
TSM - Creating an include-exclude list (optional)


Creating an include-exclude list (optional)

This is an optional task but an important one. If you do not create an

include-exclude list, Tivoli Storage Manager considers all files for backup services

and uses the default management class for backup and archive services.

You must be an authorized user to perform this task.

You can create an include-exclude list to exclude a specific file or groups of files

from backup services, and to assign specific management classes to files. Tivoli

Storage Manager backs up any file that is not explicitly excluded. You should

exclude Tivoli Storage Manager client directories from backup services. You can

use the query inclexcl command to display a list of include and exclude

statements in the order they are examined when determining whether an object is

to be included.

Specify the include-exclude list in your dsm.sys file. If you define more than one

server in your dsm.sys file, each server must have its own include-exclude list.

This list can also contain include-exclude statements obtained from the

include-exclude files you specify with the inclexcl option.

When the client processes include-exclude statements, the include-exclude

statements within the include-exclude file are placed at the position occupied by

the inclexcl option in dsm.sys, in the same order, and processed accordingly.

You can use the following methods to create an include-exclude list or specify an

include-exclude file:

1. You can add include-exclude statements in the Tivoli Storage Manager or Web

client directory tree. The online help provides detailed instructions.


2. Open the Edit menu and select Client Preferences. In the Preferences dialog,

click the Include/Exclude section. You can specify an INCLEXCL file using the

Preferences editor. However, you cannot create the INCLEXCL file using the

Preferences editor.

You can also create an include-exclude list manually by performing the following


1. Determine your include and exclude requirements.

2. Locate the server stanza in your dsm.sys file. Each server stanza must have its

own include-exclude list.

3. Enter your include and exclude statements. Tivoli Storage Manager evaluates all

exclude.fs and exclude.dir statements first (regardless of their position within

the include-exclude list), and removes the excluded file spaces, directories, and

files from the list of objects available for processing. All other include-exclude

statements are processed from the bottom of the list up. Therefore, it is

important to enter all your include-exclude statements in the proper order. For

example, in the following include-exclude list the includefile.cpp file is not

backed up:

include /Users/user01/Documents/includefile.cpp

exclude /Users/user01/Documents/.../*

However, in the following include-exclude list the includefile.cpp file is

backed up:

exclude /Users/user01/Documents/.../*

include /Users/user01/Documents/includefile.cpp

4. Save the file and close it. For Mac OS X, ensure that you save the file as plain

text. Do not add the .txt extension.

5. Restart your Tivoli Storage Manager client to enable your include-exclude list.

Excluding file spaces and directories

Use exclude.dir statements to exclude all files and sub-directories in the specified

directory from processing. Tivoli Storage Manager evaluates all exclude.dir

statements first (regardless of their position within the include-exclude list), and

removes the excluded directories and files from the list of objects available for

processing. The exclude.dir statements override all include statements that match

the pattern.

Table 19. Options for excluding file spaces and directories

Option Description


Excludes file spaces matching the pattern. The client does not consider

the specified file space for processing and the usual deleted-file

expiration process cannot occur. If you exclude a file space that was

previously included, existing backup versions remain on the server

subject to retention rules specified in the associated management class



Excludes a directory, its files, and all its subdirectories and their files

from backup processing. For example, the statement exclude.dir

/test/dan/data1 excludes the /test/dan/data1 directory, its files, and

all its subdirectories and their files. Using the exclude.dir option is

preferable over the standard exclude option to exclude large directories

containing many files that you do not want to back up. You cannot use

include options to override an exclude.dir statement. Only use

exclude.dir when excluding an entire directory branch.


1. Use the following statements to exclude volumes /Volumes/disk2

altogether from backup processing. Note that the volume

(/Volumes/disk2) will still be backed up, but all other directories on

/Volumes/disk2 will be excluded.

exclude /Volumes/disk2/*

exclude.dir /Volumes/disk2/*

2. An alternative method for excluding an entire volume from domain

incremental backup is to use a domain statement to exclude the

volume. For example:

domain "-/Volumes/disk2"

This alternative still permits selective backup processing of files on





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