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2009-9-25 20:57
2. package com.android.messageexample;
3. import android.app.Activity;
4. import android.content.Context;
5. import android.graphics.Color;
6. import android.os.Bundle;
7. import android.os.Handler;
8. import android.os.Looper;
9. import android.os.Message;
10. import android.util.Log;
11. import android.view.View;
12. import android.view.View.OnClickListener;
13. import android.widget.Button;
14. import android.widget.LinearLayout;
15. import android.widget.TextView;
16. public class MessageExample extends Activity implements OnClickListener {
17. private final int WC = LinearLayout.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT;
18. private final int FP = LinearLayout.LayoutParams.FILL_PARENT;
19. public TextView tv;
20. private EventHandler mHandler;
21. private Handler mOtherThreadHandler=null;
22. private Button btn, btn2, btn3, btn4, btn5, btn6;
23. private NoLooperThread noLooerThread = null;
24. private OwnLooperThread ownLooperThread = null;
25. private ReceiveMessageThread receiveMessageThread =null;
26. private Context context = null;
27. private final String sTag = "MessageExample";
28. private boolean postRunnable = false;
30. /** Called when the activity is first created. */
31. @Override
32. public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
33. super.onCreate(savedInstanceState);
34. context = this.getApplicationContext();
35. LinearLayout layout = new LinearLayout(this);
36. layout.setOrientation(LinearLayout.VERTICAL);
37. btn = new Button(this);
38. btn.setId(101);
39. btn.setText("message from main thread self");
40. btn.setOnClickListener(this);
41. LinearLayout.LayoutParams param =
42. new LinearLayout.LayoutParams(250,50);
43. param.topMargin = 10;
44. layout.addView(btn, param);
45. btn2 = new Button(this);
46. btn2.setId(102);
47. btn2.setText("message from other thread to main thread");
48. btn2.setOnClickListener(this);
49. layout.addView(btn2, param);
50. btn3 = new Button(this);
51. btn3.setId(103);
52. btn3.setText("message to other thread from itself");
53. btn3.setOnClickListener(this);
54. layout.addView(btn3, param);
55. btn4 = new Button(this);
56. btn4.setId(104);
57. btn4.setText("message with Runnable as callback from other thread to main thread");
58. btn4.setOnClickListener(this);
59. layout.addView(btn4, param);
60. btn5 = new Button(this);
61. btn5.setId(105);
62. btn5.setText("main thread's message to other thread");
63. btn5.setOnClickListener(this);
64. layout.addView(btn5, param);
65. btn6 = new Button(this);
66. btn6.setId(106);
67. btn6.setText("exit");
68. btn6.setOnClickListener(this);
69. layout.addView(btn6, param);
70. tv = new TextView(this);
71. tv.setTextColor(Color.WHITE);
72. tv.setText("");
73. LinearLayout.LayoutParams param2 =
74. new LinearLayout.LayoutParams(FP, WC);
75. param2.topMargin = 10;
76. layout.addView(tv, param2);
77. setContentView(layout);
79. //主线程要发送消息给other thread, 这里创建那个other thread
80. receiveMessageThread = new ReceiveMessageThread();
81. receiveMessageThread.start();
82. }
84. //implement the OnClickListener interface
85. @Override
86. public void onClick(View v) {
87. switch(v.getId()){
88. case 101:
89. //主线程发送消息给自己
90. Looper looper;
91. looper = Looper.myLooper(); //get the Main looper related with the main thread
92. //如果不给任何参数的话会用当前线程对应的Looper(这里就是Main Looper)为Handler里面的成员mLooper赋值
93. mHandler = new EventHandler(looper);
94. //mHandler = new EventHandler();
95. // 清除整个MessageQueue里的消息
96. mHandler.removeMessages(0);
97. String obj = "This main thread's message and received by itself!";
98. //得到Message对象
99. Message m = mHandler.obtainMessage(1, 1, 1, obj);
100. // 将Message对象送入到main thread的MessageQueue里面
101. mHandler.sendMessage(m);
102. break;
103. case 102:
104. //other线程发送消息给主线程
105. postRunnable = false;
106. noLooerThread = new NoLooperThread();
107. noLooerThread.start();
108. break;
109. case 103:
110. //other thread获取它自己发送的消息
111. tv.setText("please look at the error level log for other thread received message");
112. ownLooperThread = new OwnLooperThread();
113. ownLooperThread.start();
114. break;
115. case 104:
116. //other thread通过Post Runnable方式发送消息给主线程
117. postRunnable = true;
118. noLooerThread = new NoLooperThread();
119. noLooerThread.start();
120. break;
121. case 105:
122. //主线程发送消息给other thread
123. if(null!=mOtherThreadHandler){
124. tv.setText("please look at the error level log for other thread received message from main thread");
125. String msgObj = "message from mainThread";
126. Message mainThreadMsg = mOtherThreadHandler.obtainMessage(1, 1, 1, msgObj);
127. mOtherThreadHandler.sendMessage(mainThreadMsg);
128. }
129. break;
130. case 106:
131. finish();
132. break;
133. }
134. }
135. class EventHandler extends Handler
136. {
137. public EventHandler(Looper looper) {
138. super(looper);
139. }
140. public EventHandler() {
141. super();
142. }
143. public void handleMessage(Message msg) {
144. //可以根据msg.what执行不同的处理,这里没有这么做
145. switch(msg.what){
146. case 1:
147. tv.setText((String)msg.obj);
148. break;
149. case 2:
150. tv.setText((String)msg.obj);
151. noLooerThread.stop();
152. break;
153. case 3:
154. //不能在非主线程的线程里面更新UI,所以这里通过Log打印收到的消息
155. Log.e(sTag, (String)msg.obj);
156. ownLooperThread.stop();
157. break;
158. default:
159. //不能在非主线程的线程里面更新UI,所以这里通过Log打印收到的消息
160. Log.e(sTag, (String)msg.obj);
161. break;
162. }
163. }
164. }
165. //NoLooperThread
166. class NoLooperThread extends Thread{
167. private EventHandler mNoLooperThreadHandler;
168. public void run() {
169. Looper myLooper, mainLooper;
170. myLooper = Looper.myLooper();
171. mainLooper = Looper.getMainLooper(); //这是一个static函数
172. String obj;
173. if(myLooper == null){
174. mNoLooperThreadHandler = new EventHandler(mainLooper);
175. obj = "NoLooperThread has no looper and handleMessage function executed in main thread!";
176. }
177. else {
178. mNoLooperThreadHandler = new EventHandler(myLooper);
179. obj = "This is from NoLooperThread self and handleMessage function executed in NoLooperThread!";
180. }
181. mNoLooperThreadHandler.removeMessages(0);
182. if(false == postRunnable){
183. //send message to main thread
184. Message m = mNoLooperThreadHandler.obtainMessage(2, 1, 1, obj);
185. mNoLooperThreadHandler.sendMessage(m);
186. Log.e(sTag, "NoLooperThread id:" + this.getId());
187. }else{
188. //下面new出来的实现了Runnable接口的对象中run函数是在Main Thread中执行,不是在NoLooperThread中执行
189. //注意Runnable是一个接口,它里面的run函数被执行时不会再新建一个线程
190. //您可以在run上加断点然后在eclipse调试中看它在哪个线程中执行
191. mNoLooperThreadHandler.post(new Runnable(){
192. @Override
193. public void run() {
194. tv.setText("update UI through handler post runnalbe mechanism!");
195. noLooerThread.stop();
196. }
197. });
198. }
199. }
200. }
202. //OwnLooperThread has his own message queue by execute Looper.prepare();
203. class OwnLooperThread extends Thread{
204. private EventHandler mOwnLooperThreadHandler;
205. public void run() {
206. Looper.prepare();
207. Looper myLooper, mainLooper;
208. myLooper = Looper.myLooper();
209. mainLooper = Looper.getMainLooper(); //这是一个static函数
210. String obj;
211. if(myLooper == null){
212. mOwnLooperThreadHandler = new EventHandler(mainLooper);
213. obj = "OwnLooperThread has no looper and handleMessage function executed in main thread!";
214. }
215. else {
216. mOwnLooperThreadHandler = new EventHandler(myLooper);
217. obj = "This is from OwnLooperThread self and handleMessage function executed in NoLooperThread!";
218. }
219. mOwnLooperThreadHandler.removeMessages(0);
220. //给自己发送消息
221. Message m = mOwnLooperThreadHandler.obtainMessage(3, 1, 1, obj);
222. mOwnLooperThreadHandler.sendMessage(m);
223. Looper.loop();
224. }
225. }
227. //ReceiveMessageThread has his own message queue by execute Looper.prepare();
228. class ReceiveMessageThread extends Thread{
229. public void run() {
230. Looper.prepare();
231. mOtherThreadHandler = new Handler(){
232. public void handleMessage(Message msg) {
233. Log.e(sTag, (String)msg.obj);
234. }
235. };
236. Looper.loop();
237. }
238. }
240. }
使用mHandler = new EevntHandler(Looper.myLooper()); 可建立用来处理当前线程的Handler对象;其中,EevntHandler是Handler的子类。
使用mHandler = new EevntHandler(Looper.getMainLooper()); 可建立用来处理main线程的Handler对象;其中,EevntHandler是Handler的子类。
在onClick的case 101中创建一个继承自Handler的EventHandler对象,然后获取一个消息,然后通过EventHandler对象调用 sendMessage把消息发送到主线程的MessageQueue中。主线程由系统创建,系统会给它建立一个Looper对象和 MessageQueue,所以可以接收消息。这里只要根据主线程的Looper对象初始化EventHandler对象,就可以通过 EventHandler对象发送消息到主线程的消息队列中。
这里是通过 EventHandler的handleMessage函数处理的,其中收到的Message对象中what值为一的消息就是发送给它的,然后把消息里面附带的字符串在TextView上显示出来。
首先 postRunnable设为false,表示不通过Runnable方式进行消息相关的操作。然后启动线程noLooerThread, 然后以主线程的Looper对象为参数建立EventHandler的对象mNoLooperThreadHandler,然后获取一个Message并把一个字符串赋值给它的一个成员obj,然后通过mNoLooperThreadHandler把消息发送到主线程的MessageQueue中。
这里是通过 EventHandler的handleMessage函数处理的,其中收到的Message对象中what值为二的消息就是上面发送给它的,然后把消息里面附带的字符串在TextView上显示出来。
其他非主线程建立后没有自己的Looper对象,所以也没有MessageQueue,需要给非主线程发送消息时需要建立MessageQueue以便接收消息。下面说明如何给自己建立MessageQueue和Looper对象。从OwnLooperThread的run函数中可以看见有一个 Looper.prepare()调用,这个就是用来建立非主线程的MessageQueue和Looper对象的。
线程要接收消息需要在run函数中调用Looper.loop(),然后loop函数会从MessageQueue中取出消息交给对应的Handler对象 mOwnLooperThreadHandler处理,在mOwnLooperThreadHandler的handleMessage函数中会把 Message对象中what值为三的消息(上面发送的消息)在Log中打印出来,可以通过Logcat工具查看log。
首先 postRunnable设为true,表示通过Runnable方式进行消息相关的操作。然后启动线程noLooerThread, 然后以主线程的Looper对象为参数建立EventHandler的对象mNoLooperThreadHandler,然后获取一个Message并把一个字符串赋值给它的一个成员obj,然后通过mNoLooperThreadHandler把消息发送到主线程的MessageQueue中。
主线程收到上面发送的Message后直接运行上面Runnable对象中的run函数进行相应的操作。run函数通过Log打印一个字符串,可以通过Logcat工具查看 log。
这里首先要求线程receiveMessageThread运行(在onCreate函数中完成),并且准备好自己的 Looper和MessageQueue(这个通过ReceiveMessageThread中的run函数中的Looper.prepare()调用完成),然后根据建立的Looper对象初始化Handler对象mOtherThreadHandler。然后在onClick的case 105中由mOtherThreadHandler建立一个消息(消息中有一个字符串对象)并且发送到线程receiveMessageThread中的 MessageQueue中。
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2009-9-25 20:57
2. package com.android.messageexample;
3. import android.app.Activity;
4. import android.content.Context;
5. import android.graphics.Color;
6. import android.os.Bundle;
7. import android.os.Handler;
8. import android.os.Looper;
9. import android.os.Message;
10. import android.util.Log;
11. import android.view.View;
12. import android.view.View.OnClickListener;
13. import android.widget.Button;
14. import android.widget.LinearLayout;
15. import android.widget.TextView;
16. public class MessageExample extends Activity implements OnClickListener {
17. private final int WC = LinearLayout.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT;
18. private final int FP = LinearLayout.LayoutParams.FILL_PARENT;
19. public TextView tv;
20. private EventHandler mHandler;
21. private Handler mOtherThreadHandler=null;
22. private Button btn, btn2, btn3, btn4, btn5, btn6;
23. private NoLooperThread noLooerThread = null;
24. private OwnLooperThread ownLooperThread = null;
25. private ReceiveMessageThread receiveMessageThread =null;
26. private Context context = null;
27. private final String sTag = "MessageExample";
28. private boolean postRunnable = false;
30. /** Called when the activity is first created. */
31. @Override
32. public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
33. super.onCreate(savedInstanceState);
34. context = this.getApplicationContext();
35. LinearLayout layout = new LinearLayout(this);
36. layout.setOrientation(LinearLayout.VERTICAL);
37. btn = new Button(this);
38. btn.setId(101);
39. btn.setText("message from main thread self");
40. btn.setOnClickListener(this);
41. LinearLayout.LayoutParams param =
42. new LinearLayout.LayoutParams(250,50);
43. param.topMargin = 10;
44. layout.addView(btn, param);
45. btn2 = new Button(this);
46. btn2.setId(102);
47. btn2.setText("message from other thread to main thread");
48. btn2.setOnClickListener(this);
49. layout.addView(btn2, param);
50. btn3 = new Button(this);
51. btn3.setId(103);
52. btn3.setText("message to other thread from itself");
53. btn3.setOnClickListener(this);
54. layout.addView(btn3, param);
55. btn4 = new Button(this);
56. btn4.setId(104);
57. btn4.setText("message with Runnable as callback from other thread to main thread");
58. btn4.setOnClickListener(this);
59. layout.addView(btn4, param);
60. btn5 = new Button(this);
61. btn5.setId(105);
62. btn5.setText("main thread's message to other thread");
63. btn5.setOnClickListener(this);
64. layout.addView(btn5, param);
65. btn6 = new Button(this);
66. btn6.setId(106);
67. btn6.setText("exit");
68. btn6.setOnClickListener(this);
69. layout.addView(btn6, param);
70. tv = new TextView(this);
71. tv.setTextColor(Color.WHITE);
72. tv.setText("");
73. LinearLayout.LayoutParams param2 =
74. new LinearLayout.LayoutParams(FP, WC);
75. param2.topMargin = 10;
76. layout.addView(tv, param2);
77. setContentView(layout);
79. //主线程要发送消息给other thread, 这里创建那个other thread
80. receiveMessageThread = new ReceiveMessageThread();
81. receiveMessageThread.start();
82. }
84. //implement the OnClickListener interface
85. @Override
86. public void onClick(View v) {
87. switch(v.getId()){
88. case 101:
89. //主线程发送消息给自己
90. Looper looper;
91. looper = Looper.myLooper(); //get the Main looper related with the main thread
92. //如果不给任何参数的话会用当前线程对应的Looper(这里就是Main Looper)为Handler里面的成员mLooper赋值
93. mHandler = new EventHandler(looper);
94. //mHandler = new EventHandler();
95. // 清除整个MessageQueue里的消息
96. mHandler.removeMessages(0);
97. String obj = "This main thread's message and received by itself!";
98. //得到Message对象
99. Message m = mHandler.obtainMessage(1, 1, 1, obj);
100. // 将Message对象送入到main thread的MessageQueue里面
101. mHandler.sendMessage(m);
102. break;
103. case 102:
104. //other线程发送消息给主线程
105. postRunnable = false;
106. noLooerThread = new NoLooperThread();
107. noLooerThread.start();
108. break;
109. case 103:
110. //other thread获取它自己发送的消息
111. tv.setText("please look at the error level log for other thread received message");
112. ownLooperThread = new OwnLooperThread();
113. ownLooperThread.start();
114. break;
115. case 104:
116. //other thread通过Post Runnable方式发送消息给主线程
117. postRunnable = true;
118. noLooerThread = new NoLooperThread();
119. noLooerThread.start();
120. break;
121. case 105:
122. //主线程发送消息给other thread
123. if(null!=mOtherThreadHandler){
124. tv.setText("please look at the error level log for other thread received message from main thread");
125. String msgObj = "message from mainThread";
126. Message mainThreadMsg = mOtherThreadHandler.obtainMessage(1, 1, 1, msgObj);
127. mOtherThreadHandler.sendMessage(mainThreadMsg);
128. }
129. break;
130. case 106:
131. finish();
132. break;
133. }
134. }
135. class EventHandler extends Handler
136. {
137. public EventHandler(Looper looper) {
138. super(looper);
139. }
140. public EventHandler() {
141. super();
142. }
143. public void handleMessage(Message msg) {
144. //可以根据msg.what执行不同的处理,这里没有这么做
145. switch(msg.what){
146. case 1:
147. tv.setText((String)msg.obj);
148. break;
149. case 2:
150. tv.setText((String)msg.obj);
151. noLooerThread.stop();
152. break;
153. case 3:
154. //不能在非主线程的线程里面更新UI,所以这里通过Log打印收到的消息
155. Log.e(sTag, (String)msg.obj);
156. ownLooperThread.stop();
157. break;
158. default:
159. //不能在非主线程的线程里面更新UI,所以这里通过Log打印收到的消息
160. Log.e(sTag, (String)msg.obj);
161. break;
162. }
163. }
164. }
165. //NoLooperThread
166. class NoLooperThread extends Thread{
167. private EventHandler mNoLooperThreadHandler;
168. public void run() {
169. Looper myLooper, mainLooper;
170. myLooper = Looper.myLooper();
171. mainLooper = Looper.getMainLooper(); //这是一个static函数
172. String obj;
173. if(myLooper == null){
174. mNoLooperThreadHandler = new EventHandler(mainLooper);
175. obj = "NoLooperThread has no looper and handleMessage function executed in main thread!";
176. }
177. else {
178. mNoLooperThreadHandler = new EventHandler(myLooper);
179. obj = "This is from NoLooperThread self and handleMessage function executed in NoLooperThread!";
180. }
181. mNoLooperThreadHandler.removeMessages(0);
182. if(false == postRunnable){
183. //send message to main thread
184. Message m = mNoLooperThreadHandler.obtainMessage(2, 1, 1, obj);
185. mNoLooperThreadHandler.sendMessage(m);
186. Log.e(sTag, "NoLooperThread id:" + this.getId());
187. }else{
188. //下面new出来的实现了Runnable接口的对象中run函数是在Main Thread中执行,不是在NoLooperThread中执行
189. //注意Runnable是一个接口,它里面的run函数被执行时不会再新建一个线程
190. //您可以在run上加断点然后在eclipse调试中看它在哪个线程中执行
191. mNoLooperThreadHandler.post(new Runnable(){
192. @Override
193. public void run() {
194. tv.setText("update UI through handler post runnalbe mechanism!");
195. noLooerThread.stop();
196. }
197. });
198. }
199. }
200. }
202. //OwnLooperThread has his own message queue by execute Looper.prepare();
203. class OwnLooperThread extends Thread{
204. private EventHandler mOwnLooperThreadHandler;
205. public void run() {
206. Looper.prepare();
207. Looper myLooper, mainLooper;
208. myLooper = Looper.myLooper();
209. mainLooper = Looper.getMainLooper(); //这是一个static函数
210. String obj;
211. if(myLooper == null){
212. mOwnLooperThreadHandler = new EventHandler(mainLooper);
213. obj = "OwnLooperThread has no looper and handleMessage function executed in main thread!";
214. }
215. else {
216. mOwnLooperThreadHandler = new EventHandler(myLooper);
217. obj = "This is from OwnLooperThread self and handleMessage function executed in NoLooperThread!";
218. }
219. mOwnLooperThreadHandler.removeMessages(0);
220. //给自己发送消息
221. Message m = mOwnLooperThreadHandler.obtainMessage(3, 1, 1, obj);
222. mOwnLooperThreadHandler.sendMessage(m);
223. Looper.loop();
224. }
225. }
227. //ReceiveMessageThread has his own message queue by execute Looper.prepare();
228. class ReceiveMessageThread extends Thread{
229. public void run() {
230. Looper.prepare();
231. mOtherThreadHandler = new Handler(){
232. public void handleMessage(Message msg) {
233. Log.e(sTag, (String)msg.obj);
234. }
235. };
236. Looper.loop();
237. }
238. }
240. }
使用mHandler = new EevntHandler(Looper.myLooper()); 可建立用来处理当前线程的Handler对象;其中,EevntHandler是Handler的子类。
使用mHandler = new EevntHandler(Looper.getMainLooper()); 可建立用来处理main线程的Handler对象;其中,EevntHandler是Handler的子类。
在onClick的case 101中创建一个继承自Handler的EventHandler对象,然后获取一个消息,然后通过EventHandler对象调用 sendMessage把消息发送到主线程的MessageQueue中。主线程由系统创建,系统会给它建立一个Looper对象和 MessageQueue,所以可以接收消息。这里只要根据主线程的Looper对象初始化EventHandler对象,就可以通过 EventHandler对象发送消息到主线程的消息队列中。
这里是通过 EventHandler的handleMessage函数处理的,其中收到的Message对象中what值为一的消息就是发送给它的,然后把消息里面附带的字符串在TextView上显示出来。
首先 postRunnable设为false,表示不通过Runnable方式进行消息相关的操作。然后启动线程noLooerThread, 然后以主线程的Looper对象为参数建立EventHandler的对象mNoLooperThreadHandler,然后获取一个Message并把一个字符串赋值给它的一个成员obj,然后通过mNoLooperThreadHandler把消息发送到主线程的MessageQueue中。
这里是通过 EventHandler的handleMessage函数处理的,其中收到的Message对象中what值为二的消息就是上面发送给它的,然后把消息里面附带的字符串在TextView上显示出来。
其他非主线程建立后没有自己的Looper对象,所以也没有MessageQueue,需要给非主线程发送消息时需要建立MessageQueue以便接收消息。下面说明如何给自己建立MessageQueue和Looper对象。从OwnLooperThread的run函数中可以看见有一个 Looper.prepare()调用,这个就是用来建立非主线程的MessageQueue和Looper对象的。
线程要接收消息需要在run函数中调用Looper.loop(),然后loop函数会从MessageQueue中取出消息交给对应的Handler对象 mOwnLooperThreadHandler处理,在mOwnLooperThreadHandler的handleMessage函数中会把 Message对象中what值为三的消息(上面发送的消息)在Log中打印出来,可以通过Logcat工具查看log。
首先 postRunnable设为true,表示通过Runnable方式进行消息相关的操作。然后启动线程noLooerThread, 然后以主线程的Looper对象为参数建立EventHandler的对象mNoLooperThreadHandler,然后获取一个Message并把一个字符串赋值给它的一个成员obj,然后通过mNoLooperThreadHandler把消息发送到主线程的MessageQueue中。
主线程收到上面发送的Message后直接运行上面Runnable对象中的run函数进行相应的操作。run函数通过Log打印一个字符串,可以通过Logcat工具查看 log。
这里首先要求线程receiveMessageThread运行(在onCreate函数中完成),并且准备好自己的 Looper和MessageQueue(这个通过ReceiveMessageThread中的run函数中的Looper.prepare()调用完成),然后根据建立的Looper对象初始化Handler对象mOtherThreadHandler。然后在onClick的case 105中由mOtherThreadHandler建立一个消息(消息中有一个字符串对象)并且发送到线程receiveMessageThread中的 MessageQueue中。
- MessageExample.zip (38.2 KB)
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