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通常情况下 : 一个正常的 TCP 连接,都会有三个阶段 :1 TCP 三次握手 ;2 、数据传送 ;3 TCP 四次挥手


: 以下说明最好能结合 :TCP 的状态机 来理解。


SYN: ( 同步序列编号 ,Synchronize Sequence Numbers) 该标志仅在三次握手建立 TCP 连接时有效。表示一个新的 TCP 连接请求。


ACK: ( 确认编号 ,Acknowledgement Number) 是对 TCP 请求的确认标志 , 同时提示对端系统已经成功接收所有数据。


FIN: ( 结束标志 ,FINish) 用来结束一个 TCP 回话 . 但对应端口仍处于开放状态 , 准备接收后续数据。


1) LISTEN: 首先服务端需要打开一个 socket 进行监听,状态为 LISTEN. /* The socket is listening for incoming connections. 侦听来自远方 TCP 端口的连接请求 */

2) SYN_SENT: 客户端通过应用程序调用 connect 进行 active open. 于是客户端 tcp 发送一个 SYN 以请求建立一个连接 . 之后状态置为 SYN_SENT. /*The socket is actively attempting to establish a connection. 在发送连接请求后等待匹配的连接请求 */


3) SYN_RECV: 服务端应发出 ACK 确认客户端的 SYN, 同时自己向客户端发送一个 SYN. 之后状态置为 SYN_RECV  /* A connection request has been received from the network. 在收到和发送一个连接请求后等待对连接请求的确认 */


4) ESTABLISHED: 代表一个打开的连接,双方可以进行或已经在数据交互了。 /* The socket has an established connection. 代表一个打开的连接,数据可以传送给用户 */


5) FIN_WAIT1: 主动关闭 (active close) 端应用程序调用 close ,于是其 TCP 发出 FIN 请求主动关闭连接,之后进入 FIN_WAIT1 状态 ./* The socket is closed, and the connection is shutting down. 等待远程 TCP 的连接中断请求,或先前的连接中断请求的确认 */

CLOSE_WAIT: 被动关闭 (passive close) TCP 接到 FIN 后,就发出 ACK 以回应 FIN 请求 ( 它的接收也作为文件结束符传递给上层应用程序 ), 并进入 CLOSE_WAIT. /* The remote end has shut down, waiting for the socket to close. 等待从本地用户发来的连接中断请求 */

FIN_WAIT2: 主动关闭端接到 ACK 后,就进入了 FIN-WAIT-2 ./* Connection is closed, and the socket is waiting for a shutdown from the remote end. 从远程 TCP 等待连接中断请求 */

LAST_ACK: 被动关闭端一段时间后,接收到文件结束符的应用程序将调用 CLOSE 关闭连接。这导致它的 TCP 也发送一个 FIN, 等待对方的 ACK. 就进入了 LAST-ACK . /* The remote end has shut down, and the socket is closed. Waiting for acknowledgement. 等待原来发向远程 TCP 的连接中断请求的确认 */

TIME_WAIT: 在主动关闭端接收到 FIN 后, TCP 就发送 ACK 包,并进入 TIME-WAIT 状态。 /* The socket is waiting after close to handle packets still in the network. 等待足够的时间以确保远程 TCP 接收到连接中断请求的确认 */


10) CLOSING: 比较少见 ./* Both sockets are shut down but we still don't have all our data sent. 等待远程 TCP 对连接中断的确认 */

CLOSED: 被动关闭端在接受到 ACK 包后,就进入了 closed 的状态。连接结束 ./* The socket is not being used. 没有任何连接状态 */

TIME_WAIT 状态的形成只发生在主动关闭连接的一方。

    主动关闭方在接收到被动关闭方的 FIN 请求后,发送成功给对方一个 ACK , 将自己的状态由 FIN_WAIT2 修改为 TIME_WAIT ,而必须再等 2 MSL(Maximum Segment Lifetime,MSL 是一个数据报在 internetwork 中能存在的时间 ) 时间之后双方才能把状态 都改为 CLOSED 以关闭连接。目前 RHEL 里保持 TIME_WAIT 状态的时间为 60 秒。


当然上述很多 TCP 状态在系统里都有对应的解释或设置 , 可见 man tcp


二、关于长连接和短连接 :

       通俗点讲 : 短连接就是一次 TCP 请求得到结果后 , 连接马上结束 . 而长连接并不马上断开 , 而一直保持着 , 直到长连接 TIMEOUT( 具体程序都有相关参数说明 ). 长连接可以避免不断的进行 TCP 三次握手和四次挥手 .

       长连接 (keepalive) 是需要靠双方不断的发送探测包来维持的 ,keepalive 期间服务端和客户端的 TCP 连接状态是 ESTABLISHED. 目前 http 1.1 版本里默认都是 keepalive(1.0 版本默认是不 keepalive ) ie6/7/8 firefox 都默认用的是 http 1.1 版本了 ( 如何查看当前浏览器用的是哪个版本,这里不再赘述 ) Apache,java




    1 Linux 的相关 keepalive 参数

a tcp_keepalive_time - INTEGER
    How often TCP sends out keepalive messages when keepalive is enabled.
    Default: 2hours.


b tcp_keepalive_probes - INTEGER
    How many keepalive probes TCP sends out, until it decides that the
    connection is broken. Default value: 9.


c tcp_keepalive_intvl - INTEGER
    How frequently the probes are send out. Multiplied by
    tcp_keepalive_probes it is time to kill not responding connection,
    after probes started. Default value: 75sec i.e. connection
    will be aborted after ~11 minutes of retries.

    2 F5 负载均衡上的相关参数说明


a Keep Alive Interval

Specifies, when enabled, how frequently the system sends data over an idle TCP connection, to determine whether the connection is still valid.

     Specify: Specifies the interval at which the system sends data over an idle connection, to determine whether the connection is still valid. The default is 1800 milliseconds .


b Time Wait

Specifies the length of time that a TCP connection remains in the TIME-WAIT state before entering the CLOSED state.

      Specify: Specifies the number of milliseconds that a TCP connection can remain in the TIME-WAIT state. The default is 2000 .

c Idle Timeout

Specifies the length of time that a connection is idle (has no traffic) before the connection is eligible for deletion.

      Specify: Specifies a number of seconds that the TCP connection can remain idle before the system deletes it. The default is 300 seconds .


   3 Apache 的相关参数说明

    以下是Apache/2.0.61 版本的默认参数和说明

a KeepAlive:

  default On. Whether or not to allow persistent connections (more than

one request per connection). Set to "Off" to deactivate.


b MaxKeepAliveRequests:

  default 100. The maximum number of requests to allow

 during a persistent connection. Set to 0 to allow an unlimited amount.

 We recommend you leave this number high, for maximum performance.


c KeepAliveTimeout:

  default 15. Number of seconds to wait for the next request from the

same client on the same connection.

4 JAVA1.6 的相关参数说明:

a http.keepAlive=<boolean>
default: true

Indicates if keep alive (persistent) connections should be supported.

b http.maxConnections=<int>
default: 5

Indicates the maximum number of connections per destination to be kept alive at any given time



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