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Shell Commands to Access the Special Folders in Windows 7/Vista/XP

tag: windows,shortcut,shell


The shell: command can be used to open a special folder directly from the Start, Search menu or from the Run dialog. For example, the command shell:sendto opens the SendTo folder (%userprofile%\sendto) of your user profile. To launch the Documents folder of your user profile, you’d type shell:Personal. Below is a complete shell: commands listing for Windows 7/XP/Vista.
The entire listing is stored in the following registry key in Windows 7 & Vista:

New shell: commands in Windows 7

In addition to most of the shell commands in Windows Vista, Windows 7 also has these new commands in addition:

    * shell:Libraries
    * shell:MusicLibrary
    * shell:VideosLibrary
    * shell:OtherUsersFolder
    * shell:Device Metadata Store
    * shell:PublicSuggestedLocations
    * shell:SuggestedLocations
    * shell:RecordedTVLibrary
    * shell:UserProgramFiles
    * shell:DocumentsLibrary
    * shell:User Pinned
    * shell:UsersLibrariesFolder
    * shell:PicturesLibrary
    * shell:ImplicitAppShortcuts
    * shell:UserProgramFilesCommon
    * shell:Ringtones
    * shell:CommonRingtones

shell: commands in Windows Vista

    * shell:Common Programs
    * shell:GameTasks
    * shell:UserProfiles
    * shell:MyComputerFolder
    * shell:SyncSetupFolder
    * shell:DpapiKeys
    * shell:SamplePlaylists
    * shell:Favorites
    * shell:My Video
    * shell:SearchHomeFolder
    * shell:System
    * shell:CommonVideo
    * shell:SyncResultsFolder
    * shell:LocalizedResourcesDir
    * shell:Cookies
    * shell:Original Images
    * shell:CommonMusic
    * shell:My Pictures
    * shell:Cache
    * shell:Downloads
    * shell:CommonDownloads
    * shell:AppData
    * shell:SyncCenterFolder
    * shell:My Music
    * shell:ConflictFolder
    * shell:SavedGames
    * shell:InternetFolder
    * shell:Quick Launch
    * shell:SystemCertificates
    * shell:Contacts
    * shell:TreePropertiesFolder
    * shell:Profile
    * shell:Start Menu
    * shell:Common AppData
    * shell:PhotoAlbums
    * shell:ConnectionsFolder
    * shell:Administrative Tools
    * shell:PrintersFolder
    * shell:Default Gadgets
    * shell:ProgramFilesX86
    * shell:Searches
    * shell:Common Startup
    * shell:ControlPanelFolder
    * shell:SampleVideos
    * shell:SendTo
    * shell:ResourceDir
    * shell:ProgramFiles
    * shell:CredentialManager
    * shell:PrintHood
    * shell:MAPIFolder
    * shell:CD Burning
    * shell:AppUpdatesFolder
    * shell:Common Start Menu
    * shell:LocalAppDataLow
    * shell:Templates
    * shell:Gadgets
    * shell:Programs
    * shell:Recent
    * shell:SampleMusic
    * shell:Desktop
    * shell:CommonPictures
    * shell:RecycleBinFolder
    * shell:CryptoKeys
    * shell:Common Templates
    * shell:Startup
    * shell:Links
    * shell:OEM Links
    * shell:SamplePictures
    * shell:Common Desktop
    * shell:NetHood
    * shell:Games
    * shell:Common Administrative Tools
    * shell:NetworkPlacesFolder
    * shell:SystemX86
    * shell:History
    * shell:AddNewProgramsFolder
    * shell:Playlists
    * shell:ProgramFilesCommonX86
    * shell:PublicGameTasks
    * shell:ChangeRemoveProgramsFolder
    * shell:Public
    * shell:Common Documents
    * shell:CSCFolder
    * shell:Local AppData
    * shell:Windows
    * shell:UsersFilesFolder
    * shell:ProgramFilesCommon
    * shell:Fonts
    * shell:Personal

shell: commands in Windows XP

    * shell:Common Programs
    * shell:Favorites
    * shell:My Video
    * shell:System
    * shell:CommonVideo
    * shell:LocalizedResourcesDir
    * shell:Cookies
    * shell:My Pictures
    * shell:Cache
    * shell:AppData
    * shell:My Music
    * shell:InternetFolder
    * shell:Profile
    * shell:Start Menu
    * shell:Common AppData
    * shell:ConnectionsFolder
    * shell:Administrative Tools
    * shell:PrintersFolder
    * shell:ProgramFiles
    * shell:Common Startup
    * shell:ControlPanelFolder
    * shell:SendTo
    * shell:ResourceDir
    * shell:ProgramFiles
    * shell:PrintHood
    * shell:CD Burning
    * shell:Common Start Menu
    * shell:Templates
    * shell:Programs
    * shell:Recent
    * shell:Desktop
    * shell:CommonPictures
    * shell:RecycleBinFolder
    * shell:Common Templates
    * shell:Startup
    * shell:Common Desktop
    * shell:NetHood
    * shell:Common Administrative Tools
    * shell:SystemX86
    * shell:History
    * shell:Common Documents
    * shell:Local AppData
    * shell:Windows
    * shell:Fonts
    * shell:Personal



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