  • 浏览: 184643 次
  • 性别: Icon_minigender_1
  • 来自: 济南

Other plugins

  • Java
1. implementors
site: http://eclipse-tools.sourceforge.net/implementors/download.html
Online update for eclipse: http://eclipse-tools.sourceforge.net/updates

2. svn


Spket plugin
1. 安装插件
1.1 下载zip,直接解压、安装
1.2 选择Help -> Software Updates -> Find and Install...-> Search for new features to install ->New remote site...
Name: "Spket", Url: "http://www.spket.com/update/"

2. Window -> Preferences -> Spket -> JavaScript Profiles -> New;导入一个jQuery 或其他第三方框架

3、设置新的JS Profile,选中并点击“JavaScript Profiles” 对话框右手边的“Defalut”按钮;

4、JS打开方式为 Window -> Preferences ->General-> Editors-> File...选择JS  为 Spket JavaScript Editor(default) (关键一步)

tomcat plugin

1. download tomcatPluginV321.zip for eclipse
2. unzip tomcatPluginV321.zip (including directory name of tomcatPluginV321) into plugin directory of eclipse.
3. set tomcat home path in 'Tomcat' option of eclipse 'Preference'
4. In 'Server' option of eclipse 'Preference', set up config for 'Runtime Environments' to add Tomcat server.
5. open view of 'Servers', in this view, add tomcat into it.
6. double click tomcat in view of 'Servers', enable 'Use Tomcat installation...', modify 'Deploy path:" as tomcat webapps.
7. deploy module to tomcat.
8. in the view of 'Servers', start tomcat to debug module
9. on debuging, link path of source code to the debug engine according to tip.

Eclipse 实现热部署(修改java 类后,不需要重新发布)
1. 把配置文件uuep.xml 加到apache-tomcat-6.0.26\conf\Catalina\localhost里
2. 把里面的docBase指向你的工作区里的target目录(i.e. workspace\UUEP\target\uuep)
3. 修改你的java build path,如下图:

Install Maven plugin for Eclipse

The used eclipse is eclipse-jee-helios-win32.

1. click menmu of 'help -->Install New Software...'

2. On the popup window of 'Install New Software...', click button of 'Add...'

3. On the popup window of 'Add...', enter below value into the input box of 'Location:'.

4. return to the popup window of 'Install New Software...', select Maven plugin in list, click button of 'next', finish installation.

Enable Maven for Project
right-click project, click menu of 'Maven-->Enable Dependency Management'

update pom.xml




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