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Type Fundamentals


There are three fundamental kind of type members: fields, methods and nested types.

The field of a type control how memory is allocated. The CLR will allocate memory for static field once: when the type is first load. The CLR will allocate memory for non-static(instance) fields each time it allocates an instance of the type. By default, the exact memory layout of a type is opaque.

The CLR supports two ways of declaring fields whose value is constant. The first technique-used for fields whose constant value can be calculated at compile time-is most efficient: The field’s static value is only stored as a literal in the metadata of the type’s module, it is not a true field at runtime. To declare a literal field in C#, one must use const keyword. In the second technique, the CLR allows programmers to declare fields as immutable yet dynamically initializable by declaring a field initonly. To specify an initonly field in C#, one must use the readonly keyword.

To allow the usage characteristics of variable argument lists, the CLR allows the last parameter of a method to use [System.ParamArrayAttribute] attribute. One can apply the ParamArrayAttribute only to the last parameter of a method. For example:

public void DiaEm(string messge, params string[] mumbers)




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