- Segment headers ard read with single-block reads
- Physical reads never span server extents.
- Blocks already in the buffer cache, except for direct read, are not reread from I/O subsystem.

If the initialization parameter db_file_multiblock_read_count is set to 8, the following
physical reads are performed:
• One single-block read of the segment header (block 1).
• One multiblock read of two blocks (2 and 3). More blocks cannot be read because block 4
is cached.
• One multiblock read of four blocks (from 5 to 8). More blocks cannot be read because
block 9 is cached.
• One multiblock read of six blocks (from 11 to 16). More blocks cannot be read because
block 16 is the last one of the extent.
• One multiblock read of two blocks (17 and 18). More blocks cannot be read because
block 19 is cached.
• One single-block read of block 20. More blocks cannot be read because block 21 is cached.
• One multiblock read of eight blocks (from 22 to 29). More blocks cannot be read because
the initialization parameter db_file_multiblock_read_count is set to 8.
• One multiblock read of three blocks (from 30 to 32).

- 大小: 28.6 KB
### Oracle Init.ora 文件位置详解 #### 一、引言 在Oracle数据库管理与维护过程中,正确理解并掌握`init.ora`文件的位置至关重要。该文件是Oracle实例启动时读取的重要配置文件之一,用于设置数据库运行所需的...
# This is a sample agent init file that contains the HS parameters that are # needed for the Transparent Gateway for SQL Server # HS init parameters # HS_FDS_CONNECT_INFO="SERVER=;...
# This is a sample agent init file that contain the HS parameters # needed for the Database Gateway for ODBC HS_FDS_CONNECT_INFO=mysql201 HS_FDS_TRACE_LEVEL=off HS_NLS_NCHAR=gbk ``` 其中,`HS_FDS_...
# This is a sample agent init file that contains the HS parameters that are # needed for the Transparent Gateway for SQL Server # HS init parameters HS_FDS_CONNECT_INFO=(sqlserver 计算机名或 IP 地址)...
通过`OracleConnection`类创建数据库连接,并通过`init`方法初始化连接和命令对象。 #### 2. 保存Blob数据 `SaveBlob`方法实现了将文件保存为数据库中的Blob数据。首先通过`GetblobByFilePath`方法读取文件内容到...
# This is a sample agent init file that contains the HS parameters that are # needed for the Database Gateway for ODBC # HS init parameters HS_FDS_CONNECT_INFO = dbtest HS_FDS_TRACE_LEVEL = debug HS_...
# This is a sample agent init file that contains the HS parameters that are # needed for the Transparent Gateway for SQL Server # # HS init parameters # HS_FDS_CONNECT_INFO="SERVER=;...
- 如果是`pfile`,则通常需要将文件复制到 `$ORACLE_HOME/dbs` 目录下,并命名为 `init<sid>.ora`,其中 `<sid>` 是 Oracle 实例名。 - 检查Oracle实例的SID是否设置正确。 示例操作如下: ```sql SQL> connect sys...
- 可以通过修改 `init.ora` 文件添加新的控制文件,然后重启数据库以使更改生效。 **获取控制文件信息**: - 可以通过查询数据字典视图,如 `V$CONTROLFILE`, `V$PARAMETER`, `V$CONTROLFILE_RECORD_SECTION` 来...
- 检查并修改数据库初始化参数文件(通常是`init.ora`或`spfile`)中的`NLS_LANG`参数,确保其与数据库及客户端字符集一致。 - 重启数据库使设置生效。 #### 四、案例解析 根据提供的部分内容,可以看到一个典型...
6. **数据库创建**:在安装时选择适合的数据库类型(如:通用、实时应用集群、数据仓库等),并配置初始化参数文件(init.ora或spfile)。 7. **错误处理**: - **“Insufficient Privileges”**:检查当前用户...
- 创建SPFILE从PFILE:`create spfile from pfile='/u01/app/oracle/admin/test/pfile/init.ora.1062009223651';` - 这是将文本参数文件(PFILE)转换为二进制格式的SPFILE的过程,SPFILE通常在重启后保持不变,而...
CREATE FUNCTION function_name(parameters) RETURNS return_type LANGUAGE SQL READS SQL DATA RETURN statement ``` **注意:** `READS SQL DATA`在DB2中是可选的,但DB2默认会包含这一项。`LANGUAGE SQL`在DB2 v7...
复制并修改初始化参数文件`init.ora`为`initoadb.ora`,以适应新建数据库的特定需求。 #### 4. 启动数据库到nomount状态 使用sysdba权限启动数据库至nomount状态,检查和修改初始化参数: ``` sqlplus / as ...
另一种常见的方法是在Oracle的参数文件`init.ora`中直接指定日期格式。具体操作如下: - 打开`init.ora`文件。 - 添加以下行:`NLS_DATE_FORMAT='YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'`。 - 如果选择这种方式,记得删除注册表中`...
- 如果需要修改,可以在创建数据库时通过`ORACLE_HOME/dbs/init.ora`文件设置,或者对于已存在的数据库,可以通过`ALTER SYSTEM SET NLS_CHARACTERSET = 'AL32UTF8' SCOPE = SPFILE;`命令修改,然后重启数据库服务...
F、sql> select * from v$logmnr_contents(v$logmnr_dictionary, v$logmnr_parameters, v$logmnr_logs); ``` - 结束LogMiner会话。 ``` G、sql> execute dbms_logmnr.end_logmnr; ``` #### 第二章:表空间...
PRAGMA EXCEPTION_INIT(e, -20000); BEGIN -- some code that may raise exception e EXCEPTION WHEN e THEN -- handle exception END; ``` - DB2示例: ```sql BEGIN -- some code that may raise ...
`sql> select * from v$logmnr_contents(v$logmnr_dictionary,v$logmnr_parameters v$logmnr_logs);` g. `sql> execute dbms_logmnr.end_logmnr;` 表空间管理 表空间管理是Oracle数据库管理的另一个重要组成部分...