
a basic example of lpsolve


lpsolve is a toolkit for linear programming. One of the compelling features of lpsolve is mulit-language support. Certainly, .net is one among them.


here, i would like to demonstrate how to use lpsolve for a simple problem:


max: 143*x1+60*x2

subject to:


 120*x1+210*x2 <= 13000.23

 110*x1+30*x2 <= 4000

 x1+x2 <= 75

 x1 >= 0

 x2 >= 0

 x1 is an integer


Due to x1 is an integer, so it is a mips program (mixed integer linear programming)


let's see how lpsolve to solve this problem.


            int lp;
            lp = lpsolve.make_lp(0, 2);
            lpsolve.set_obj(lp, 1, 143);
            lpsolve.set_obj(lp, 2, 60);
            lpsolve.add_constraint(lp, new double[] {0, 120, 210 }, lpsolve.lpsolve_constr_types.LE,     13000.23);
            lpsolve.add_constraint(lp, new double[] { 0,110, 30 }, lpsolve.lpsolve_constr_types.LE, 4000);
            lpsolve.add_constraint(lp, new double[] { 0, 1, 1 }, lpsolve.lpsolve_constr_types.LE, 75);
            lpsolve.add_constraint(lp, new double[] { 0, 0, 1 }, lpsolve.lpsolve_constr_types.GE, 0);
            lpsolve.set_int(lp, 1, true);
            lpsolve.print_solution(lp, 1);
            lpsolve.print_solution(lp, 2);


the codes are quite straightforward. we first initiliaze a lp object represented by lp... and then we set object function, add constraints in turn, finally, we get the solution.



    remember delete lp after use.

    column is an off one array. so column[0] is a placeholder only, calculate position starts from one.

    don't forget to copy .dll to the current dir..




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