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Codes for the Representation of Names of Languages

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Codes for the Representation of Names of Languages

Alpha-3 codes arranged alphabetically by the 
English name of language

Note: ISO 639-2 is the alpha-3 code. Where two codes are provided (21 languages total), the bibliographic code is given first and the terminology code is given second. ISO 639-1 is the alpha-2 code. Multiple codes for the same language are to be considered synonyms.

English Name of Language All English Names All French Names ISO 639-2 ISO 639-1
Abkhazian Abkhazian abkhaze abk ab
Achinese Achinese aceh ace  
Acoli Acoli acoli ach  
Adangme Adangme adangme ada  
Adygei Adyghe; Adygei adyghé ady  
Adyghe Adyghe; Adygei adyghé ady  
Afar Afar afar aar aa
Afrihili Afrihili afrihili afh  
Afrikaans Afrikaans afrikaans afr af
Afro-Asiatic languages Afro-Asiatic languages afro-asiatiques, langues afa  
Ainu Ainu aïnou ain  
Akan Akan akan aka ak
Akkadian Akkadian akkadien akk  
Albanian Albanian albanais alb/sqi sq
Alemannic Swiss German; Alemannic; Alsatian suisse alémanique; alémanique; alsacien gsw  
Aleut Aleut aléoute ale  
Algonquian languages Algonquian languages algonquines, langues alg  
Alsatian Swiss German; Alemannic; Alsatian suisse alémanique; alémanique; alsacien gsw  
Altaic languages Altaic languages altaïques, langues tut  
Amharic Amharic amharique amh am
Angika Angika angika anp  
Apache languages Apache languages apaches, langues apa  
Arabic Arabic arabe ara ar
Aragonese Aragonese aragonais arg an
Arapaho Arapaho arapaho arp  
Arawak Arawak arawak arw  
Armenian Armenian arménien arm/hye hy
Aromanian Aromanian; Arumanian; Macedo-Romanian aroumain; macédo-roumain rup  
Artificial languages Artificial languages artificielles, langues art  
Arumanian Aromanian; Arumanian; Macedo-Romanian aroumain; macédo-roumain rup  
Assamese Assamese assamais asm as
Asturian Asturian; Bable; Leonese; Asturleonese asturien; bable; léonais; asturoléonais ast  
Asturleonese Asturian; Bable; Leonese; Asturleonese asturien; bable; léonais; asturoléonais ast  
Athapascan languages Athapascan languages athapascanes, langues ath  
Australian languages Australian languages australiennes, langues aus  
Austronesian languages Austronesian languages austronésiennes, langues map  
Avaric Avaric avar ava av
Avestan Avestan avestique ave ae
Awadhi Awadhi awadhi awa  
Aymara Aymara aymara aym ay
Azerbaijani Azerbaijani azéri aze az
Bable Asturian; Bable; Leonese; Asturleonese asturien; bable; léonais; asturoléonais ast  
Balinese Balinese balinais ban  
Baltic languages Baltic languages baltes, langues bat  
Baluchi Baluchi baloutchi bal  
Bambara Bambara bambara bam bm
Bamileke languages Bamileke languages bamiléké, langues bai  
Banda languages Banda languages banda, langues bad  
Bantu languages Bantu languages bantou, langues bnt  
Basa Basa basa bas  
Bashkir Bashkir bachkir bak ba
Basque Basque basque baq/eus eu
Batak languages Batak languages batak, langues btk  
Bedawiyet Beja; Bedawiyet bedja bej  
Beja Beja; Bedawiyet bedja bej  
Belarusian Belarusian biélorusse bel be
Bemba Bemba bemba bem  
Bengali Bengali bengali ben bn
Berber languages Berber languages berbères, langues ber  
Bhojpuri Bhojpuri bhojpuri bho  
Bihari languages Bihari languages langues biharis bih bh
Bikol Bikol bikol bik  
Bilin Blin; Bilin blin; bilen byn  
Bini Bini; Edo bini; edo bin  
Bislama Bislama bichlamar bis bi
Blin Blin; Bilin blin; bilen byn  
Bliss Blissymbols; Blissymbolics; Bliss symboles Bliss; Bliss zbl  
Blissymbolics Blissymbols; Blissymbolics; Bliss symboles Bliss; Bliss zbl  
Blissymbols Blissymbols; Blissymbolics; Bliss symboles Bliss; Bliss zbl  
Bokmål, Norwegian Bokmål, Norwegian; Norwegian Bokmål norvégien bokmål nob nb
Bosnian Bosnian bosniaque bos bs
Braj Braj braj bra  
Breton Breton breton bre br
Buginese Buginese bugi bug  
Bulgarian Bulgarian bulgare bul bg
Buriat Buriat bouriate bua  
Burmese Burmese birman bur/mya my
Caddo Caddo caddo cad  
Castilian Spanish; Castilian espagnol; castillan spa es
Catalan Catalan; Valencian catalan; valencien cat ca
Caucasian languages Caucasian languages caucasiennes, langues cau  
Cebuano Cebuano cebuano ceb  
Celtic languages Celtic languages celtiques, langues; celtes, langues cel  
Central American Indian languages Central American Indian languages amérindiennes de l'Amérique centrale, langues cai  
Central Khmer Central Khmer khmer central khm km
Chagatai Chagatai djaghataï chg  
Chamic languages Chamic languages chames, langues cmc  
Chamorro Chamorro chamorro cha ch
Chechen Chechen tchétchène che ce
Cherokee Cherokee cherokee chr  
Chewa Chichewa; Chewa; Nyanja chichewa; chewa; nyanja nya ny
Cheyenne Cheyenne cheyenne chy  
Chibcha Chibcha chibcha chb  
Chichewa Chichewa; Chewa; Nyanja chichewa; chewa; nyanja nya ny
Chinese Chinese chinois chi/zho zh
Chinook jargon Chinook jargon chinook, jargon chn  
Chipewyan Chipewyan; Dene Suline chipewyan chp  
Choctaw Choctaw choctaw cho  
Chuang Zhuang; Chuang zhuang; chuang zha za
Church Slavic Church Slavic; Old Slavonic; Church Slavonic; Old Bulgarian; Old Church Slavonic slavon d'église; vieux slave; slavon liturgique; vieux bulgare chu cu
Church Slavonic Church Slavic; Old Slavonic; Church Slavonic; Old Bulgarian; Old Church Slavonic slavon d'église; vieux slave; slavon liturgique; vieux bulgare chu cu
Chuukese Chuukese chuuk chk  
Chuvash Chuvash tchouvache chv cv
Classical Nepal Bhasa Classical Newari; Old Newari; Classical Nepal Bhasa newari classique nwc  
Classical Newari Classical Newari; Old Newari; Classical Nepal Bhasa newari classique nwc  
Classical Syriac Classical Syriac syriaque classique syc  
Cook Islands Maori Rarotongan; Cook Islands Maori rarotonga; maori des îles Cook rar  
Coptic Coptic copte cop  
Cornish Cornish cornique cor kw
Corsican Corsican corse cos co
Cree Cree cree cre cr
Creek Creek muskogee mus  
Creoles and pidgins Creoles and pidgins créoles et pidgins crp  
Creoles and pidgins, English based Creoles a


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