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Flowers set to bloom(大运之星:绽放的“校花”)


WHAT exactly does it take for a young woman to be considered a “campus flower?” Some say beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but surely there must be certain essential criteria. Perhaps we can get some answers by taking a closer look inside the training camp of the Universiade Star in Shenzhen.

The Universiade Star is a competition organized by the Shenzhen Universiade Executive Committee to select the guides, etiquette waiters, torchbearers and flag bearers for the 2011 games. Now just 12 young women remain in contention to win the top prize after winning a series of heats across six cities.

The competition has certainly triggered much debate on campuses around China as to what exactly makes a “campus beauty.”Let’s ask three of the competition’s finalists to share with us their understanding of the term “campus flower”.

Bai Liyan, 22, Image design, Shenzhen Polytechnic Most valued quality: sincerity

“Beauty comes from a clear understanding of yourself,” said Bai, considered by many to be a most dazzling girl who attracted most attention in the competition. “I like to attend many competitions and join campus clubs to let others know me. My principle is, if you can do things well, just show it.”

Bai believes the ability to learn is more important than mere beauty. She admits that she was not talented in singing or dancing, but she has been learning all the way in the competition and have sealed a place in the finals.

Li Luya, 20, English, Shenzhen University Most valued qualities: kind-heartedness, gentleness

Li is a picture of grace in her long white dress and pearl necklace. Her voice is clear and sweet and her eyes are fresh and innocent.

She is used to male attention, and has long been chatted up by strangers in public. But she has always shied away(回避) from the attention. “I don’t think beauty should be flaunted(炫耀),” she said. Sometimes this rather quiet image has caused problems, and some consider Li “an iceberg beauty” because of her perceived coolness. She sees it differently. “Keeping silent is my way to avoid conflict, especially on campus.”

Liu Zhen, 21, Singing, Beijing Contemporary Music Academy Most valued qualities: filial piety(孝顺), the ability to care

Liu studies in the same school as dating show sensation(轰动) Ma Nuo and Super Girl champion Jiang Yingrong. As you might expect, then, the official and unofficial competition for “campus flower” is fierce. In 2009, Liu Zhen, as an unknown freshman, beat the already famous Jiang and became school spokesperson.

The title put her, a freshman, under the spotlight. Jiang’s supporters voiced their suspicion over the result. Others on campus talked about Liu behind her back. “I could sense that they were measuring me with their eyes,” said Liu. She thinks it was her great potential to learn, and her smiles that marked her out as a genuine spokesperson(真正的代言人).

Such confidence has seen her march all the way to the finals of the Universiade Star.




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