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Introducing the Java EE 6 Platform

Introducing the Java EE 6 Platform


    Apress.Introducing.Java.EE.7.Jul.2013.epub 完整版本

    Introducing Java EE 7: A Look at What’s New guides you through the new features and enhancements in each of the technologies comprising the Java EE platform. 格式:epub,完整版本

    Introducing the Java Message Service

    《引介Java消息服务:深入理解JMS》 在当今高度互联的世界中,企业级应用之间的通信变得至关重要。为了满足这一需求,Java消息服务(Java Message Service,简称JMS)应运而生,成为了一种标准的消息传递协议,用于...


    Java 8 是Java编程语言的一个重要更新版本,由Raoul-Gabriel Urma所著的《Introducing Java 8》是一本介绍Java 8新特性的指南书。本书提供了Java 8中新增的Lambda表达式和流(Streams)的快速入门,旨在帮助程序员...

    Introducing Java 8

    6. 出版信息:文档中还提到了本书的作者Raoul-Gabriel Urma,这是Java 8相关书籍的作者之一。同时,还包含了出版社、出版日期和版权声明等信息,这为Java 8的学习者提供了官方推荐的学习材料。 7. 学习指南:在文件...


    Go beyond simply learning Java EE APIs and explore the complete workflow of developing enterprise Java applications Learn to use the features of Eclipse JEE to simplify Java EE application development...


    the Java platform. The Spring Framework is an open source application framework that can be used with any Java application. After reading this book, you will know how to do the following: • Use the ...

    Hello, Android: Introducing Googles Mobile Development Platform

    这本名为《Hello, Android:Introducing Google's Mobile Development Platform》的书籍,旨在引导开发人员快速入门Android开发。 本书的作者是Ed Burnette,他致力于向开发者展示如何使用Android软件开发工具包...

    Introducing the Model Optimization Toolkit for TensorFlow

    ### 模型优化工具包(Model Optimization Toolkit)介绍 在机器学习领域中,模型优化是确保模型能在各种设备上高效运行的关键步骤。本文将详细介绍TensorFlow发布的模型优化工具包(Model Optimization Toolkit),并...

    Introducing the MySQL 8 Document Store

    Introducing the MySQL 8 Document Store presents new tools and features that make creating a hybrid database solution far easier than ever before. This book covers the vitally important MySQL Document ...

    Introducing the Cloud App Model.pptx

    Introducing the Cloud App Model.pptx



    Introducing Jakarta EE CDI.pdf

    The ultimate goal is to help you, the everyday Java developer, write better code. Throughout the book, you will be working on a simple restaurant application, seeing when and how the various CDI ...

    Java邮件开发Fundamentals of the JavaMail API

    included with the 1.2.1 version of the Java 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition (J2EE), so it is still commonly used. The version of the JavaMail API you want to use affects what you download and install...

    Java Spring 的框架简介外文文献加翻译

    "Introducing the Spring Framework" 是一篇关于Spring框架的入门文章,对于初学者来说,它提供了一个了解Spring基本概念和核心功能的良好起点。配合翻译,读者可以更深入地理解Spring框架的工作原理和如何在实际...


    For other references, see "Further Reading" on page 755. <br>This fourth edition provides integrated coverage of the Java programming language as provided by the Java™ 2 Platform Standard Edition...

    Hello, Android - Introducing Google's Mobile Development Platform 4th

    《Hello, Android - Introducing Google's Mobile Development Platform 4th》这本书是由Ed Burnette撰写,作为第四版,它显然是为Android开发新手和中级开发者准备的。这本书不仅涵盖了入门级别的Android应用开发...

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