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    PaxCompiler_v2.1_27nov08 full source

    You can embed the compiler into host application, register host-defined types, routines, variables and constants for the engine, read/write script-defined variables, call script-defined functions etc...

    PaxCompiler v3.1 DateCode 2012/12/17 Full Source

    You can embed the compiler into host application, register host-defined types, routines, variables and constants for the engine, read/write script-defined variables, call script-defined functions etc...

    paxCompiler for Delphi XE5 (Win32)

    You can embed the compiler into host application, register host-defined types, routines, variables and constants for the engine, read/write script-defined variables, call script-defined functions etc...


    在Pocket web ui上阅读时,将...ROADMAP:-与原始缓冲区扩展名一样覆盖文章(没有新标签)-与Chrome <v20兼容(由于当前存在“ onMessage”事件)-直接集成其他社交服务(facebook,twitter)- ... 支持语言:English

    Web Redesign 2.0 Workflow That Works.chm

    A guide for web development methodology, with heavy emphasis on the additional and specialized needs of redesign projects, this book is a roadmap that shows you how to proceed with minimal guesswork ...

    samba latest source 3.5.11

    6. **Read-Manifest-Now**:这可能是一个脚本或者指南,用于解释如何读取和理解Manifest文件,或者自动执行检查源码完整性的任务。 7. **README**:这是项目的基本介绍,通常包括软件的目的、安装指南、使用示例...


    - **隔离级别**:包括读未提交(Read Uncommitted)、读已提交(Read Committed)、可重复读(Repeatable Read)和可序列化(Serializable)。不同的隔离级别对并发事务的控制力度不同,对脏读、不可重复读和幻读的...


    Read individuals sequentially: 1655 ms Read individual randomly: 1666 ms Modifying individuals: 75574 ms Create DateOfBirth index: 80 ms Michael Simmons 22/07/1909 Mark Adams 21/09/1909 Charles ...

    UNIX Network Programming Volume 1, Third Edition (Unix网络编程卷1第3版英文版)

    Roadmap to Client/Server Examples in the Text Section 1.7. OSI Model Section 1.8. BSD Networking History Section 1.9. Test Networks and Hosts Section 1.10. Unix Standards Section 1.11. 64-...

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