com.ibm.etools.j2ee.commonarchivecore.exception.NoModuleFileException: A file does not exist for module element having uri: XXX.war
at com.ibm.etools.j2ee.commonarchivecore.impl.ModuleRefImpl.checkType(ModuleRefImpl.java:492)
at com.ibm.etools.j2ee.commonarchivecore.impl.ModuleRefImpl.initModuleFileFromEAR(ModuleRefImpl.java:120)
This can happen if you start changing your build path.
1. Using RAD, take a look at your build path. Right click on the project -> Build Path -> Configure Build Path
2. Click on the Source tab. Take note of what is listed.
3. Open up the file org.eclipse.wst.common.component
4. Is there something listed in the component file that is not listed in the build path? Specifically, something you thought you had gotten rid of, or perhaps something that has a build error in it?
I was trying to debug a problem by manipulating the build path to not include the areas that didn't compile. It pulled them from the build path file, but not this second file. My Java directory showed no errors (because it wasn't in the build path), and my Enterprise Application showed no errors (because it took stuff from the Java project). But, when it tried to start, that's when it found the error, and BURIED it underneath not finding a WAR file -- which it couldn't find, because there were buried errors.
Note: The project having an error is key on this. If there's no error, or if the directory is completely empty, or even missing, it would probably still come up with no problems. And then, many days from now, you add something to that folder which you forgot all about.....and you get this.
标题 "does not exist. 解决 /root/.Xauthority does not exist" 涉及到的是一个常见的 Linux 系统问题,通常在使用图形界面(如 X Window System)或通过 SSH 远程连接时遇到。这个问题指出,系统找不到 `/root/....
Code::Blocks – The file does not exist. 1. Code::Blocks Could not open the file '/home/strong/codeblocks_work/Fire-master/src/bubble/config.cpp'. The file does not exist. 2. Build log ...... g++: ...
mysql 1449 : The user specified as a definer ('root'@'%') does not exist 解决方法
“Controller does not exist.”登陆后台突然是这个提示登陆不上后台了。 入口为:index.php?m=admin 这是控制器不存在错误 应该是改过了系统文件,或者是上传文件缺失。 可以这样做,把phpcms/ 目录下的所有文件和...
在 Windows 操作系统中,`FILE_DOES_NOT_EXIST` 是一个错误代码,通常表示尝试访问的文件不存在于指定的位置。该错误代码在内核模式下通过 `NTSTATUS` 类型来表示,具体的值定义为 `0x00000005`。当应用程序或驱动...
安装sap gui 750后,打开smartforms或scriptforms提示:CSapEditorCtrl::GetObject: Object 13 does not exist的解决方法:安装此安装包后即可解决问题
解决SAPGUI800使用SMARTFORMS创建/编辑文本时报错CSapEditorCtrl::GetObject: Object 15 does not exist的对应版本SAPscript Legacy Text Editor patch安装包
NULL 博文链接:https://snowelf.iteye.com/blog/507976
Warning: /opt/module/sqoop/bin/…/…/hcatalog does not exist! HCatalog jobs will fail. Please set $HCAT_HOME to the root of your HCatalog installation. Warning: /opt/module/sqoop/bin/…/…/accumulo ...
标题 "The skin does not exist: Unable to determine the release version" 提到的问题,通常是与软件部署或更新时出现的错误有关,尤其是与版本控制或者界面显示有关。这可能是指在使用某些开源工具或框架时,系统...
Navicat Premium 16 连接 PostgreSql datlastsysoid does not exist
版本:icloudpd1.7.2(GitHub - icloud-photos-downloader/icloud_photos_downloader: A command-line tool to download photos from iCloud) 错误:KeyError: 'dsInfo' 方案:修改指定文件,增加参数解决不同apple...
一般情况都是因为文件的上级目录不存在浏览权限。...详细说明:Serv_U安装设置以及530 Not logged in, home directory does not exist解决方法安装程序尽量采用最新版本,避免采用默认安装目录,设置好serv-u
今天项目优化过程中,mysql有个问题The user specified as a definer (‘wx_root’@’%’) does not exist 查了一下,意思是执行sql无权限。 看了下数据库用户是quoters 而sql没有所属权。那就找原因了。发现sql执行...
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在MySQL中,`The user specified as a definer ('xxx@'%') does not exist` 这个错误通常出现在尝试执行带有DEFINER语句的SQL对象(如存储过程、触发器或视图)时,DEFINER指定的用户不存在或者没有正确的权限。...
在 Django 框架中,`ObjectDoesNotExist` 和 `DoesNotExist` 是两种常见的异常类型,它们用于处理数据查询未找到结果的情况。了解并正确使用这些异常可以帮助开发者编写更健壮、容错性更强的代码。 `ObjectDoesNot...
Class Does Not Exist(解决方案).md
quartusII 破解后运行仿真出现如下错误的解决办法 Error: Current license file does not support the EP1C6Q240C8 device。