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ASP.NET 导出Excel 和csv -
ASP.NET 导出Excel乱码的终极解决 -
zcl920 写道只能说 看不懂。要发就发全 取一段出来 有什 ...
图片上绘制文字换行处理 -
只能说 看不懂。要发就发全 取一段出来 有什么用。
图片上绘制文字换行处理 -
create function [dbo].[fGetPy](@words nvarchar(2000)) returns varchar(8000) as begin declare @word nchar(1) declare @pinyin varchar(8000) declare @i int declare @words_len int declare @unicode int set @i = 1 set @words = ltrim(rtrim(@words)) set @words_len = len(@words) while (@i <= @words_len) --循环取字符 begin set @word = substring(@words, @i, 1) set @unicode = unicode(@word) set @pinyin = ISNULL(@pinyin +SPACE(1),'')+ (case when unicode(@word) between 19968 and 19968+20901 then (select top 1 py from ( select 'a' as py,N'厑' as word union all select 'ai',N'靉' union all select 'an',N'黯' union all select 'ang',N'醠' union all select 'ao',N'驁' union all select 'ba',N'欛' union all select 'bai',N'瓸' --韛兡瓸 union all select 'ban',N'瓣' union all select 'bang',N'鎊' union all select 'bao',N'鑤' union all select 'bei',N'鐾' union all select 'ben',N'輽' union all select 'beng',N'鏰' union all select 'bi',N'鼊' union all select 'bian',N'變' union all select 'biao',N'鰾' union all select 'bie',N'彆' union all select 'bin',N'鬢' union all select 'bing',N'靐' union all select 'bo',N'蔔' union all select 'bu',N'簿' union all select 'ca',N'囃' union all select 'cai',N'乲' --縩乲 union all select 'can',N'爘' union all select 'cang',N'賶' union all select 'cao',N'鼜' union all select 'ce',N'簎' union all select 'cen',N'笒' union all select 'ceng',N'乽' --硛硳岾猠乽 union all select 'cha',N'詫' union all select 'chai',N'囆' union all select 'chan',N'顫' union all select 'chang',N'韔' union all select 'chao',N'觘' union all select 'che',N'爡' union all select 'chen',N'讖' union all select 'cheng',N'秤' union all select 'chi',N'鷘' union all select 'chong',N'銃' union all select 'chou',N'殠' union all select 'chu',N'矗' union all select 'chuai',N'踹' union all select 'chuan',N'鶨' union all select 'chuang',N'愴' union all select 'chui',N'顀' union all select 'chun',N'蠢' union all select 'chuo',N'縒' union all select 'ci',N'嗭' --賜嗭 union all select 'cong',N'謥' union all select 'cou',N'輳' union all select 'cu',N'顣' union all select 'cuan',N'爨' union all select 'cui',N'臎' union all select 'cun',N'籿' union all select 'cuo',N'錯' union all select 'da',N'橽' union all select 'dai',N'靆' union all select 'dan',N'饏' union all select 'dang',N'闣' union all select 'dao',N'纛' union all select 'de',N'的' union all select 'den',N'扽' union all select 'deng',N'鐙' union all select 'di',N'螮' union all select 'dia',N'嗲' union all select 'dian',N'驔' union all select 'diao',N'鑃' union all select 'die',N'嚸' --眰嚸 union all select 'ding',N'顁' union all select 'diu',N'銩' union all select 'dong',N'霘' union all select 'dou',N'鬭' union all select 'du',N'蠹' union all select 'duan',N'叾' --籪叾 union all select 'dui',N'譵' union all select 'dun',N'踲' union all select 'duo',N'鵽' union all select 'e',N'鱷' union all select 'en',N'摁' union all select 'eng',N'鞥' union all select 'er',N'樲' union all select 'fa',N'髮' union all select 'fan',N'瀪' union all select 'fang',N'放' union all select 'fei',N'靅' union all select 'fen',N'鱝' union all select 'feng',N'覅' union all select 'fo',N'梻' union all select 'fou',N'鴀' union all select 'fu',N'猤' --鰒猤 union all select 'ga',N'魀' union all select 'gai',N'瓂' union all select 'gan',N'灨' union all select 'gang',N'戇' union all select 'gao',N'鋯' union all select 'ge',N'獦' union all select 'gei',N'給' union all select 'gen',N'搄' union all select 'geng',N'堩' --亙堩啹喼嗰 union all select 'gong',N'兣' --熕贑兝兣 union all select 'gou',N'購' union all select 'gu',N'顧' union all select 'gua',N'詿' union all select 'guai',N'恠' union all select 'guan',N'鱹' union all select 'guang',N'撗' union all select 'gui',N'鱥' union all select 'gun',N'謴' union all select 'guo',N'腂' union all select 'ha',N'哈' union all select 'hai',N'饚' union all select 'han',N'鶾' union all select 'hang',N'沆' union all select 'hao',N'兞' union all select 'he',N'靏' union all select 'hei',N'嬒' union all select 'hen',N'恨' union all select 'heng',N'堼' --堼囍 union all select 'hong',N'鬨' union all select 'hou',N'鱟' union all select 'hu',N'鸌' union all select 'hua',N'蘳' union all select 'huai',N'蘾' union all select 'huan',N'鰀' union all select 'huang',N'鎤' union all select 'hui',N'顪' union all select 'hun',N'諢' union all select 'huo',N'夻' union all select 'ji',N'驥' union all select 'jia',N'嗧' union all select 'jian',N'鑳' union all select 'jiang',N'謽' union all select 'jiao',N'釂' union all select 'jie',N'繲' union all select 'jin',N'齽' union all select 'jing',N'竸' union all select 'jiong',N'蘔' union all select 'jiu',N'欍' union all select 'ju',N'爠' union all select 'juan',N'羂' union all select 'jue',N'钁' union all select 'jun',N'攈' union all select 'ka',N'鉲' union all select 'kai',N'乫' --鎎乫 union all select 'kan',N'矙' union all select 'kang',N'閌' union all select 'kao',N'鯌' union all select 'ke',N'騍' union all select 'ken',N'褃' union all select 'keng',N'鏗' --巪乬唟厼怾 union all select 'kong',N'廤' union all select 'kou',N'鷇' union all select 'ku',N'嚳' union all select 'kua',N'骻' union all select 'kuai',N'鱠' union all select 'kuan',N'窾' union all select 'kuang',N'鑛' union all select 'kui',N'鑎' union all select 'kun',N'睏' union all select 'kuo',N'穒' union all select 'la',N'鞡' union all select 'lai',N'籟' union all select 'lan',N'糷' union all select 'lang',N'唥' union all select 'lao',N'軂' union all select 'le',N'餎' union all select 'lei',N'脷' --嘞脷 union all select 'leng',N'睖' union all select 'li',N'瓈' union all select 'lia',N'倆' union all select 'lian',N'纞' union all select 'liang',N'鍄' union all select 'liao',N'瞭' union all select 'lie',N'鱲' union all select 'lin',N'轥' --轥拎 union all select 'ling',N'炩' union all select 'liu',N'咯' --瓼甅囖咯 union all select 'long',N'贚' union all select 'lou',N'鏤' union all select 'lu',N'氇' union all select 'lv',N'鑢' union all select 'luan',N'亂' union all select 'lue',N'擽' union all select 'lun',N'論' union all select 'luo',N'鱳' union all select 'ma',N'嘛' union all select 'mai',N'霢' union all select 'man',N'蘰' union all select 'mang',N'蠎' union all select 'mao',N'唜' union all select 'me',N'癦' --癦呅 union all select 'mei',N'嚜' union all select 'men',N'們' union all select 'meng',N'霥' --霿踎 union all select 'mi',N'羃' union all select 'mian',N'麵' union all select 'miao',N'廟' union all select 'mie',N'鱴' --鱴瓱 union all select 'min',N'鰵' union all select 'ming',N'詺' union all select 'miu',N'謬' union all select 'mo',N'耱' --耱乮 union all select 'mou',N'麰' --麰蟱 union all select 'mu',N'旀' union all select 'na',N'魶' union all select 'nai',N'錼' union all select 'nan',N'婻' union all select 'nang',N'齉' union all select 'nao',N'臑' union all select 'ne',N'呢' union all select 'nei',N'焾' --嫩焾 union all select 'nen',N'嫩' union all select 'neng',N'能' --莻嗯鈪銰啱 union all select 'ni',N'嬺' union all select 'nian',N'艌' union all select 'niang',N'釀' union all select 'niao',N'脲' union all select 'nie',N'钀' union all select 'nin',N'拰' union all select 'ning',N'濘' union all select 'niu',N'靵' union all select 'nong',N'齈' union all select 'nou',N'譳' union all select 'nu',N'搙' union all select 'nv',N'衄' union all select 'nue',N'瘧' union all select 'nuan',N'燶' --硸黁燶郍 union all select 'nuo',N'桛' union all select 'o',N'鞰' --毮夞乯鞰 union all select 'ou',N'漚' union all select 'pa',N'袙' union all select 'pai',N'磗' --鎃磗 union all select 'pan',N'鑻' union all select 'pang',N'胖' union all select 'pao',N'礮' union all select 'pei',N'轡' union all select 'pen',N'喯' union all select 'peng',N'喸' --浌巼闏乶喸 union all select 'pi',N'鸊' union all select 'pian',N'騙' union all select 'piao',N'慓' union all select 'pie',N'嫳' union all select 'pin',N'聘' union all select 'ping',N'蘋' union all select 'po',N'魄' union all select 'pou',N'哛' --兺哛 union all select 'pu',N'曝' union all select 'qi',N'蟿' union all select 'qia',N'髂' union all select 'qian',N'縴' union all select 'qiang',N'瓩' --羻兛瓩 union all select 'qiao',N'躈' union all select 'qie',N'籡' union all select 'qin',N'藽' union all select 'qing',N'櫦' union all select 'qiong',N'瓗' union all select 'qiu',N'糗' union all select 'qu',N'覻' union all select 'quan',N'勸' union all select 'que',N'礭' union all select 'qun',N'囕' union all select 'ran',N'橪' union all select 'rang',N'讓' union all select 'rao',N'繞' union all select 're',N'熱' union all select 'ren',N'餁' union all select 'reng',N'陾' union all select 'ri',N'馹' union all select 'rong',N'穃' union all select 'rou',N'嶿' union all select 'ru',N'擩' union all select 'ruan',N'礝' union all select 'rui',N'壡' union all select 'run',N'橍' --橍挼 union all select 'ruo',N'鶸' union all select 'sa',N'栍' --櫒栍 union all select 'sai',N'虄' --簺虄 union all select 'san',N'閐' union all select 'sang',N'喪' union all select 'sao',N'髞' union all select 'se',N'飋' --裇聓 union all select 'sen',N'篸' union all select 'seng',N'縇' --閪縇 union all select 'sha',N'霎' union all select 'shai',N'曬' union all select 'shan',N'鱔' union all select 'shang',N'緔' union all select 'shao',N'潲' union all select 'she',N'欇' union all select 'shen',N'瘮' union all select 'sheng',N'賸' union all select 'shi',N'瓧' --鰘齛兙瓧 union all select 'shou',N'鏉' union all select 'shu',N'虪' union all select 'shua',N'誜' union all select 'shuai',N'卛' union all select 'shuan',N'腨' union all select 'shuang',N'灀' union all select 'shui',N'睡' union all select 'shun',N'鬊' union all select 'shuo',N'鑠' union all select 'si',N'乺' --瀃螦乺 union all select 'song',N'鎹' union all select 'sou',N'瘶' union all select 'su',N'鷫' union all select 'suan',N'算' union all select 'sui',N'鐩' union all select 'sun',N'潠' union all select 'suo',N'蜶' union all select 'ta',N'襨' --躢襨 union all select 'tai',N'燤' union all select 'tan',N'賧' union all select 'tang',N'燙' union all select 'tao',N'畓' --討畓 union all select 'te',N'蟘' union all select 'teng',N'朰' --霯唞朰 union all select 'ti',N'趯' union all select 'tian',N'舚' union all select 'tiao',N'糶' union all select 'tie',N'餮' union all select 'ting',N'乭' --濎乭 union all select 'tong',N'憅' union all select 'tou',N'透' union all select 'tu',N'鵵' union all select 'tuan',N'褖' union all select 'tui',N'駾' union all select 'tun',N'坉' union all select 'tuo',N'籜' union all select 'wa',N'韤' union all select 'wai',N'顡' union all select 'wan',N'贎' union all select 'wang',N'朢' union all select 'wei',N'躛' union all select 'wen',N'璺' union all select 'weng',N'齆' union all select 'wo',N'齷' union all select 'wu',N'鶩' union all select 'xi',N'衋' union all select 'xia',N'鏬' union all select 'xian',N'鼸' union all select 'xiang',N'鱌' union all select 'xiao',N'斆' union all select 'xie',N'躞' union all select 'xin',N'釁' union all select 'xing',N'臖' union all select 'xiong',N'敻' union all select 'xiu',N'齅' union all select 'xu',N'蓿' union all select 'xuan',N'贙' union all select 'xue',N'瀥' union all select 'xun',N'鑂' union all select 'ya',N'齾' union all select 'yan',N'灩' union all select 'yang',N'樣' union all select 'yao',N'鑰' union all select 'ye',N'岃' --鸈膶岃 union all select 'yi',N'齸' union all select 'yin',N'檼' union all select 'ying',N'譍' union all select 'yo',N'喲' union all select 'yong',N'醟' union all select 'you',N'鼬' union all select 'yu',N'爩' union all select 'yuan',N'願' union all select 'yue',N'鸙' union all select 'yun',N'韻' union all select 'za',N'雥' union all select 'zai',N'縡' union all select 'zan',N'饡' union all select 'zang',N'臟' union all select 'zao',N'竈' union all select 'ze',N'稄' union all select 'zei',N'鱡' union all select 'zen',N'囎' union all select 'zeng',N'贈' union all select 'zha',N'醡' union all select 'zhai',N'瘵' union all select 'zhan',N'驏' union all select 'zhang',N'瞕' union all select 'zhao',N'羄' union all select 'zhe',N'鷓' union all select 'zhen',N'黮' union all select 'zheng',N'證' union all select 'zhi',N'豒' union all select 'zhong',N'諥' union all select 'zhou',N'驟' union all select 'zhu',N'鑄' union all select 'zhua',N'爪' union all select 'zhuai',N'跩' union all select 'zhuan',N'籑' union all select 'zhuang',N'戅' union all select 'zhui',N'鑆' union all select 'zhun',N'稕' union all select 'zhuo',N'籱' union all select 'zi',N'漬' --漬唨 union all select 'zong',N'縱' union all select 'zou',N'媰' union all select 'zu',N'謯' union all select 'zuan',N'攥' union all select 'zui',N'欈' union all select 'zun',N'銌' union all select 'zuo',N'咗') t where word >= @word collate Chinese_PRC_CS_AS_KS_WS order by word ASC) else @word end) set @i = @i + 1 end return replace(@pinyin,' ','') END
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标题"根据汉字获取拼音,并能做比较"所指的知识点主要涉及汉字转拼音技术以及基于拼音的比较方法。 汉字转拼音是将汉字转换为其对应的汉语拼音的过程,这是中文信息处理的基础之一。在Python中,有一个名为`...
### 根据汉字获取拼音的代码解析 在中文信息处理领域,将汉字转换为拼音是一项基本而重要的功能。本文将详细介绍一个用C#编写的函数,该函数能够实现这一目标。 #### 函数定义与参数说明 这段代码由两个静态方法...
js中处理汉字转拼音的基础js文件包。可以获取汉字对应的拼音,首字母等。只有几个简单的方法。 easyui中可以为combobox控件增加拼音检索下拉选项效果。具体方法看这个帖子 ... 本来想设置0资源分的,奈何csdn定的最低...
对于获取拼音首字母,可以使用`System.Globalization.ChineseLunisolarCalendar`类,但这需要一些复杂的处理,且结果可能不完全准确。 2. 第三方库Pinyin4Net: Pinyin4Net是一个非常流行的C#库,专门用于处理中文...
PHP 汉字转拼音及获取拼音首字母 PHP 是一种服务器端脚本语言,广泛应用于 Web 开发领域。在处理汉字数据时,需要将汉字转换为拼音,以便于数据处理和检索。下面将详细介绍 PHP 中汉字转拼音及获取拼音首字母的...
这种方法通常需要预先将所有汉字对应的拼音存储在数据库表中,然后通过查询这个表来获取拼音。虽然这种方式较为繁琐,但可以在不引入外部依赖的情况下实现。 5. **使用第三方工具** 除了Oracle内置的工具,还可以...
方法如下: 1:把该dll添加引用到项目中 2: //返回拼音 string pinyin = "爱编程".Pinyin(); //返回 AiBianCheng //返回首字母 string szm = "爱编程".Pinyin(true); //返回 ABC
本篇文章将深入探讨如何实现“通过汉字获取拼音源码”,并提供相关的编程实现。 首先,我们需要理解汉字与拼音之间的关系。汉字是中文的主要书写系统,而拼音则是用拉丁字母表示汉字发音的一种方式。在国际音标和...
对于无法获取拼音的汉字,描述中提到可以自动保存,这样可以在后续的程序运行中不断完善拼音库。 4. **处理拼音**:在找到汉字的拼音后,提取首字母。由于汉字的拼音可能是多音字,我们需要处理所有可能的首字母。...
VBA获取拼音源码.xlsm 两个自定义函数 一个是获取单个字符的拼音 一个是获取中文句子的拼音 可以直接当函数使用
获取拼音首字母通常用于快速索引或创建缩写,例如在搜索引擎中,用户可以通过输入关键词的首字母快速找到目标信息。而获取全拼则更适用于需要完整拼音的场景,如语音识别或自动文本纠错。 字符集的选择对于跨平台和...
在VB(Visual Basic)编程环境中,我们可以利用特定的库或者自定义方法来实现输入汉字获取拼音的功能。这个小程序的核心在于将汉字转化为对应的拼音,这通常涉及到汉字与拼音之间的编码转换。下面将详细介绍如何实现...
2. **汉字拆分**:由于一个汉字可能有多个读音,需要根据上下文或特定规则来确定正确的拼音。 3. **拼音转换**:将汉字转换为其拼音形式,包括声母、韵母和声调。 4. **首字母拼音**:从全拼音中提取出每个汉字的...