wireless application website:https://bluewireless.ibm.com/leap_request.jsp
Step 1: Create the J2C authentication alias for the database
Login the WAS console, click "Security" - > "GlobalSecurity" -> "Authentication" -> "JAAS Configuration" -> "J2C Authentication data";
Click "New", input "widNode/widNode/MTPDBAuthAlias " as the "Alias", the database user name and password in "User ID" and "Password" feilds, for example "db2admin" and "db2admin" are the user id and password of our local database;
Step 2: Create the DB2 JDBC Provider if there is no such one
Click "Resources" -> "JDBC Providers" in the left navigation bar; the existing JDBC providers will be listed;
If there has the JDBC provider for DB2 (such as "DB2 JDBC2-compliant Provider " or "DB2 Universal JDBC Driver provider"), then do not need to create it again, skip this step and go to "Step 3"; Otherwise continue;
Click "New" button; select "DB2" as Database type, "DB2 Universal JDBC Driver provider" as Provider type, "com.ibm.db2.jcc.DB2ConnectionPoolDataSource" as Implementation type.
Click "Next", this page shows the path of the DB2 JDBC driver; The path is defined with the variable "DB2UNIVERSAL_JDBC_DRIVER_PATH";
Click "Finish", and then save the changes to the master configuration.
Click "Environment" -> "WebSpehre variables" in the left navigation bar; find the value of viarable "UNIVERSAL_JDBC_DRIVER_PATH"; make sure the value is the correct location that DB2 driver jar/zip files exist; for example "C:\IBM\SQLLIB\java"; //${WAS_INSTALL_ROOT}/universalDriver/lib
Step 3: Create the Data source
Click "Resources" -> "JDBC Providers" in the left navigation bar; the existing JDBC providers will be listed;
Click the DB2 JDBC driver that you just created or has existed, then click the "Data sources" link;
Click "New" button, input "MTPDS" as the name, "jdbc/MTPDS" as the "JNDI name"; in the drop down list "Component-managed authentication alias", select "widNode/widNode/MTPDBAuthAlias"; in "Database name", input the name of the database: "MTPDB";
If the driver is of JDBC type: "4" ("DB2 Universal JDBC Driver provider"), you also need to input the server name and port number, like "" and "50000";
Click "Save" to save the settings, and then save the changes to the master configuration.
Step 3: Test the data source
Click "Resources" -> "JDBC Providers" in the left navigation bar; the existing JDBC providers will be listed;
Click the DB2 JDBC driver that you just created or has existed, then click the "Data sources" link;
Select "MTPDS", and then click "Test connection" button. The result will be shown, if the test is failed, go back again to check if there is anything wrong.
Process Hacker是一款针对高级用户的安全分析工具,它可以帮助研究人员检测和解决软件或进程在特定操作系统环境下遇到的问题。除此之外,它还可以检测恶意进程,并告知我们这些恶意进程想要实现的功能。 Process ...
《SPSS Process最新版v4.1:统计分析与决策工具的深度解析》 SPSS Process是一款基于IBM SPSS Statistics的插件,专为社会科学、市场研究和数据分析专业人士设计,用于执行复杂的统计处理,如中介效应、调节效应、...
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开源的ProcessExplorer是一款强大的系统监控工具,它在IT领域中被广泛使用,特别是在系统管理和调试过程中。Processexplorer(通常简称为PE)是Sysinternals工具集的一部分,由Mark Russinovich创建,后来被微软收购...
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作为一款功能强大且灵活的过程信息管理系统,Aspen Process Explorer致力于帮助管理人员、工程师和操作人员快速准确地做出决策,提高操作性能和效率。 Aspen Process Explorer的特色功能之一是曲线窗口。该功能为...
Process Monitor 是windows下高级实时监听工具,用于监视文件系统、注册表、进程和线程的活动。它兼并了两个Sysinternals实用工具Filemon和Regmon的特点,并且增加了一系列的扩展包括丰富而无干扰的过滤全面的事件...
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**ProcessMonitor**,在Windows 7环境下,是一个不可或缺的系统监控神器。由Sysinternals开发,现已成为Microsoft Windows工具集的一部分。它提供了极其详细的实时监控功能,帮助用户深入理解系统的运行状态,查找并...
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Process Explorer是Windows操作系统中的一款强大的任务管理工具,由著名软件公司Sysinternals开发,并已被Microsoft收购。15.22汉化版32位是针对32位Windows系统的一个优化版本,提供了全中文界面,方便中国用户使用...
ProcessOn 基本使用教程 ProcessOn 是一款 HTML5 开发的在线作图工具,功能基本类似于 Visio,但它操作简单,方便易用。ProcessOn 支持多种类型图,包括 Flowchart、EVC、EPC、BPMN、UML 等,非常方便制作,然后把...
spss、sas process包,PROCESS的第3版在中介,调节和条件过程分析简介第二版中进行了描述和记录。单击下面的按钮下载版本3.4(2019年8月12日发行)。这样做时,将根据您的浏览器设置下载.zip存档。PROCESS的安装和...