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Confidence: you either got it or you ain't, right? Wrong.Most people learn confidence as they go through life.
Even if you are shaking like a leaf on the inside, you'll make a lasting impression if you can come acrooss as confident in an interview or in the workplace. Here are some confidence-building tips:
Fake it! If you can pretend that you feel confident when you don't(perhaps by acting like you've already got what you want) and keep on doing so,your fake confidence will soon turn into real confidence.It only takes a few repetitions of an activity for it to become a habit - so get in the habit of feigning self-belief. It works.
Think it.For an instant boost to your self-esteem,recall three things that give you a surge of positive emotions. It could be a great compliment somebody paid you,a special time when you felt happy and popular,or when you really excelled at something.Bringing them to mind will help you to feel good instantly - and when you feel good,you have greater confidence.
Focus it.Difficult situations,such as interviews or new jobs, can make you feel self-conscious.If you're feeling anxious about yourself,stop thinking about you and focus on something else.It could be that you focus on something normal,like the view out of the the window,or that you pay more attention to the task at hand getting the job! Either way,you'll feel less awkward.
Talk it. If you keep tellig yourself that you're no good at something,you'll start to believe it.Next time you bombard yourself with criticism,ask yourself whether you'd talk to your friends like that.So quit being negative and start recognising and appreciating the things you are good at.
Walk it.Great posture can signal great confidence.Walk with a purposeful stride,with your back straight and with your head help up height!Alternatively, you could always slouch around with your head hung apologetically - but don't expect to impress anyone!
自信: 你也许有, 或是没有.对吗? 这是错误的. 许多人是在生活中去学习建立自信的.
在电视采访或是在工作场合中, 如果是因为你的自信而给大家留下深刻的印象, 即使你的内心像树叶一样飘浮不定, 同样会使大家对你有好的看法. 下面是一些建立自信的要点:
伪装自己. 当你没有自信时,要假装你很自信(也许通过一些好象你已经很有自信的动作). 一直这样做下去, 你会发现你的这种假装的自信很快会变成真正的自信. 仅仅是这样多做几次, 养成习惯—养成假装自信的习惯. 这种方法很有效.
想想感动的事. 为了使你快速建立自尊心, 回想一下对你情感触动很深的三件事. 可能是别人对你的赞扬; 可能是一段时间内你很快乐且大受欢迎; 可能是你在某件事上做的很出色. 想想这些, 会使你感到心情舒畅. 这样, 你就有了很强的自信.
转移注意力! 像电视采访或是做一份新的工作时, 会使你感到有自信. 如果你感到内心不安, 就不要再去想它, 把你的注意力放在其它的事情上. 你可以把注意力放在自然景物上—比如说窗外的景物; 你也可以先关注一下你手头上的工作. 不管哪种方式, 都能使你放松.
评价自己! 如果你不停地说自己不能胜任某项工作, 这就说明你开始相信它了. 下次你就要对自己作出严厉的批评, 问问自己是否向自己的朋友说过这些. 如果你不确定, 那么就不要这么自悲,表扬一下自己能够胜任的工作.行为举动可以带给你自信. 大步走, 挺直腰, 抬起头. 你可以垂头丧气, 一幅懒散的样子, 但你这样就不能给人留下好的印象.
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