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Clojure 1.2 is released


I'm pleased to announce today the release of Clojure 1.2.




For maven/leiningen users, your settings to get the beta from

build.clojure.org/releases are:


        :dependencies [[org.clojure/clojure "1.2.0"]

                   [org.clojure/clojure-contrib "1.2.0"]


This release includes many significant new features, such as protocols

and datatypes; enhancements to existing features like the sequence

library, destructuring and agents; support for annotations, etc. In

addition, it incorporates many enhancements first developed and

nurtured in clojure-contrib like I/O, string and pretty printing



This release reflects the work of many people in addition to myself,

and I'd like to thank all of the contributors who've submitted fix and

enhancement patches, and everyone in the community who has

participated in terrific dialog that surrounds the development and use

of Clojure.


Congrats and thanks to the contrib authors whose work has made it into

the release:


Chas Emerick

Tom Faulhaber

Stephen Gilardi

Christophe Grand

Stuart Halloway

Chris Houser

David Liebke

Michel Salim

Stuart Sierra


I'd especially like to thank Stuart Halloway and the rest of the

Clojure/core team for their tireless effort in authoring, screening

and applying patches, setting up build machines, monitoring the

mailing list, cutting releases etc. Their help greatly facilitates my

ability to concentrate on the core design issues, and builds the

foundation for increasing community involvement. A lot of work goes

into Clojure. The team's effort is enabled and funded by the Clojure/

core practice (http://clojure.com).


The full list of enhancements and changes is here:




and the fixed tickets are here:




What's next? Plenty! There are a few fixes and enhancements too

impactful to squeeze into this release that we hope to get out there

ASAP. I've done a ton of work already on enhanced primitive support

and call linkage that will be moving into master. Design work is

proceeding on many fronts. I'm looking forward to the increasing

capability and maturity of Clojure, and the growth of the community.


Thanks to all involved!






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