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刚才说了一下怎么设置EA,用TortiseSVN和Subversion做version control,现在再来简单说一下为什么这么做.
说明一下,这里只是介绍EA通过subversion做version control,和其他的version control类型例如SCC, CVS, TFS还是有一点不同的.

作为EA来说只需要知道"working copy path"(也叫checkout directory)和subversion的可执行文件的path就行了,有没有TortiseSVN都没有关系.
只是TortiseSVN提供了创建Repository和checkout directory的GUI界面而已,其实这两个功能用subversion的命令行也能完成.

一 般来说是在服务器端有一个Repository,然后在本地机器上创建一个checkout directory.如果安装了TortiseSVN的话,checkout目录的图标上会有一个绿色的钩(说明这是一个正常的checkout目录,如 果目录有错,会显示一个红色的感叹号).
一旦正常创建了checkout目录,就可以在EA里设置version control了.在EA里面,根据所选的checkout directory创建一个configuration ID,再根据这个ID给一个Package设置package control.

为了保证在EA里面正确使用subversion,系统需要安装Subversion, EA和TortiseSVN(TortoiseSVN 为可选).

建议先用EA 30天的试用版试试,盗版的没用过,不知道会不会有问题.
Subversion 1.4.5 (1.3的试过,也行)
TortoiseSVN 1.2.6
EA 7.1.831 (7.0的就行了)





Version Control Configuration

This topic assumes that you have already installed Subversion (both the server and the client parts), and that you have a local working copy , derived from a repository sub-tree , already set up for use with your Enterprise Architect model. If this is not the case, please see the Set up Subversion topic.

Once you have set up and tested the Local Working Copy, you are ready to define a Version Control configuration for use with the Enterprise Architect model to place under version control.

To apply version control to your Enterprise Architect model using the Subversion working copy that you have set up, follow the steps below:

  1. Launch Enterprise Architect and open the model for which this Working Copy was created.
  2. Select the Project | Version Control | Version Control Settings menu option.
  3. Click on the New button , enter a suitable name in the Unique ID field, then click on the Type: Subversion radio button.
  4. To the right of the Working Copy path field, click on the Select Path button and select the local folder in which to keep local working copies of the XML files to be stored in the Version Control repository.
  5. In the Workstation Settings panel, click on the Select Path button to specify the path for your Subversion client executable.
  6. Click on the Save button to save the configuration you have defined; the new configuration is added to the Defined Configurations list.


A new entry is also created in the Local Paths list, with the same ID as the new version control configuration. The Local Path entry records the Local Project path, for use in subsequent path substitutions.

  1. When you have finished defining your version control configurations, click on the Close button.

Additional Information on the dialog fields:


Use to

This model is private

Specify whether all users connect to a single shared copy of the model (such as a DBMS) or each user connects to their own private copy of the model.

When unselected (for shared models), the option disables the File History - Retrieve functionality when the selected package is checked out by another user. This prevents modifications that might have been made by the other user from being discarded through importing a prior revision from version control.

Save nested version controlled packages to stubs only

Set nested version controlled packages to stubs or fully expanded trees. Defaults to selected.

For a full explanation of this option, see the Using Nested Version Control Packages topic.

Unique ID

Specify a configuration name that readily distinguish this configuration from other configurations. The Unique ID displays as a selection in the list of Version Control configurations a package can connect to. In addition you can select a previous version control configuration from this drop-down menu, providing the configuration is not in the current model.

Working Copy path

Specify the folder where the XML files representing the packages are stored. This folder should already exist before it is specified here.

Every PC using Subversion version control should have its own Subversion working copy folder in which to store working copies of the XMI package files; this should not be a shared network folder. Particularly bear this in mind if you are creating a .EAP file that is to be shared (for example, a SQL database).

Subversion Exe Path

Specify the full path name of the Subversion client executable file.


Sparx Systems strongly urge you not to manipulate version controlled package files outside of Enterprise Architect. It is possible to leave the package files in a state that Enterprise Architect cannot recognize.




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