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red hat centos 安装 yum



  1. 下载软件包 ,编译安装 (./configure,make,make install)这样安装配置性更高。相信高手都是这样安装的。
  2. yum安装。这样安装起来比较简单。(yum install  软件包名称 ) 主要适用于(centos,red hat)等.
    卸载:yum remove  软件包名称.
  3. apt-get 安装 这个和yum安装差不多。(sudo apt-get install  软件包名称   ) 主要适用于(ubuntu ,debian).
    卸载 : sudo apt-get autoremove 卸载所有相关包。
  4. 采用 package 方式安装 : 用 package 安装,只要抓取该程序 package 档案。
    安装 (pkg_add package_name)  移除 (pkg_delete package_name)  就可以完成安装 / 移除。
    注意 :文件名称 .tgz 结尾的是 package 文件名称 .tar.gz 结尾的是 source 。
    注 : 目前已经安装的 package 数据库放在 /var/db/pkg/ 这个数据夹之中。
  5. 另外还有 port tree 方式安装 (freebsd).

下面是red hat 安装yum的方法

  1. 下载包 :wget  http://yum.baseurl.org/download/2.0/yum-2.0.8-1.src.rpm   .
  2. 进入目录进行安装 :
    rpmbuild --rebuild yum-2.0.8-1.src.rpm
    cd  /usr/src/redhat/RPMS/noarch/
    rpm -ivh yum-2.0.8-1.noarch.rpm
  3. 配置yum更新地址

    #name=Red Hat Linux $releasever - $basearch - Base


    name=Red Hat Linux $releasever - $basearch - Base

    baseurl= http://centos.ustc.edu.cn/centos/4/os/i386/


    #name=Red Hat Linux $releasever - Updates


    name=Red Hat Linux $releasever - Updates

    baseurl= http://mirror.centos.org/centos/4/updates/i386/

    #name=Red Hat Linux $releasever - $basearch - Base


    name=Red Hat Linux $releasever - $basearch - Base

    baseurl= http://centos.ustc.edu.cn/centos/4/os/i386/
  4. 更新yum: yum update 等待更新完成就可以使用yum了。
  5. 下面是yum 基本命令介绍
    is used to install the latest version of a package or group of packages while ensuring that all dependencies are satisfied.
    If no package matches the given package name(s), they are assumed to be a shell glob and any matches are then installed.

    update If run without any packages, update will update every currently installed package. If one or more packages are specified,
    Yum will only update the listed packages. While updating packages, yum will ensure that all dependencies are satisfied.
    If no package matches the given package name(s), they are assumed to be a shell glob and any matches are then installed.

    Implemented so you could know if your machine had any updates that needed to be applied without running it interactively.
    Returns exit value of 100 if there are packages available for an update. Also returns a list of the pkgs to be updated in
    list format. Returns 0 and no packages are available for update.

    Can take packages as arguments, upgrade is just like update except that it includes package obsoletes in its calculations -
    this makes it better for distro-version changes, for example: upgrading from somelinux 8.0 to somelinux 9. *deprecated* -
    this command may be removed in the future.

    remove is used to remove the specified packages from the system as well as removing any packages which depend on the package being

    list can be used to list various information about available packages; more complete details are available in the List Options
    section below.

    can be used to find out which package provides some feature or file. Just use a specific name or a file-glob-syntax wild-
    cards to list the packages available or installed that provide that feature or file.

    search can be used to find any packages matching a string in the description, summary, packager and package name fields of an rpm.
    Useful for finding a package you do not know by name but know by some word related to it. Takes the same file glob wild-
    cards as provides.

    info can be used to list a description and summary information about available packages; takes the same arguments as in the List
    Options section below.

    clean is used to clean up various things which accumulate in the yup cache directory over time. More complete details can be
    found in the Clean Options section below.

    原创文章,转载请注明:   转载自Martin

    本文链接地址:   red hat centos 安装 yum



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