JUnit4 Version inheritates the annotation features from java5.0v,so it simplized many workload for unit test.
Now I am using the feature to speedup my test work.
1.Create your class that will be tested.
package com.aaron;
public class Calculator {
// static variant for store result
private static int result;
public void add(int n){
result = result + n;
public void substract(int n){
//Bug: correctly method for: result =result-n
result = result - 1;
public void multiply(int n){
public void divide(int n){
result = result / n;
public void square(int n){
result = n * n;
public void squareRoot(int n){
//Bug :Dead loop
for (; ;) ;
public void clear(){
//clear the result,due to the Fixture feature in junit.
result = 0;
public int getResult(){
return result;
Next create the testcase for the class
package com.aaron;
import static org.junit.Assert.*;import static org.junit.Assert.*;
then you can directly use the assertEquals() method in the testcase.
2.Test class declare,you know that,no specail class extends from junit,you can define the test class with your idea.
3.Create the test object.as the above:private static Calculator calculator = new Calculator();
4.Test methods declare,
you can use some marks for the test methods.such as @Test,@Ignore,@Before,@After.
5.Write your test method,please kindly remaind that no return value in the test method.
6.Fixture utility,
public void setUp() throws Exception{
That means if you want to the test methods independent,so you need initialize the test class when you test a method,so in junit4v, you just declare @Before in the setUp() method,and every time you refer to the class instance with new.
7.High level Fixture:
if you want to test a class which read/write a big block file in every method. you know it's very heavy to read/write a big block file every time.you had better read the file once,then every method can read/write the file by the initialization. in junit,you can use @BeforeClass and @AfterClass to finish that.
and Only one method can be declared public and static.
8.Time test,
@Test(timeout = 1000),if you have a dead loop to test,how do you control that? the best way is using timeout.(microsecond).
9.Exception handle.
@Test(expected = ArithmeticException.class),if you divide a zero,then? so you need an exception to catch it.
In my test code,you do not know which runner used,also there are many runners in the Junit framework,Now
you can explicit to declare the runner before the class which you want with
package com.aaron;
import static org.junit.Assert.*;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.Ignore;
import org.junit.Test;
public class CalculatorTest {
private static Calculator calculator = new Calculator();
public void setUp() throws Exception {
public void testAdd() {
assertEquals(5, calculator.getResult());
public void testSubstract() {
assertEquals(8, calculator.getResult());
@Ignore("Not implement")
public void testMultiply() {
fail("Not yet implemented");
public void testDivide() {
assertEquals(4, calculator.getResult());
Run the testcase,that will one error occurance.
And above is the basic test process.
Now let's take some more introduction for the JUnit4
1.import the necessary package
import org.junit.Test;
import org.junit.runner.RunWith;
import org.junit.runners.Parameterized;
import org.junit.runners.Parameterized.Parameters;
public class ParameterTest{
private static Calculator calculator = new Calculator();
private int param;
private int result;
public static Collection data(){
return Arrays.asList(new Object[][]{
{2, 4},
{0, 0},
{-2, 9},
//Constructor,reinitialize the parameters
public ParameterTest(int param, int result){
this.param = param;
this.result = result;
public void square(){
assertEquals(result, calculator.getResult());
12.Package multi-test,due to many test classes for a class,so one by one to test,it's not convenient for user,so in Junit,you can use suite to package all tests for you.
package com.aaron;
import org.junit.runner.RunWith;
import org.junit.runners.Suite;
public class AllCalculatorTests{
OK,that's all,enjoy that!
单元测试是编码过程中的重要组成部分,JUnit等工具可以帮助我们编写和执行测试用例,确保代码的正确性。在编程过程中,要时刻关注代码的性能,避免过度设计,同时利用Java的并发特性提高多线程程序的效率。 最后,...
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The tone of the book is intended to be light rather than pedantic and hints and tips based on the author’s life experience are included. Table of Contents Chapter 1 Stuff You Need to Know Chapter 2 ...
-- Be familiar with popular development tools, such as CVS, Ant, JUnit, etc -- Be familiar with popular web development frameworks and tools, such as Struts, Spring, Hibernate. -- Good knowledge of...
将Angular6转换为AEM 这是基于AEM的应用程序的项目模板。 它旨在作为最佳实践示例集,也是开发... ui.launcher:包含粘合代码,该粘合代码将ui.tests捆绑包(和相关捆绑包)部署到服务器并触发远程JUnit执行 如何建造
* Spring’s unit and integration testing support (on JUnit 3.8, JUnit 4, and TestNG). * How to secure applications using Spring Security. Who this book is for This book is for Java developers who ...
Years of Experience: 8 Years 9 months 第二节 Build IDE: Intellij IDEA 2018.1.5 JDK Version: java version "10.0.1" 第三节 a)声纳皮棉扫描快照- b)最终输出快照 c)...
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In terms of capabilities, Maven is an improvement to Apache Ant-thanks to numerous plug-ins and built-in integration with unit testing frameworks such as JUnit. Tired of writing the same build logic ...
In terms of capabilities, Maven is an improvement to Apache Ant-thanks to numerous plug-ins and built-in integration with unit testing frameworks such as JUnit. Tired of writing the same build logic ...
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