpost WITH HEADER LINE, it_fttax TYPE TABLE OF fttax WITH HEADER LINE. *--------------------------------------------------------------------* * START-OF-SELECTION *--------------------------------------------------------------------* START-OF-SELECTION. DEFINE populate_ftpost. it_ftpost-stype = &1. it_ftpost-count = &2. it_ftpost-fnam = &3. it_ftpost-fval = &4. append it_ftpost. END-OF-DEFINITION. DEFINE populate_ftclear. it_ftclear-agkoa = 'D'. it_ftclear-agbuk = 'XXXX'. "company code it_ftclear-selfd = 'BELNR'. it_ftclear-xnops = 'X'. it_ftclear-selvon = &1. append it_ftclear. END-OF-DEFINITION. CALL FUNCTION 'POSTING_INTERFACE_START' EXPORTING i_function = 'C' i_keep = 'X' i_mode = 'A' EXCEPTIONS client_incorrect = 1 function_invalid = 2 group_name_missing = 3 mode_invalid = 4 update_invalid = 5 OTHERS = 6. populate_ftpost: 'K' 1 'BKPF-BUKRS' 'BUKRS', "Company code 'K' 1 'BKPF-BLART' 'DA', 'K' 1 'BKPF-BLDAT' '16.09.2010', 'K' 1 'BKPF-BUDAT' '16.09.2010', 'K' 1 'BKPF-WAERS' 'RMB', 'K' 1 'BKPF-XBLNR' 'Test', 'P' 1 'RF05A-NEWBS' '11', 'P' 1 'BSEG-HKONT' '0090000052', 'P' 1 'BSEG-SGTXT' '20100916-01', 'P' 1 'BSEG-WRBTR' '52'. populate_ftclear '78000020772008001'. "concatenate doc number + fiscal year + line number CALL FUNCTION 'POSTING_INTERFACE_CLEARING' EXPORTING i_auglv = 'UMBUCHNG' i_tcode = 'FB05' i_sgfunct = 'C' IMPORTING e_msgid = sy-msgid e_msgno = sy-msgno e_msgty = sy-msgty e_msgv1 = sy-msgv1 e_msgv2 = sy-msgv2 e_msgv3 = sy-msgv3 e_msgv4 = sy-msgv4 * E_SUBRC = SY-SUBRC TABLES t_blntab = it_blntab t_ftclear = it_ftclear t_ftpost = it_ftpost t_fttax = it_fttax EXCEPTIONS clearing_procedure_invalid = 1 clearing_procedure_missing = 2 table_t041a_empty = 3 transaction_code_invalid = 4 amount_format_error = 5 too_many_line_items = 6 company_code_invalid = 7 screen_not_found = 8 no_authorization = 9 OTHERS = 10. IF sy-subrc <> 0. * MESSAGE ID SY-MSGID TYPE SY-MSGTY NUMBER SY-MSGNO * WITH SY-MSGV1 SY-MSGV2 SY-MSGV3 SY-MSGV4. ENDIF. CALL FUNCTION 'POSTING_INTERFACE_END' EXCEPTIONS session_not_processable = 1 OTHERS = 2.
DISABLE button(FCODE) from the GUI-Status
2014-08-04 15:54 6491. Goto-> Attributes->Pus ... -
Handy SAP function module to automate user events
2013-11-28 09:49 767*Begin-Auto triggers ENTER comm ... -
set Billing block to blank for Sals Order
2013-04-17 15:16 832FM: SD_WF_ORDER_DEL_BILLING_BLO ... -
set Billing block to blank for Sals Order
2013-04-17 15:16 756FM: SD_WF_ORDER_DEL_BILLING_BLO ... -
Unpermitted combination of business object BUS2032 and sales doc. category H
2013-01-25 14:20 4153Q: create New Sales Order using ... -
Function Module: get all users who have specific role
2013-01-25 14:16 709CALL FUNCTION 'RSRA_USERS_O ... -
Create a SELECT-OPTIONS in a module pool screen
2012-03-07 15:35 1042source:http://abap-explorer.blo ... -
Converting OTF data from script to Spool Request
2012-03-06 17:25 0source:http://forums.sdn.sap.co ... -
Calculate the days, months and years between 2 dates.
2012-02-21 16:14 850FORM compute_2date_diff. DAT ... -
Retrieving Domain fixed values
2012-02-16 11:13 822source:http://www.saptechnical. ... -
If 1 equals 2, what’s the purpose?
2012-02-16 10:59 855source:http://sapport.blogspot. ... -
get status name for batch input session
2012-01-31 14:47 941Line 601 in program SAPMSBDC_CC ... -
create zip folder with cl_abap_zip
2011-12-05 18:11 1226REPORT ztest. DATA: gv_file ... -
2011-11-29 10:39 2083from: http://help-sap.blogspot. ... -
Create Vendor or Customer_master Data
2011-11-23 16:22 2938To Create or Change Vendor_mast ... -
Pay attention to the following points when using append structures
2011-10-27 13:43 1328You cannot create append str ... -
Help Views
2011-10-20 10:46 769source:http://help.sap.com/saph ... -
What is the Different Types and Usage of Views
2011-10-19 23:06 860source:http://www.sap-img.com/a ... -
Upload a Comma Delimited CSV file that contains commas in data
2011-09-23 17:22 2255source:http://wiki.sdn.sap.com/ ... -
What is the difference between SET SCREEN and CALL SCREEN ?
2011-09-19 21:50 775source:http://www.saptechies.co ...
信息安全_数据安全_Putin_is_Posting:Social_Media,_V 安全运营 安全防御 安全测试 web安全 安全人才
ERP系统信息化资料:SAP专业培训教材_UT Script_FICO_TO-BE-FI-002 General Ledger Posting Process_V1.0.doc
DataTable Codeigniter帮助器 ...数据表来源: ://datatables.net/ 数据表服务器端源: : 获取更多信息,例如此页面: 关注推特@omapslab 使用 $ aCol ... ‘posting_share’ => ‘posting_share
表单信息以事件名称“ posting_form”发送到服务器。 服务器侦听事件“ posting_form”,并在触发该事件时,组织所有发出的信息以形成单个消息,并通过名为“ updated_message”的事件发送该单个消息。 它还发出一...
在SAP系统中,"Posting Key and Field Status Variant"是财务会计中两个关键的概念,用于控制凭证录入过程中的数据校验和字段可见性。这两者都涉及到财务文档的精确性和一致性,确保会计信息的准确无误。 首先,...
录像23_Internal order Posting
在“Nysc E-Posting System”中,MySQL用于存储学生信息、实习项目详情、服务记录等数据。开发者可能创建了多个表格,如“students”,“internships”,和“service_records”,并使用SQL查询来执行数据检索、更新...
录像11_Event-based Posting1
录像12_Event-based Posting2
在IT行业中,"MM自动过账 (Materials Management Automatic Posting)" 是一种常见的业务流程自动化技术,主要应用于SAP系统的物料管理模块。此技术旨在提高企业财务管理的效率,减少人为错误,确保会计信息的准确性...
AND h.posting_date BETWEEN 'START_DATE' AND 'END_DATE'; ``` 这里`START_DATE`和`END_DATE`代表你感兴趣的日期范围。 5. **查询库存信息** 对库存操作的查询通常涉及`MFG_WORK ORDERS`,`MFG_MATERIAL_...
是项目为您在Steemit上传的图像提供动力的工具。... private_posting_key, ) resp = image_uploader.upload("/path/to/image.png) if 'url' in resp: print("File uploaded: %s" % resp["url"]) else:
【EXP_IMP】指的是在IT领域中的SAP系统迁移或克隆过程中所涉及的Export(导出)和Import(导入)操作。这些操作是SAP系统维护、升级或复制到新环境的重要步骤。以下是对相关知识点的详细说明: ...
【标题】"Study_Book Posting:正则表达式与Java编程" 在编程领域,正则表达式(Regular Expression,简称regex)是一种强大的文本处理工具,它用于搜索、替换或者提取符合特定模式的字符串。Java语言提供了对正则...
- **BAPI_ACC_GL_POSTING_REV_CHECK**:此BAPI用于在进行会计凭证反转过账前进行检查。 ##### 9.6 总账科目过账 - **BAPI_ACC_GL_POSTING_POST**:此BAPI用于执行总账科目的过账操作。 以上BAPIs涵盖了SAP中财务...
phpbb_imgur phpbb论坛的界面,用于在imgur上上传图像执照: 许可下:CC-BY-SA作者: ... / forum / styles / prosilver.mod2 / template / posting_buttons.html 后: <script type =“ text / javascript” src =
We design efficient algorithms for the batch posting of Layer 2 chain calldata on the Layer 1 chain, using tools from operations research. We relate the costs of posting and delaying, by converting ...
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