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Item Description
Comments Specified using ## or //and extend to the end of line, e.g.
## This is a comment
Also specified using //, e.g.
// This is a comment
Multiple lines comments are specified using /*...*/, e.g.
/* This is a
            multi-line comment */
Identifiers / variables Must start with a-z, A-Z, _ or $. Can then be followed by 0-9, a-z, A-Z, _ or $. e.g.
  • Valid: var1,_a99,$1
  • Invalid: 9v,!a99,1$

Variable names are case-sensitive, e.g. var1 and Var1 are different variables.

NOTE: JEXL does not support variables with hyphens in them, e.g.

commons-logging // invalid variable name (hyphenated)
is not a valid variable, but instead is treated as a subtraction of the variable logging from the variable commons


JEXL also supports ant-style variables, the following is a valid variable name:



N.B. the following keywords are reserved, and cannot be used as a variable name or property when using the dot operator: or and eq ne lt gt le ge div mod not null true false new For example, the following is invalid:

my.new.dotted.var // invalid ('new' is keyword)
In such cases, the [ ] operator can be used, for example:


Scripts A script in Jexl is made up of zero or more statements. Scripts can be read from a String, File or URL.
Statements A statement can be the empty statement, the semicolon (;) , block, assignment or an expression. Statements are optionally terminated with a semicolon.
Block A block is simply multiple statements inside curly braces ({, }).
Assignment Assigns the value of a variable (my.var = 'a value') using a JexlContext as initial resolver. Both beans and ant-ish variables assignment are supported.
Method calls Calls a method of an object, e.g.
"hello world".hashCode()
will call the hashCode method of the "hello world" String.

In case of multiple arguments and overloading, Jexl will make the best effort to find the most appropriate non ambiguous method to call.


Item Description
Integer Literals 1 or more digits from 0 to 9
Floating point Literals 1 or more digits from 0 to 9, followed by a decimal point and then one or more digits from 0 to 9.
String literals Can start and end with either ' or " delimiters, e.g.
"Hello world"
'Hello world'
are equivalent.

The escape character is \; it only escapes the string delimiter

Boolean literals The literals true and false can be used, e.g.
val1 == true
Null literal The null value is represented as in java using the literal null, e.g.
val1 == null
Array literal A [ followed by one or more expressions separated by , and ending with ], e.g.
[ 1, 2, "three" ]

This syntax creates an Object[].

JEXL will attempt to strongly type the array; if all entries are of the same class or if all entries are Number instance, the array literal will be an MyClass[] in the former case, a Number[] in the latter case.

Furthermore, if all entries in the array literal are of the same class and that class has an equivalent primitive type, the array returned will be a primitive array. e.g. [1, 2, 3] will be interpreted as int[].

Map literal A { followed by one or more sets of key : value pairs separated by , and ending with }, e.g.
{ "one" : 1, "two" : 2, "three" : 3, "more": "many more" }

This syntax creates a HashMap<Object,Object>.


Function Description
empty Returns true if the expression following is either:
  1. null
  2. An empty string
  3. An array of length zero
  4. A collection of size zero
  5. An empty map
size Returns the information about the expression:
  1. Length of an array
  2. Size of a List
  3. Size of a Map
  4. Size of a Set
  5. Length of a string
returns 5.
new Creates a new instance using a fully-qualified class name or Class:
new("java.lang.Double", 10)
returns 10.0.

Note that the first argument of new can be a variable or any expression evaluating as a String or Class; the rest of the arguments are used as arguments to the constructor for the class considered.

In case of multiple constructors, Jexl will make the best effort to find the most appropriate non ambiguous constructor to call.

ns:function A JexlEngine can register objects or classes used as function namespaces. This can allow expressions like:


Operator Description
Boolean and The usual && operator can be used as well as the word and, e.g.
cond1 and cond2
cond1 && cond2
are equivalent
Boolean or The usual || operator can be used as well as the word or, e.g.
cond1 or cond2
cond1 || cond2
are equivalent
Boolean not The usual ! operator can be used as well as the word not, e.g.
not cond1
are equivalent
Bitwise and The usual & operator is used, e.g.
33 & 4
, 0010 0001 & 0000 0100 = 0.
Bitwise or The usual | operator is used, e.g.
33 | 4
, 0010 0001 | 0000 0100 = 0010 0101 = 37.
Bitwise xor The usual ^ operator is used, e.g.
33 ^ 4
, 0010 0001 ^ 0000 0100 = 0010 0100 = 37.
Bitwise complement The usual ~ operator is used, e.g.
, ~0010 0001 = 1101 1110 = -34.
Ternary conditional ?: The usual ternary conditional operator condition ? if_true : if_false operator can be used as well as the abbreviation value ?: if_false which returns the value if its evaluation is defined, non-null and non-false, e.g.
val1 ? val1 : val2
val1 ?: val2 
are equivalent.

NOTE: The condition will evaluate to false when it refers to an undefined variable or null for all JexlEngine flag combinations. This allows explicit syntactic leniency and treats the condition 'if undefined or null or false' the same way in all cases.

Equality The usual == operator can be used as well as the abbreviation eq. For example
val1 == val2
val1 eq val2
are equivalent.
  1. null is only ever equal to null, that is if you compare null to any non-null value, the result is false.
  2. Equality uses the java equals method
Inequality The usual != operator can be used as well as the abbreviation ne. For example
val1 != val2
val1 ne val2
are equivalent.
Less Than The usual < operator can be used as well as the abbreviation lt. For example
val1 < val2
val1 lt val2
are equivalent.
Less Than Or Equal To The usual <= operator can be used as well as the abbreviation le. For example
val1 <= val2
val1 le val2
are equivalent.
Greater Than The usual > operator can be used as well as the abbreviation gt. For example
val1 > val2
val1 gt val2
are equivalent.
Greater Than Or Equal To The usual >= operator can be used as well as the abbreviation ge. For example
val1 >= val2
val1 ge val2
are equivalent.
Regex match =~ The Perl inspired =~ operator can be used to check that a string matches a regular expression (expressed either a Java String or a java.util.regex.Pattern). For example "abcdef" =~ "abc.* returns true.
Regex no-match !~ The Perl inspired !~ operator can be used to check that a string does not match a regular expression (expressed either a Java String or a java.util.regex.Pattern). For example "abcdef" !~ "abc.* returns false.
Addition The usual + operator is used. For example
val1 + val2
Subtraction The usual - operator is used. For example
val1 - val2
Multiplication The usual * operator is used. For example
val1 * val2
Division The usual / operator is used, or one can use the div operator. For example
val1 / val2
val1 div val2
Modulus (or remainder) The % operator is used. An alternative is the mod operator. For example
5 mod 2
gives 1 and is equivalent to
5 % 2
Negation The unary - operator is used. For example
Array access Array elements may be accessed using either square brackets or a dotted numeral, e.g.
are equivalent
HashMap access Map elements are accessed using square brackets, e.g.
map[0]; map['name']; map[var];
Note that
refer to different elements. Map elements with a numeric key may also be accessed using a dotted numeral, e.g.
are equivalent.


Operator Description
if Classic, if/else statement, e.g.
if ((x * 2) == 5) {
    y = 1;
} else {
    y = 2;
for Loop through items of an Array, Collection, Map, Iterator or Enumeration, e.g.
for(item : list) {
    x = x + item; 
Where item and list are variables. The JEXL 1.1 syntax using foreach(item in list) is now deprecated.
while Loop until a condition is satisfied, e.g.
while (x lt 10) {
    x = x + 2; 



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