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WebService身份验证解决方案 -
调用的是webservice。服务器端调用webservice ...
Java使用httprequest来访问WebService3 -
楼主,你这是调用的webservice还是servlet啊?一 ...
Sub Initialize()
Dim s As New NotesSession
Dim db As NotesDatabase
Set db = s.Currentdatabase
'Set db = New NotesDatabase( "YourServer/svr/somewhere", "database.nsf")
Call ExtractImageResources( db, "J:\temp" )
End Sub
Sub ExtractImageResources(db As NotesDatabase, DestinationDirectory As String)
' =========================================================
' Extracts all GIF and JPG image resource file to <DestinationDirectory>
' DestinationDirectory must exist.
' This code creates 1 tempfile in dest. directory.
' =========================================================
Dim session As New NotesSession
Dim DestinationDir As String
Dim debug As Integer
Dim nc As NotesNoteCollection
Dim exporter As NotesDXLExporter
Dim stream As NotesStream
Dim DXLTempfile As String
Dim inputStream As NotesStream
Dim domParser As NotesDOMParser
Dim RootNode As NotesDOMDocumentNode
Dim n1 As Integer
Dim i As Integer
Dim ImageResource_Nodes As NotesDOMNodeList
Dim MyNode As NotesDOMElementNode
Dim TempNode As NotesDOMElementNode
Dim TempChildNode As NotesDOMNode
Dim MyNodeList As NotesDOMNodeList
Dim attr As NotesDOMAttributeNode
Dim IRFilename As String
Dim MimeEntity As NotesMIMEEntity
Dim outStream As NotesStream
Dim doc As NotesDocument
On Error GoTo err1
debug = 1 ' set to 0 for no debg output
DestinationDir = Trim$(DestinationDirectory)
If Right$( DestinationDir, 1)<>"\" Then DestinationDir = DestinationDir+"\"
' ====================================================
' Define tempfiles - if you manage to make the DXL export/import
' work without tempfiles, let me know !
' =====================================================
DXLTempfile = DestinationDir & "tmp_fileresources.dxl"
' ========================
' Create DXL export stream
' ========================
On Error Resume Next
Kill( DXLTempfile)
On Error GoTo err1
Set stream = session.CreateStream
If Not stream.Open( DXLTempfile,"UTF-8") Then
MessageBox "Cannot create " & DXLTempfile,, "Error"
Exit Sub
End If
Call stream.Truncate
' ===============================
' Build collection of design elements
' ===============================
If debug = 1 Then Print "Building design note document collection"
' ================================
' Export DesignNoteCollection as DXL
' ================================
If debug = 1 Then Print "Exporting image resources to " & DXLTempfile
'Set exporter = session.CreateDXLExporter(nc, stream)
Dim docExport As NotesDocument
Set docExport = db.Getdocumentbyunid("047D60B5DA6AAE384825776800317812")
Set exporter = session.CreateDXLExporter(docExport, stream)
Call exporter.Process
Call stream.Close
' =========================
' Import DXL for parsing
' =========================
If debug = 1 Then Print "Creating DXL import stream from " & DXLTempfile
Set inputStream = session.CreateStream
Call inputStream.Open ( DXLTempfile ,"UTF-8")
' =========================
' Parse DXL
' =========================
Print "Parsing DXL"
Set domParser=session.CreateDOMParser(inputStream)
' =======================
' Get the root node
' ======================
Set rootNode = domParser.Document
' =========================
' Get all ImageResourceNodes
' =========================
'Set ImageResource_Nodes = RootNode.GetElementsByTagName( "imageresource" )
Set ImageResource_Nodes = RootNode.GetElementsByTagName( "jpeg" )
If debug=1 Then Print "Found " & ImageResource_Nodes.NumberOfEntries & " image resources"
If ImageResource_Nodes.NumberOfEntries=0 Then
Print "No <imageresource> node found - exiting"
GoTo finish
End If
' =============================================
' Browse all <imageresource> nodes and extract images
' from <gif> / <jpeg> child nodes
' =============================================
IRFilename = "DLTitle.jpg"
Set TempNode = ImageResource_Nodes.GetItem(1)
Set TempChildNode = TempNode.firstchild
' TempChild.NodeValue contains the base64 encoded image data
' Create output stream / file
If debug=1 Then Print "Create output file " & DestinationDir & IRFilename
Set outStream = session.CreateStream
On Error Resume Next
Kill (DestinationDir & IRFilename)
On Error GoTo err1
Call outStream.Open( DestinationDir & IRFilename, "binary")
' Create Input Stream and write Base64 data to stream
Set stream = session.CreateStream
MsgBox CStr(TempChildNode.NodeValue)
Call stream.WriteText(TempChildNode.NodeValue)
' Decode base64 and write to outstream / file
If debug=1 Then Print "Decoding Base64 to binary"
Set doc = New NotesDocument(session.CurrentDatabase )
Set MimeEntity = doc.CreateMIMEEntity
Call MimeEntity.SetContentFromBytes(stream,"", ENC_BASE64)
Call MimeEntity.GetContentAsBytes(outStream, True)
Call MimeEntity.DEcodeContent()
Call outstream.Close
Call stream.close
Call inputstream.close
If debug=1 Then Print "Removing tempfiles"
On Error Resume Next
On Error GoTo err1
Exit Sub
Print Error$ & " in line " & Erl
MessageBox Error$ & " in line " & Erl
Exit Sub
End Sub
Dim s As New NotesSession
Dim db As NotesDatabase
Set db = s.Currentdatabase
'Set db = New NotesDatabase( "YourServer/svr/somewhere", "database.nsf")
Call ExtractImageResources( db, "J:\temp" )
End Sub
Sub ExtractImageResources(db As NotesDatabase, DestinationDirectory As String)
' =========================================================
' Extracts all GIF and JPG image resource file to <DestinationDirectory>
' DestinationDirectory must exist.
' This code creates 1 tempfile in dest. directory.
' =========================================================
Dim session As New NotesSession
Dim DestinationDir As String
Dim debug As Integer
Dim nc As NotesNoteCollection
Dim exporter As NotesDXLExporter
Dim stream As NotesStream
Dim DXLTempfile As String
Dim inputStream As NotesStream
Dim domParser As NotesDOMParser
Dim RootNode As NotesDOMDocumentNode
Dim n1 As Integer
Dim i As Integer
Dim ImageResource_Nodes As NotesDOMNodeList
Dim MyNode As NotesDOMElementNode
Dim TempNode As NotesDOMElementNode
Dim TempChildNode As NotesDOMNode
Dim MyNodeList As NotesDOMNodeList
Dim attr As NotesDOMAttributeNode
Dim IRFilename As String
Dim MimeEntity As NotesMIMEEntity
Dim outStream As NotesStream
Dim doc As NotesDocument
On Error GoTo err1
debug = 1 ' set to 0 for no debg output
DestinationDir = Trim$(DestinationDirectory)
If Right$( DestinationDir, 1)<>"\" Then DestinationDir = DestinationDir+"\"
' ====================================================
' Define tempfiles - if you manage to make the DXL export/import
' work without tempfiles, let me know !
' =====================================================
DXLTempfile = DestinationDir & "tmp_fileresources.dxl"
' ========================
' Create DXL export stream
' ========================
On Error Resume Next
Kill( DXLTempfile)
On Error GoTo err1
Set stream = session.CreateStream
If Not stream.Open( DXLTempfile,"UTF-8") Then
MessageBox "Cannot create " & DXLTempfile,, "Error"
Exit Sub
End If
Call stream.Truncate
' ===============================
' Build collection of design elements
' ===============================
If debug = 1 Then Print "Building design note document collection"
' ================================
' Export DesignNoteCollection as DXL
' ================================
If debug = 1 Then Print "Exporting image resources to " & DXLTempfile
'Set exporter = session.CreateDXLExporter(nc, stream)
Dim docExport As NotesDocument
Set docExport = db.Getdocumentbyunid("047D60B5DA6AAE384825776800317812")
Set exporter = session.CreateDXLExporter(docExport, stream)
Call exporter.Process
Call stream.Close
' =========================
' Import DXL for parsing
' =========================
If debug = 1 Then Print "Creating DXL import stream from " & DXLTempfile
Set inputStream = session.CreateStream
Call inputStream.Open ( DXLTempfile ,"UTF-8")
' =========================
' Parse DXL
' =========================
Print "Parsing DXL"
Set domParser=session.CreateDOMParser(inputStream)
' =======================
' Get the root node
' ======================
Set rootNode = domParser.Document
' =========================
' Get all ImageResourceNodes
' =========================
'Set ImageResource_Nodes = RootNode.GetElementsByTagName( "imageresource" )
Set ImageResource_Nodes = RootNode.GetElementsByTagName( "jpeg" )
If debug=1 Then Print "Found " & ImageResource_Nodes.NumberOfEntries & " image resources"
If ImageResource_Nodes.NumberOfEntries=0 Then
Print "No <imageresource> node found - exiting"
GoTo finish
End If
' =============================================
' Browse all <imageresource> nodes and extract images
' from <gif> / <jpeg> child nodes
' =============================================
IRFilename = "DLTitle.jpg"
Set TempNode = ImageResource_Nodes.GetItem(1)
Set TempChildNode = TempNode.firstchild
' TempChild.NodeValue contains the base64 encoded image data
' Create output stream / file
If debug=1 Then Print "Create output file " & DestinationDir & IRFilename
Set outStream = session.CreateStream
On Error Resume Next
Kill (DestinationDir & IRFilename)
On Error GoTo err1
Call outStream.Open( DestinationDir & IRFilename, "binary")
' Create Input Stream and write Base64 data to stream
Set stream = session.CreateStream
MsgBox CStr(TempChildNode.NodeValue)
Call stream.WriteText(TempChildNode.NodeValue)
' Decode base64 and write to outstream / file
If debug=1 Then Print "Decoding Base64 to binary"
Set doc = New NotesDocument(session.CurrentDatabase )
Set MimeEntity = doc.CreateMIMEEntity
Call MimeEntity.SetContentFromBytes(stream,"", ENC_BASE64)
Call MimeEntity.GetContentAsBytes(outStream, True)
Call MimeEntity.DEcodeContent()
Call outstream.Close
Call stream.close
Call inputstream.close
If debug=1 Then Print "Removing tempfiles"
On Error Resume Next
On Error GoTo err1
Exit Sub
Print Error$ & " in line " & Erl
MessageBox Error$ & " in line " & Erl
Exit Sub
End Sub
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Excel百宝箱 9.0 破解版 批量导入图片等200种功能 Excel2007 Excel百宝箱2012是强大的制表插件,当安装百宝箱后,如果您使用Excel 2003,则将产生【百宝箱】菜单,包括100多个子菜单;如果您使用Excel 2007或者2010...
7. **二进制数据还原**:从数据库中取出BLOB数据,再转换回图片文件格式,显示或保存到本地。 8. **用户界面交互**:通过文件选择对话框获取用户选择的图片文件,提供进度反馈,以及可能出现的错误处理。 9. **...
ImagesWriter.htm页面 主要是 输入图片的文件夹,程序去搜索文件将文件转换成二进制数据导入数据库中。ImagesRead.htm 主要是显示图片和将数据库中的二进制数据生成图片保存到硬盘上。图片导入导出都带有真实的...
1. 读取图片文件:使用“文件打开”命令打开图片文件,然后用“文件读取”命令读取全部内容到字节集。 2. 将字节集转换为图片:关闭文件后,利用“位图创建”或“位图加载”命令,传入字节集和图片格式信息,生成...
然而,在某些情况下,我们可能需要将这些合并后的图集还原为原始的单个图片,以便进行修改、替换或者单独使用。下面我们将详细探讨如何实现这个过程,并以Python脚本`unpack_plist.py`为例,讲解其工作原理。 ....
将TexturePacker打包的纹理大图(plist+图片)还原为每一张小图 剔除加密后生成的无效的片 剔除加密后出现的重复图片 重对小图命名排序 #说明 使用cocos2d-x引擎实现 proj目录下为项目文件 win32.exe目录下为编译好的...
3. 解压缩:工具将读取.plist文件的内容,并根据指示解压.pvr.ccz文件,将压缩的纹理还原为一组或多组未压缩的图片。 4. 输出和编辑:解压后,你可以查看和编辑这些图片,进行必要的修改。完成编辑后,如果需要,你...
宏-图片提取-ImagesOutIn(去图片).dot则可能是宏的模板文件,其中包含了用于提取和还原图片的具体代码。通常,.dot文件是Word的模板格式,用于保存宏和其他自定义设置,供后续文档创建时使用。 要实现图片提取和...
1. 输入:用户输入或导入包含16进制数据的文件。 2. 解析:工具将16进制字符串转换为原始的二进制流。 3. 分析:分析二进制流是否符合JPEG的文件结构,例如寻找SOI(Start of Image)和EOI(End of Image)标记。 4....
例如有两张名为“诺基亚8310”、“诺基亚7600”的图片,只需要在单元格输入“诺基亚”就行了,导入图片时可以将“诺基亚”开头的图片全部导入。 5.数量灵活:对于多个图片符合同一单元格名称的状况,可以将所有图片...
通过遍历指定目录下的所有图片文件,对每张图片执行相同的切割和保存过程。这在数据扩增中很有用,例如在训练机器学习模型时,可以通过这种方式增加数据的多样性。 综上所述,这个知识点涉及以下几个核心概念: 1....
例如有两张名为“诺基亚8310”、“诺基亚7600”的图片,只需要在单元格输入“诺基亚”就行了,导入图片时可以将“诺基亚”开头的图片全部导入。 5.数量灵活:对于多个图片符合同一单元格名称的状况,可以将所有图片...
这个工具可能包含了一个`dll`(动态链接库)文件,这是Windows系统下的一个可执行组件,用于执行特定的功能,比如解析`plist`文件并将其内容导出为PNG图片。`PlistToPng.win32`可能就是这个工具的Windows 32位版本,...
2. **解码BMP数据**:BMP文件的像素数据通常是倒序存储的,需要进行正确的解码以还原原始图像。 3. **适应Allegro**:根据Allegro的特性,可能需要对图像数据进行一些预处理,比如调整颜色空间、裁剪透明区域或转换...