- 浏览: 150393 次
- 性别:
- 来自: 北京
项目很大 经常要分析数据库 看查询时间
这个插件不仅是分析数据库 还可以在页面上修改 方便测试人员和编码人员
1 拷贝附件
2 rake query_reviewer:setup
QueryReviewer is an advanced SQL query analyzer. It accomplishes the following goals:
* View all EXPLAIN output for all SELECT queries to generate a page (and optionally SHOW PROFILE ALL)
* Rate a page's SQL usage into one of three categories: OK, WARNING, CRITICAL
* Attach meaningful warnings to individual queries, and collections of queries
* Display interactive summary on page
All you have to do is install it. You can optionally run:
rake query_reviewer:setup
Which will create config/query_reviewer.yml, see below for what these options mean. If you don't have a config file,
the plugin will use the default in vendor/plugins/query_reviewer.
The configuration file allows you to set configuration parameters shared across all rails environment, as well as
overriding those shared parameteres with environment-specific parameters (such as disabling analysis on production!)
* enabled: whether any output or query analysis is performed. Set this false in production!
* inject_view: controls whether the output automatically is injected before the </body> in HTML output.
* profiling: when enabled, runs the MySQL SET PROFILING=1 for queries longer than the warn_duration_threshold / 2.0
* production_data: whether the duration of a query should be taken into account (if you don't have real data, don't let
query duration effect you!)
* stack_trace_lines: number of lines of call stack to include in the "short" version of the stack trace
* trace_includes_vendor: whether the "short" verison of the stack trace should include files in /vendor
* trace_includes_lib: whether the "short" verison of the stack trace should include files in /lib
* warn_severity: the severity of problem that merits "WARNING" status
* critical_severity: the severity of problem that merits "CRITICAL" status
* warn_query_count: the number of queries in a single request that merits "WARNING" status
* critical_query_count: the number of queries in a single request that merits "CRITICAL" status
* warn_duration_threshold: how long a query must take in seconds (float) before it's considered "WARNING"
* critical_duration_threshold: how long a query must take in seconds (float) before it's considered "CRITICIAL"
If you disable the inject_view option, you'll need to manually put the analyzer's output into your view:
<%= query_review_output %>
Copyright (c) 2007-2008 Kongregate & David Stevenson, released under the MIT license
项目很大 经常要分析数据库 看查询时间
这个插件不仅是分析数据库 还可以在页面上修改 方便测试人员和编码人员
1 拷贝附件
2 rake query_reviewer:setup
QueryReviewer is an advanced SQL query analyzer. It accomplishes the following goals:
* View all EXPLAIN output for all SELECT queries to generate a page (and optionally SHOW PROFILE ALL)
* Rate a page's SQL usage into one of three categories: OK, WARNING, CRITICAL
* Attach meaningful warnings to individual queries, and collections of queries
* Display interactive summary on page
All you have to do is install it. You can optionally run:
rake query_reviewer:setup
Which will create config/query_reviewer.yml, see below for what these options mean. If you don't have a config file,
the plugin will use the default in vendor/plugins/query_reviewer.
The configuration file allows you to set configuration parameters shared across all rails environment, as well as
overriding those shared parameteres with environment-specific parameters (such as disabling analysis on production!)
* enabled: whether any output or query analysis is performed. Set this false in production!
* inject_view: controls whether the output automatically is injected before the </body> in HTML output.
* profiling: when enabled, runs the MySQL SET PROFILING=1 for queries longer than the warn_duration_threshold / 2.0
* production_data: whether the duration of a query should be taken into account (if you don't have real data, don't let
query duration effect you!)
* stack_trace_lines: number of lines of call stack to include in the "short" version of the stack trace
* trace_includes_vendor: whether the "short" verison of the stack trace should include files in /vendor
* trace_includes_lib: whether the "short" verison of the stack trace should include files in /lib
* warn_severity: the severity of problem that merits "WARNING" status
* critical_severity: the severity of problem that merits "CRITICAL" status
* warn_query_count: the number of queries in a single request that merits "WARNING" status
* critical_query_count: the number of queries in a single request that merits "CRITICAL" status
* warn_duration_threshold: how long a query must take in seconds (float) before it's considered "WARNING"
* critical_duration_threshold: how long a query must take in seconds (float) before it's considered "CRITICIAL"
If you disable the inject_view option, you'll need to manually put the analyzer's output into your view:
<%= query_review_output %>
Copyright (c) 2007-2008 Kongregate & David Stevenson, released under the MIT license
- query_reviewer.rar (20.5 KB)
- 下载次数: 0
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《PyPI官网下载的mypy-boto3-codeguru-reviewer-解析》 PyPI(Python Package Index)是Python开发者们广泛使用的资源库,它为Python社区提供了丰富的第三方软件包。在这个场景中,我们关注的是名...
资源分类:Python库 所属语言:Python 资源全名:mypy-boto3-codeguru-reviewer- 资源来源:官方 安装方法:https://lanzao.blog.csdn.net/article/details/101784059
$ # Note that you may need to quote it in the shell to escape the string $ akochan-reviewer " https://tenhou.net/0/?log=2019050417gm-0029-0000-4f2a8622&tw=2 " $ # Review ...
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资源分类:Python库 所属语言:Python 资源全名:mypy-boto3-codeguru-reviewer-1.18.60.tar.gz 资源来源:官方 安装方法:https://lanzao.blog.csdn.net/article/details/101784059
资源分类:Python库 所属语言:Python 资源全名:mypy-boto3-codeguru-reviewer-1.18.23.tar.gz 资源来源:官方 安装方法:https://lanzao.blog.csdn.net/article/details/101784059
资源分类:Python库 所属语言:Python 资源全名:mypy-boto3-codeguru-reviewer-1.17.105.tar.gz 资源来源:官方 安装方法:https://lanzao.blog.csdn.net/article/details/101784059
对于通用内核,请使用以下命令运行解析器:./reviewer.py --release xenial 对于hwe / edge内核,请使用以下命令运行它:./reviewer.py --release xenial --hwe 如果要获取失败的测试用例的链接,只需在命令中添加-...
Leverage the power of Gerrit Code Review to make software development more cooperative and social Overview Understand the concepts of collective code review using Gerrit through a set of simple ...
Amazon CodeGuru Reviewer示例应用程序该应用程序旨在作为Amazon CodeGuru Reviewer的测试用例,该服务使用程序分析和机器学习来检测代码中的潜在缺陷。 该示例的实现故意不理想,无法证明CodeGuru Reviewer提供建议...
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