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- 来自: 杭州
非常感谢作者提供这么好的工具,在使用的过程中遇到一些问题?1、 ...
基于java nio的memcached客户端——xmemcached -
无路用的人 -
用osworkflow写一个请假例子(提供代码下载) -
楼主,你确定,java memached client能处理并 ...
memcached java client性能测试的几点疑问和说明 -
aaa5131421 写道07年2月hibernate已经出来 ...
> Gloomy Dungeons 2 is also opensourced! > Check it out - https://github.com/restorer/gloomy-dungeons-2 What is it? It is old-school 3d shooter, indie game developed by small team. It didn't use hi-...
Android djvu and pdf viewer
OpenSourced !! 对于具有自定义URL的自主托管实例,请使用https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/ambmbdjjhloinbjadfgfmenihmfmahmk。 版本应该匹配,但通常延迟更新,因为审核需要更长的时间,因为此扩展名...
OpenSourced !! 此插件适用于具有自定义URL的自托管Git主机。 请白名单而不是启用所有URL。 非自我托管的简单版本是...
This is a much needed book recognizing that VSC technology is rapidly developing as it applies to electric power systems. It is so rapid that it is challenging to keep up with VSC confi gurations and ...
It is fully open sourced but also published on Google Play. You can discuss how-tos and best practices on creating an Android App around Protein. Attention Due to the breaking change of Dribbble ...
POC-T并发渗透测试工具包 脚本调用框架,用于渗透测试中 采集|爬虫|爆破|批量PoC 等需要并发的任务。脚本收录欢迎提交PoC及实用脚本(提PR或邮件联系i@cdxy.me),您贡献的PoC相关信息将会在以下位置公开。...
It is the first open-sourced system that can achieve 70+ mAP (72.3 mAP) on COCO dataset and 80+ mAP (82.1 mAP) on MPII dataset. To associate poses that indicates the same person across frames, we ...
Codename One is a mature open source project and its roots go back to Sun Microsystems (2006) where one of its core underlying components was developed and open sourced. This open source project ...
We've also open sourced our iOS app, written in Swift: check it out here. Read more about our journey to open source here. Getting Started Follow these instructions to build and run the pro
Text Edit for Android ...SUMMARY Simple notepad app to open, edit and save text files to and from the SD card. ** Some features -- open email attachments ...This app has been open sourced
在密歇根州创建非营利组织的开源指南松弛度: #501c3 项目描述:该项目将概述成为密歇根州公认的501c3非营利组织的步骤。 成为501c3是IRS(联邦政府)的简称,在此之前,您必须在自己所在的州进行组织,该州的规则...
人工智能-项目实践-智能问答-Chinese Visual Question Answering 中文看图问答 Problems This is a very difficult problem combining both image and NLP. ...No high-quality open-sourced VQA code on gi
TensorFlow, open sourced to the public by Google in November 2015, was made to be flexible, efficient, extensible, and portable. Computers of any shape and size can run it, from smartphones all the ...
TGC-Bot-Open-Sourced 我已经工作了一段时间的一个小型趣味小组的discord.js机器人。 每次机器人更新时,此信息都会更新。指令力量帮助欧宝宣布加入不和谐( ) 加入不和谐服务器,查看小组和游戏的更新。设置1.安装...
TOra is an open sourced Oracle DB server administration toolkit. Here is it‘s source code for Unix (include Linux) and MS Windows.