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在网络上找了下解析json格式文件的源代码,好久都没找到。 比如得到一个json格式的任意文件,便可以知道其内部的格式和内容。于是便写了一个。下面是自己写的解析内容。
package com.utils; import org.json.JSONArray; import org.json.JSONException; import org.json.JSONObject; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Stack; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; /** * * 1. what are in the stack: * two parts: the name of jsonObject or jsonArray, the sign after: [ or {. Such as: data[, observation{. * the reason for the sign after put into the stack is to know it is a jsonObject or jsonArray. * what are in the stack are the parent jsonItem that the children will be put into. * 2. the result. * you will get one JSONItem object. It is the "outest" JSONObject. * you can get others by its children and its children's children. * @author yuanbo han * */ public class JSONParser { public static final String icons_regex = "[\\{\\}\\[\\]]"; public static final String signs_split_regex = "[:,\\{\\}\\[\\]]"; public static final String all_sign_regex_for_remove = "[:,\"\\{\\}\\[\\]]"; public static final String attribute_regex = "[,\\{\\}\\[\\]]"; private String jsonString; private Object container; public JSONParser(String jsonString) { super(); this.jsonString = jsonString; } public JSONItem getOutestJSONItem(){ if(!this.isJsonFormat(jsonString)){ JSONItem item = new JSONItem(); item.setName("format error"); item.setType(null); item.setChildren(null); item.setAttributes(null); return item; } List<JSONItem> items = new ArrayList<JSONItem>(); JSONItem outest = new JSONItem(); outest.setName("outest"); outest.setType(JSONItem.OBJECT); items.add(outest);//put a outest JSONItem. No name for it, so I set outest. Stack<String> stack = new Stack<String>(); Matcher matcher = Pattern.compile(signs_split_regex).matcher(jsonString); int last_sign_index = 0;// in order to find what I want, two indexes help to locate where it is. This is the first one. JSONItem current = outest; while(matcher.find()){ int sign_index = matcher.start();// in order to find what I want, two indexes help to locate where it is. This is the second one. String sign = matcher.group(); if(!sign.trim().equals(",")){ if(sign.trim().equals(":")){//the outer jsonObject or jsonArray. The string before the colon is the name. Or the attributes. if(getCodeBefore(jsonString,sign_index).equals("\"")){ String code_after = getCodeAfter(jsonString,sign_index);//{ , [ or other things. if(code_after.matches(icons_regex)){//{ or [. jsonArray or jsonObject String name_origin = jsonString.substring(last_sign_index, sign_index).trim(); String name = removeSigns(name_origin); JSONItem item = new JSONItem(); item.setName(name); if(isJsonObjectItem(code_after)){ item.setType(JSONItem.OBJECT); }else{ item.setType(JSONItem.ARRAY); } items.add(item); current = item;// current jsonItem. This is for the attribute part. to get whose attribute it is. String parentName = removeSigns(stack.peek()); JSONItem parent = getJSONItem(items,parentName); if(parent != null){ parent.addChild(item); } stack.push(name+code_after); }else if(isAttribute(jsonString,sign_index)){// attributes String key_origin = jsonString.substring(last_sign_index, sign_index); String key = removeSigns(key_origin); String value = getAttributeValueAfter(jsonString,sign_index); current.addAttribute(key,value); } } }else{// "[" or "]" or "{" or "}". if(!stack.empty()){ String header = stack.peek(); if(isPair(header,sign)){ stack.pop(); }else{ if(!getCodeBefore(jsonString,sign_index).equals(":")){// inner child or array. no name. JSONItem item = new JSONItem(); if(isJsonObjectItem(sign)){ item.setType(JSONItem.OBJECT); }else{ item.setType(JSONItem.ARRAY); } items.add(item); current = item; String parentName = removeSigns(header); JSONItem parent = getJSONItem(items,parentName); if(parent != null){ parent.addChild(item); } stack.push(sign); } } }else{// the first time stack.push("outest" + sign); } } } last_sign_index = sign_index;// if the sign is ",", just remember its position. It is the meaning of the sign "," in the process. To ensure that the String between the last_sign_index and the sign_index does not contain ",". } JSONItem result = getJSONItem(items,"outest");; processJSONItem(result); return result; } /** * to give a name to each child of jsonArray. * @param item */ private void processJSONItem(JSONItem item){ if(item.getChildren() != null && item.getChildren().size() > 0){ int count = 0; for(JSONItem child : item.getChildren()){ if(child.getName().trim().equals("")){ child.setName(item.getName() + "_" +count + ""); count++; } processJSONItem(child); } } } public static String removeSigns(String origin_name){ if(origin_name != null){ String name = origin_name.replaceAll(all_sign_regex_for_remove, "").trim(); return name; } return null; } /** * to find the jsonItem of the give name. * null if not exist. * @param JSONItems * @param name * @return */ public static JSONItem getJSONItem(List<JSONItem> JSONItems, String name){ if(JSONItems != null && name != null && !name.trim().equals("")){ for(JSONItem item : JSONItems){ if(item.getName().trim().equals(name.trim())){ return item; } } } return null; } public static boolean isJsonObjectItem(String sign){ if(sign.trim().equals("{")){ return true; } return false; } public static boolean isPair(String former, String latter){ if(former.contains("{") && latter.contains("}") || former.contains("}") && latter.contains("{") || former.contains("[") && latter.contains("]") || former.contains("]") && latter.contains("[")){ return true; } return false; } /** * Get the one char just right before the index in the content. But the one char does not match "\\s". * @param content * @param index * @return */ public static String getCodeBefore(String content, int index){ for(int i=index-1;i>=0;i--){ String sign = String.valueOf(content.charAt(i)); if(!sign.matches("\\s")){ return sign; } } return null; } /** * Get the one char just right after the index in the content. But the one char does not match "\\s". * @param content * @param index * @return */ public static String getCodeAfter(String content, int index){ for(int i=index+1;i<content.length();i++){ String sign = String.valueOf(content.charAt(i)); if(!sign.matches("\\s")){ return sign; } } return null; } /** * Get the one char just right before the index in the content. But the one char does not match "\\w" and the one char is not blank. * @param content * @param index * @return */ public static String getSignBefore(String content, int index){ for(int i=index-1;i>=0;i--){ String sign = String.valueOf(content.charAt(i)); if(!sign.equals(" ") && !sign.matches("\\w")){ return sign; } } return null; } /** * Get the one char just right after the index in the content. But the one char does not match "\\w" and the one char is not blank. * @param content * @param index * @return */ public static String getSignAfter(String content, int index){ for(int i=index+1;i<content.length();i++){ String sign = String.valueOf(content.charAt(i)); if(!sign.equals(" ") && !sign.matches("\\w")){ return sign; } } return null; } /** * the first_quote_bofore_index and second_quote_bofore_index is to find the name of the attribute. * code_before is to ensure that the sign before the the attribute name is "," or "[" or "{". * @param content * @param index * @return */ public static boolean isAttribute(String content, int index){ int first_quote_bofore_index = content.lastIndexOf("\"", index); if(first_quote_bofore_index == -1){ return false; } int second_quote_bofore_index = content.lastIndexOf("\"",first_quote_bofore_index - 1); if(second_quote_bofore_index == -1){ return false; } String code_before = getCodeBefore(content,second_quote_bofore_index); if(code_before.matches(attribute_regex)){ return true; } return false; } /** * the value of the attribute are object, string, or number * so some are quoted, but some are not. * @param content * @param index * @return */ public static String getAttributeValueAfter(String content, int index){ String result = ""; String icon = getSignAfter(content,index); if(icon.equals("\"")){ int former_quote_index = content.indexOf("\"", index); int latter_quote_index = content.indexOf("\"", former_quote_index + 1); result = content.substring(former_quote_index + 1, latter_quote_index); }else{ int icon_index = content.indexOf(icon, index + 1); result = content.substring(index+1, icon_index); } return result; } public boolean isJsonFormat(String string){ try { new JSONObject(string); } catch (JSONException e) { return false; } return true; } /** * from the root jsonItem. * @param root */ public static void printJSONItem(JSONItem root){ if(root.getName().trim().equals("")){ System.out.println("inner child, " + root.getType()); }else{ System.out.println(root.getName() + ", " + root.getType()); } if(root.getAttributes().size() > 0){ for(String key : root.getAttributes().keySet()){ System.out.println("\t key:" + key + ", value:" + root.getAttributes().get(key)); } } if(root.getChildren().size() > 0){ for(JSONItem item : root.getChildren()){ printJSONItem(item); } } } /** * loop to find the container of the given name in the jsonString * @param container * @param outest * @param name * @return */ private void getContainer(Object container, JSONItem outest, String name){ if(outest != null && container != null && name != null){ if(name.trim().equals("")){ this.container = outest; }else if(name.equals(outest.getName())){ this.container = container; }else{ try { List<JSONItem> children = outest.getChildren(); if(children != null && children.size() > 0){ for(int i=0;i<children.size();i++){ JSONObject jo = null; JSONArray ja = null; if(container instanceof JSONObject){ jo = (JSONObject)container; }else if(container instanceof JSONArray){ ja = (JSONArray)container; } JSONItem child = children.get(i); String child_type = child.getType(); String child_name = child.getName(); if(jo != null){ if(child_type.equals(JSONItem.ARRAY)){ ja = jo.getJSONArray(child_name); getContainer(ja,child,name); }else if(child_type.equals(JSONItem.OBJECT)){ jo = jo.getJSONObject(child_name); getContainer(jo,child,name); } }else if(ja != null){ if(child_type.equals(JSONItem.ARRAY)){ ja = ja.getJSONArray(i); getContainer(ja,child,name); }else if(child_type.equals(JSONItem.OBJECT)){ jo = ja.getJSONObject(i); getContainer(jo,child,name); } } } } } catch (JSONException e) { } } } } public Object getContainerObject(Object container, JSONItem outest, String name) { this.getContainer(container, outest, name); return this.container; } public void setContainer(Object container) { this.container = container; } public String getJsonString() { return jsonString; } public void setJsonString(String jsonString) { this.jsonString = jsonString; } public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception{ String jsonString = FileUtil.getFileContent("c:\\json.txt"); JSONParser parser = new JSONParser(jsonString); JSONItem outest = parser.getOutestJSONItem(); JSONObject jo = new JSONObject(jsonString); String name = "data_5"; Object result = parser.getContainerObject(jo, outest, name); JSONArray ja_container = null; JSONObject jo_container = null; if(result instanceof JSONObject){ jo_container = (JSONObject)result; }else if(result instanceof JSONArray){ ja_container = (JSONArray)result; } if(ja_container != null){ System.out.println(ja_container.length()); }else if(jo_container != null){ System.out.println(jo_container.getInt("sort_order")); } } }
package com.utils; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; public class JSONItem { public static final String ARRAY = "arr"; public static final String OBJECT = "obj"; private String name = "";// name private String type = "";// array or object private Map<String,String> attributes = new LinkedHashMap<String,String>(); private List<JSONItem> children = new ArrayList<JSONItem>(); public JSONItem() { super(); } public JSONItem(String name, String type) { super(); this.name = name; this.type = type; } public String getName() { return name; } public void setName(String name) { this.name = name; } public String getType() { return type; } public void setType(String type) { this.type = type; } public Map<String, String> getAttributes() { return attributes; } public void setAttributes(Map<String, String> attributes) { this.attributes = attributes; } public void addAttribute(String key, String value){ this.attributes.put(key, value); } public List<JSONItem> getChildren() { return children; } public void setChildren(List<JSONItem> children) { this.children = children; } public void addChild(JSONItem child){ this.children.add(child); } @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { if(obj == null){ return false; } if(obj instanceof JSONItem){ JSONItem item = (JSONItem)obj; if(item.getName().equals(this.name) && item.getType().equals(this.name)){ return true; } } return false; } @Override public String toString() { String result = ""; result += ("name: " + name + ", "); result += ("type: " + type + ", "); result += ("attributes: " + attributes.toString() + ", "); result += ("children size: " + children.size()); return result; } }
{ "observations": { "notice": [ { "copyright": "Copyright Commonwealth of Australia 2010, Bureau of Meteorology. 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标题中的“PB解析json,解析JSON案例,解析jsondemo”表明了本文主要关注的是PowerBuilder(简称PB)如何处理JSON数据。在现代软件开发中,JSON(JavaScript Object Notation)是一种广泛使用的轻量级数据交换格式,...
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本案例“VB解析JSON”就是针对这一需求,提供了一种在VB环境中解析JSON数据的方法。 首先,我们需要引入一个VB.NET库,如Newtonsoft.Json,它提供了丰富的功能来序列化和反序列化JSON。在Visual Studio中,可以通过...
本文将深入探讨如何在Java中解析JSON字符串,以满足后端处理前端传递的数据需求。 首先,理解JSON的基本结构至关重要。JSON格式通常包含键值对,可以是对象(用花括号 `{}` 包裹)或数组(用方括号 `[]` 包裹)。...
标题提到的"pb解析json工具"是一种专门用于处理protobuf(简称pb)与JSON两种数据格式相互转换的工具。这两种格式各有优势,广泛应用于不同场景。 首先,让我们了解一下JSON(JavaScript Object Notation)。JSON是...
本主题将深入探讨如何在C++中解析JSON字符串,主要涉及以下几个知识点: 1. **JSON基本结构**:JSON数据由键值对组成,键用双引号包围,值可以是字符串、数字、布尔值、数组、对象或null。例如:`{"name": "John", ...
3. **PB解析JSON**:PowerBuilder提供了一些内置或第三方库来解析JSON数据,例如使用pbjson、jsonobject等类库。解析JSON数据时,首先需要将响应内容转换为字符串,然后使用JSON解析器将字符串转换为数据结构,如数...
### SQL Server 解析 JSON 字符串方法详解 随着 Web 应用和服务的广泛采用,JSON 成为了一种非常流行的轻量级数据交换格式。在 SQL Server 中处理 JSON 数据变得日益重要,尤其是对于那些需要从非结构化数据源提取...
C#的一个解析JSON的工具类,像java一样优雅的解析JSON数据,包含有JSONObject和JSONArray对象。 JSONObject json = new JSONObject(); json.Put("sex", "男"); json.Put("age", 123); json.Put("name", "张三"); ...
在本文中,我们将深入探讨如何使用Gson解析JSON数据,包括处理简单JSON和复杂的JSON结构。 首先,我们要了解JSON的基本概念。JSON(JavaScript Object Notation)是一种轻量级的数据交换格式,易于人阅读和编写,...
**JsonSQL: SQL语句解析JSON文件** 在大数据处理和Web应用中,JSON(JavaScript Object Notation)格式已经成为数据交换的常见格式。然而,对于习惯使用SQL查询关系型数据库的人来说,处理JSON数据可能会觉得不太...
标题中的“VB6解析json类库”指的是一个用于Visual Basic 6(VB6)环境的JSON解析工具。JSON,全称JavaScript Object Notation,是一种轻量级的数据交换格式,广泛应用于Web服务和应用程序之间的数据传输。这个类库...
在ASP中解析JSON数据可以帮助我们从服务器接收或向服务器发送结构化数据。下面我们将详细探讨ASP解析JSON的方法及其对比。 1. ASP内置对象:JSON对象 ASP.NET 2.0及以上版本提供了内置的System.Web.Script....
【PowerBuilder解析JSON半成品】 在IT行业中,PowerBuilder(PB)是一款强大的应用程序开发工具,尤其在企业级应用开发中有着广泛的应用。它以其独特的DataWindow控件和面向对象的编程方式深受开发者喜爱。然而,...
C#中解析JSON通常使用的是Json.NET库,这是一个非常流行且功能强大的开源库,可以方便地进行JSON序列化和反序列化。如果你还没有安装,可以通过NuGet包管理器添加Json.NET到你的项目中。 使用Json.NET解析JSON为...
在winform中解析Json字符串,只需要引用dll,即可解析json成相应的对象,非常方便。 public void GetJson(string sNu) { string sUrl = "******"; WebClient client = new WebClient(); client.Credentials = ...