
How to cure Myopia




The main step to curing myopia is to relax your eye muscles so they do not stay locked up.(like a elastic if you let go of it the elastic will return to its original shape)But that takes time. You have to be patient for that to happen.


Take off your glasses first. 


The eye, like any sensory input, relies on change. Have you never been surprised of the sudden calm when you switch off your computer? You didn’t notice the amount of noise it produced, it was in the background, and your brain was not noticing it because it was there all the time. It’s only when a change occurred that you could tell. The same goes for the eye. It can’t see the same thing for long (maybe 2 to 4 seconds) before the image fades. The problem is that people who don’t see well tend to lock on a point and force to see it. They keep the same image on the retina. In short: they stare. This is doomed from the start. Just try to look without moving the eye and head at all at a point. After enough time, you’ll notice that your vision blurs, that your eyes hurt, that it feels uncomfortable. Then look around a bit, relax, and look at the point again. You’ll see it much more clearly.


Blinking properly:

You probably don’t blink often enough if you don’t see well. And when you do, you do it hard. It is not so easy to blink properly, quickly, and without effort. Try to close one eye only, and try to close it without any strain or effort. This is how blinking should be done. Blinking is also very quick, maybe a 1/40th of second. In fact you shouldn’t even have the impression that you haven’t seen for a short while. This can only be done properly when it is unconscious. By practicing blinking softly, often, one blink at a time, in an irregular way consciously, you’ll end up doing it unconsciously.

Last Step:

Eye exercises:

Exercising the eye is a great way to relax the eyes. Some people may call it force loading. That’s because eye exercises forces the muscles in your eye to unlock. So this is the best and fastest way to sure myopia. NOTE: If you experience any extreme eye strain or hurting stop immediately. It’s for your own good.


This is usually a very effective way to release strain from the eyes. Sit yourself at a table , put a pillow on it, and put your elbows on the pillow and then your hand palms on your eyes. Cup the hand so they don’t touch the eyeball. Close the eyes. Imagine that you see pleasant things. Imagine (between the ears! don’t try to see it really!) without doing any effort that you see a white cloud, and, in the center of it, a small black dot. Imagine the dot moving. Move slowly the head and imagine that the dot move in a direction opposite to the head. Try to relax as much as possible the neck, face, jaw, eyes, etc… Try it for as long as you can decently bear, maybe 5 or 10 minutes. Then gently open your eyes and look around casually. Some people do not benefit from this practice, but most do. It is better to rest the eyes before they hurt. Even closing the eyes and relaxing for a few seconds is sometimes enough.


The sun is good for the eyes. Try to sit in the sun, eyes closed, and look at the sun. Move your head gently from side to side. Go easy at the beginning, especially if you are sensitive to light. The more sun you get, the better your eyes will be. NEVER look directly at the sun with eyes open! Try not to squint when there is a lot of light. Dark glasses are not a good idea, because they make the eye more sensitive to the light in the long term. They should only be used for a short time in extreme situations. A hat or cap is much better.

Looking at oppositional movement:

It relaxes the eye a lot when you look at things moving opposite to your movement. There are plenty ways to enjoy that. Dancing and theme parks are pretty good :) . A more convenient thing to do is to sway your body from left to right gently while standing up. Look at something in the distance and notice the movement it has while you sway. The head and eyes can eventually move in the same direction as the movement of the body. Breathe and blink. Try to relax. There are innumerable variations on the sway.


There are these myths about how you can get myopia. Like watching to much TV or play to much video games on the computer. But guess what? Watching TV does not speed up the rate of myopia as long as you use your eyes correctly and do not make them strain. Playing to much computer does effect the rate of myopia yes that is correct. But now technology has improved and has created these new types of screens that spread the eye’s focus. Those screens are usually found in laptops and some desktop computers. Don’t you realize when you press your finger really hard on one of those screens the base around the finger is spreading like when you through a rock into a river? That’s because you are focusing a force on the screen and it weakens the focus by spreading it to all directions. That can help slow down the rate of myopia and prevent eye diseases.

That’s it, if you follow these tips you might just be cured. It’s better to have your eyes cured slowly then immediately improve but have a huge drawback. I wish the best luck to you. :)



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