the related error occurs when a object is saved. DFC checks the
i_vstamp attribute of the object you previously obtained with
dfSession.getObject() and the current i_vstamp value of the object in
the repository. If the values are different, it means that the object
was in the meantime changed -> DFC throws that error.
fetch() , the object is reloaded from the docbase and it is in the
actual state(i_vstamp is now the same as in the docbase) and the save
method can process without any problem.
be aware tho, that calling fetch()
has a big overhead. Try finding why it is happening rather than just calling fetch()
dm_env :DeepMind RL环境API 该软件包描述了用于Python强化学习(RL)环境的界面。 它由以下核心组件组成: dm_env.Environment :RL环境的抽象基类。 dm_env.TimeStep :一个容器类,表示每个时间步(过渡)上...
VLC media player is a free and open source cross-platform multimedia player ...VLC for Android is a full audio player, with a complete database, an equalizer and filters, playing all weird audio formats.
need to explicitly declare this, or we get some weird infinite loop llist template TestRegistry TestRegistry::gHead .
Web开发源码javascript_the_weird_parts Javascript是现代开发人员需要知道并且非常了解的语言。 真正了解Javascript会给您带来一份工作,并使您能够构建高质量的Web和服务器应用程序。 注意:本课程包括有关Java下...
在这个"weird_proxies:反向代理备忘单"中,我们将深入探讨反向代理的基本概念、其在安全中的作用以及与pentesting(渗透测试)相关的要点。 首先,让我们理解反向代理的工作原理。当用户访问一个网站时,他们的...
#由有才华的学生创建的句子生成器这是一个带有许多私人笑话的怪异句子生成器。这是beta 4.0版本(到目前为止我还没有真正算过),我很想获得反馈和建议!链接到演讲本身:
标题" Weird_Deal:排名前5位的奇特交易传单"似乎是在指一个项目或活动,其中包含了一些非同寻常或者创意独特的交易案例。在IT行业中,这可能是一个编程挑战、竞赛或者是一个展示创新交易逻辑的开源项目。关键词"奇特...
"weird_fiction"是一个可能与奇异或怪诞小说相关的项目,而标签“JupyterNotebook”表明这个压缩包可能包含一系列使用Jupyter Notebook创建的文件。Jupyter Notebook是一款广泛用于数据分析、机器学习和教学的交互式...
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Track the current task - that way we can know whether there s any weird events, such as a task being switched away that is not current.
标题"Msn_Weird"可能指的是一个与MSN(Microsoft Network)相关的奇怪或不寻常的现象,这可能是由于某种特定的字体问题。在IT领域,特别是软件使用和开发中,"Weird"经常用来形容那些出乎意料的行为或者难以解决的...
标题 "Weird" 可能是指一种独特或者非传统的字体设计,这在视觉艺术和排版领域中很常见。在IT行业中,字体是至关重要的元素,因为它不仅影响文本的可读性,还对用户界面(UI)的整体美学和品牌识别度产生深远影响。 ...
需要程序员经常刷题吗范围属性访问器 将范围访问器添加到 ruby。...:some_weird_primate_only_counter protected_attr_reader :some_weird_counter end class Monkey < Primate # Monkey can def
初级入门吉他谱 guitar tab
All packages now have version suffix (e.g. EurekaLogCore240.bpl). No files are copied to \bin folder of IDE. Run-time package (EurekaLogCore) is copied to Windows\System32 folder. Refer to help for ...
HME规模的 车用数字照明板此卡旨在以H0比例数字照明ACME Gran Confort Press&Conference 50411汽车。 它明确设计在车架的结构尺寸上,以最大限度地提高发光真实感,从而确保独立照明的所有区域: 脉管休息室咖啡店...
Well you may have unpacked/dumped the script exe-stub found out the exact original version, downloaded the original from the AutoIT site archive and now compare the original stub aka AutoItSC.bin ...