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Instead of seeing yourself from the outside in, take a look from the inside out and find the way to your happiness.
Have you ever asked yourself the question what makes me "me"?
Well,the real answer can only come from you sprit, your power was in.
It's that voice inside you that you can hear when it's quite and you are alone with your thoughts and feelings.
It's easy for that inner voice to be drought out by insecuties,a headache schedual or the louder voices of your friends and family.
It urges you to follow your heart and study music even though your parents want you to be a lawyer.
It annoy that you until you finally break up with the nagetive friend.
You see your sprit is the truth of who you are and when you honor it, you will feel stronger,happier and more at peace with yourself and others.
What's your truth?
Sometimes in life when you don't think you have the answers, you are forced to fill in the blanks.
Challenge yourself to fill in these blanks below about your own personal truth.
It may not be easy,this could be the first time you stop to think about what you are really made of,but discovering what makes you unique is the most crucial step in self-understanding.
Complete the following sentences with the first thing that comes into your mind.
Be honest and if you can't think of anything,then write down the things you want for your life.
This is about finding your truth so that you can honor your sprit.
Recognize your inner beauty.
I am beautiful, because...
Recognize your power.
I am powerful,beacuse..
Recognize your greatness.
I am great, because...
Recognize your strength.
I am strong enough to...
Recognize your talence
I am really good at...
Recognize your passion
I really love to...
Accepting your truth, now use the work sheet to dig even deeper.
Each answer that immediately popped into your head proves that you are already on your way to honoring your sprit.
But it's the questions you may have struggled with that you need to work on.
You do have the answers to all those questions, there in your everyday life.
It's staff like that way you know to make a friends smile when she is having a bad day,your love of mountain climbing, your dreams of women in academic award.
But sometimes things block you from acknowledging your truth.
It could be fear and insecurity or maybe you think that it's not OK to praise yourself.
Honoring your sprit is a process that's difficult at first because you have to learn how to let go of those negative feelings.
But you must, because if you beat yourself up about everything.
How can you recognize your greatness?
Everyone has something they are ashamed of ,are afraid of or feel guilty about. But try to see your scars as beauty marks.
It's your flaws that help create your true beautiful self.
And when you accept the parts of yourself that you don't like,you're discovering the whole you--your sprit.
Living your truth, once you've discovered your truth, live up to it everyday,that's will bring you real happiness.
On the days when you find it a challenge, you have that uncomfortable feeling of being fake or untrue to yourself.
Repeat this affirmation.
"I came into this life a winner, and no matter what,I am a winner."
Throughout your life, constantly test whether or not you are really honoring your sprit and doing what's right for you.
How,just stop.Be quite, and ask the power was in.And pay close attention to the response.
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