什么是 sqlite ?
sqlite 是一款轻量级的、基于文件的嵌入式数据库,2000年就已经诞生,经过7年多的发展,直到今天已经成为最流行的嵌入式数据库,包括google在内的公司在其桌面软件中亦使用 sqlite 存储用户数据。由此可以看出,已经没有任何理由去怀疑sqlite的稳定性了。
1. 免配置,和access一样,只要把数据库文件通过ftp上传到服务器上就可以使用,不需要服务器的额外支持
2. 备份方便,因为只是一个文件,只要复制一份该文件,就能备份整个数据库
3. 虽然是轻量级数据库,但他支持最大 2tb 的单个库文件。
4. 快,无与伦比的快。经过实际测试,在几百万记录的情况下,sqlite的插入和查询速度和 mysql 不分上下,快于 sql server,10倍于 access (但这并不意味着它可以替代 sql server )

** This file is an amalgamation of many separate C source files from SQLite
** version By combining all the individual C code files into this
** single large file, the entire code can be compiled as a one translation
** unit. This allows many compilers to do optimizations that would not be
** possible if the files were compiled separately. Performance improvements
** of 5% are more are commonly seen when SQLite is compiled as a single
** translation unit.
** This file is all you need to compile SQLite. To use SQLite in other
** programs, you need this file and the "sqlite3.h" header file that defines
** the programming interface to the SQLite library. (If you do not have
** the "sqlite3.h" header file at hand, you will find a copy embedded within
** the text of this file. Search for "Begin file sqlite3.h" to find the start
** of the embedded sqlite3.h header file.) Additional code files may be needed
** if you want a wrapper to interface SQLite with your choice of programming
** language. The code for the "sqlite3" command-line shell is also in a
** separate file. This file contains only code for the core SQLite library.
//主程序定义SQLITE核心:define SQLITE_CORE 1
//主程序序版本为合并后的源代码:define SQLITE_AMALGAMATION 1
#define SQLITE_CORE 1
# define SQLITE_PRIVATE static
#ifndef SQLITE_API
# define SQLITE_API
/************** Begin file sqliteInt.h ***************************************/
** 2001 September 15
** The author disclaims copyright to this source code. In place of
** a legal notice, here is a blessing:
** May you do good and not evil.
** May you find forgiveness for yourself and forgive others.
** May you share freely, never taking more than you give.
** Internal interface definitions for SQLite.
#ifndef _SQLITEINT_H_
#define _SQLITEINT_H_
** These #defines should enable >2GB file support on POSIX if the
** underlying operating system supports it. If the OS lacks
** large file support, or if the OS is windows, these should be no-ops.
** Ticket #2739: The _LARGEFILE_SOURCE macro must appear before any
** system #includes. Hence, this block of code must be the very first
** code in all source files.
** Large file support can be disabled using the -DSQLITE_DISABLE_LFS switch
** on the compiler command line. This is necessary if you are compiling
** on a recent machine (ex: Red Hat 7.2) but you want your code to work
** on an older machine (ex: Red Hat 6.0). If you compile on Red Hat 7.2
** without this option, LFS is enable. But LFS does not exist in the kernel
** in Red Hat 6.0, so the code won't work. Hence, for maximum binary
** portability you should omit LFS.
** Similar is true for Mac OS X. LFS is only supported on Mac OS X 9 and later.
# define _LARGE_FILE 1
# define _FILE_OFFSET_BITS 64
# endif
** Include the configuration header output by 'configure' if we're using the
** autoconf-based build
//如果使用autoconf-based构建,则include "config.h"
#include "config.h"
/************** Include sqliteLimit.h in the middle of sqliteInt.h ***********/
/************** Begin file sqliteLimit.h *************************************/
** 2007 May 7
** The author disclaims copyright to this source code. In place of
** a legal notice, here is a blessing:
** May you do good and not evil.
** May you find forgiveness for yourself and forgive others.
** May you share freely, never taking more than you give.
** This file defines various limits of what SQLite can process.
** The maximum length of a TEXT or BLOB in bytes. This also
** limits the size of a row in a table or index.
** The hard limit is the ability of a 32-bit signed integer
** to count the size: 2^31-1 or 2147483647.
# define SQLITE_MAX_LENGTH 1000000000
** This is the maximum number of
**返回的字段数、GROUP BY 和ORDER BY的字段数、INSERT的values从句
** * Columns in a table
** * Columns in an index
** * Columns in a view
** * Terms in the SET clause of an UPDATE statement
** * Terms in the result set of a SELECT statement
** * Terms in the GROUP BY or ORDER BY clauses of a SELECT statement.
** * Terms in the VALUES clause of an INSERT statement
** The hard upper limit here is 32676. Most database people will
** tell you that in a well-normalized database, you usually should
** not have more than a dozen or so columns in any table. And if
** that is the case, there is no point in having more than a few
** dozen values in any of the other situations described above.
**返回的字段数、GROUP BY 和ORDER BY的字段数、INSERT的values从句
# define SQLITE_MAX_COLUMN 2000
** The maximum length of a single SQL statement in bytes.
** It used to be the case that setting this value to zero would
** turn the limit off. That is no longer true. It is not possible
** to turn this limit off.
# define SQLITE_MAX_SQL_LENGTH 1000000000
** The maximum depth of an expression tree. This is limited to
** some extent by SQLITE_MAX_SQL_LENGTH. But sometime you might
** want to place more severe limits on the complexity of an
** expression.
** A value of 0 used to mean that the limit was not enforced.
** But that is no longer true. The limit is now strictly enforced
** at all times.
** The maximum number of terms in a compound SELECT statement.
** The code generator for compound SELECT statements does one
** level of recursion for each term. A stack overflow can result
** if the number of terms is too large. In practice, most SQL
** never has more than 3 or 4 terms. Use a value of 0 to disable
** any limit on the number of terms in a compount SELECT.

- 大小: 6 KB
本文将对Android SqliteManager的源码进行深入剖析,以揭示其核心机制。 首先,SQLiteManager主要负责创建、打开、关闭数据库,以及执行SQL语句等操作。源码中,我们可以看到SQLiteOpenHelper子类的实现,这是...
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9. **附录与源码分析**:随书源码提供了对SQLite源代码的深度剖析,有助于开发者深入了解其内部实现,并进行二次开发或定制。 通过阅读《SQLite权威指南》第二版,读者不仅可以掌握SQLite的日常使用,还能了解到更...
本文将对Android SqliteManager的源码进行深度剖析,帮助开发者理解其内部机制,提升数据库管理能力。 首先,SqliteManager的核心功能是与SQLite数据库进行交互。在源码中,我们能看到它使用了`SQLiteDatabase`类...
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