Chapter 2 Overview of Supervised learning
2.1 几个常用且意义相同的术语:
inputs在统计类的文献中,叫做predictors, 但经典叫法是independently variables,在模式识别中,叫做feature.
outputs,叫做responses, 经典叫法是dependently variables.
2.2 给出了回归和分类问题的基本定义
2.3 介绍两类简单的预测方法: Least square 和 KNN:
Least square产生的linear decision boundary的特点: low variance but potentially high bias;
KNN wiggly and unstabla,也就是high variance and low bias.
A large subset of the most popular techniques in use today are variants of these two simple procedures. In fact 1-nearest-neighbor, the simplest of all, captures a large percentage of the market for low-dimensional problems. The following list describes some ways in which these simple procedures have been enhanced:
~ Kernel methods use weights that decrease smoothly to zero with distance from the target point, ather than the e®ective 0=1 weights used by k-nearest neighbors.
~In high-dimensional spaces the distance kernels are modified to emphasize some variable more than others.
~Local regression fits linear models by locally weighted least squares rather than fitting constants locally.
~Linear models fit to a basis expansion of the original inputs allow arbitrarily complex models.
~Projection pursuit and neural network models consist of sums of non-linearly transformed linear models.
2.4 统计决策的理论分析
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《The Elements of Statistical Learning》是一本由Trevor Hastie / Robert Tibshiran著作,Springer出版的Hardcover图书,本书只是提供了机器学习、数据挖掘、模式识别等领域的统计学观点,所以还是建议继续阅读...
The Elements of Statistical LearningThe Elements of Statistical LearningThe Elements of Statistical Learning
–William Edwards Deming (1900-1993)1 We have been gratified by the popularity of the first edition of The Elements of Statistical Learning. This, along with the fast pace of research in the ...
根据提供的信息,《统计学习元素》(The Elements of Statistical Learning)是一本关于数据挖掘、推断与预测领域的权威著作。本书的作者包括 Trevor Hastie、Robert Tibshirani 和 Jerome Friedman,他们是统计学习...
来自于斯坦福大学统计学院Hastie教授的经典教材,(ESL高清彩色英文+中文)The Elements of Statistical Learning。内容广泛,包括有监督学习、无监督学习等等,是从事数据挖掘和机器学习研究的经典教材。
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The Elements of Statistical Learning: Data Mining, Inference, and Prediction. 和之前上传的略有差别,这个要更好。
《统计学习要素》第二版是一本深受欢迎的统计学与机器学习领域的经典著作。这本书由Trevor Hastie、Robert Tibshirani和Jerome Friedman合著,详细介绍了现代统计学习理论和技术,对于理解数据挖掘、预测分析以及...
《统计学习基础-数据挖掘、推理与预测》 The Elements of Statistical Learning:Data Mining, Inference, and Prediction:Travor Hastie(2ed) 2018 中文+英文合并版第2版+习题答案
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We have been gratified by the ...Elements of Statistical Learning. This, along with the fast pace of research in the statistical learning field, motivated us to update our book with a second edition.