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分享一个ToolTip类,趋于完美! -
百度MP3音乐API接口及应用 -
JMX in Action -
百度MP3音乐API接口及应用 -
简单的关闭 tomcat
import java.io.IO ...
package test{ public class Queue{ private var arr:Array; private var pointer:uint; function Queue(){ this.arr = new Array(); this.pointer = 0; } public function element():*{ if(isEmpty()){ return null; }else{ if(this.pointer < this.size()){ return this.arr[this.pointer++]; }else{ return null; } } } public function peek():*{ if(isEmpty()){ return null; }else{ return this.arr[0]; } } public function poll():*{ this.pointer = 0; if(isEmpty()){ return null; }else{ return this.arr.shift(); } } public function add(object:*):Boolean{ this.pointer = 0; if(this.contains(object)){ return false; }else{ this.arr.push(object); return true; } } public function contains(object:*):Boolean{ for(var i:uint = 0;i<this.size();i++){ if(this.arr[i] == object){ return true; } } return false; } public function clear():void{ this.arr = new Array(); this.pointer = 0; } public function isEmpty():Boolean{ return this.size() == 0; } public function size():uint{ return this.arr.length; } public function toString():String{ return this.arr.toString(); } } }
package test{ import flash.utils.Dictionary; public class Map{ private var _keys:Array = null; private var props:Dictionary = null; public function Map(){ this.clear(); } public function clear():void{ this.props = new Dictionary(); this._keys = new Array(); } public function containsKey(key:*):Boolean{ return this.props[key] != null; } public function containsValue(value:*):Boolean{ var result:Boolean = false; var len:uint = this.size(); if(len > 0){ for(var i:uint = 0 ; i < len ; i++){ if(this.props[this._keys[i]] == value) return true; } } } public function get(key:*):*{ return this.props[key]; } public function put(key:*,value:*):*{ var result:* = null; if(this.containsKey(key)){ result = this.get(key); this.props[key] = value; }else{ this.props[key] = value; this._keys.push(key); } return result; } public function remove(key:*):*{ var result:* = null; if(this.containsKey(key)){ delete this.props[key]; var index:int = this._keys.indexOf(key); if(index > -1){ this._keys.splice(index,1); } } return result; } public function putAll(map:Map):void{ this.clear(); var len:uint = map.size(); if(len > 0){ var arr:Array = map.keys; for(var i:uint=0;i<len;i++){ this.put(arr[i],map.get(arr[i])); } } } public function size():uint{ return this._keys.length; } public function isEmpty():Boolean{ return this.size < 1; } public function values():Array{ var result:Array = new Array(); var len:uint = this.size(); if(len > 0){ for(var i:uint = 0;i<len;i++){ result.push(this.props[this._keys[i]]); } } return result; } public function keys():Array{ return this._keys; } public function toString():String{ var out:String = ""; for(var i:uint=0;i<this.size();i++){ out += this._keys[i] + ":"+this.get(this._keys[i]) + "\n"; } return out; } } }
package test{ public class Stack{ private var arr:Array; private var pointer:uint; function Stack(){ this.arr = new Array(); this.pointer = 0; } public function element():*{ if(isEmpty()){ return null; }else{ if(this.pointer < 0){ return null; }else{ return this.arr[this.pointer--]; } } } public function peek():*{ if(isEmpty()){ return null; }else{ return this.arr[this.arr.length]; } } public function pop():*{ if(isEmpty()){ return null; }else{ this.pointer = (this.size()>1)?this.size() - 2:0; return this.arr.pop(); } } public function add(object:*):Boolean{ if(this.contains(object)){ this.pointer = this.size() - 2; return false; }else{ this.pointer = this.size() - 1; this.arr.push(object); return true; } } public function contains(object:*):Boolean{ for(var i:uint = 0;i<this.size();i++){ if(this.arr[i] == object){ return true; } } return false; } public function clear():void{ this.arr = new Array(); this.pointer = 0; } public function isEmpty():Boolean{ return this.size() == 0; } public function size():uint{ return this.arr.length; } public function toString():String{ return this.arr.toString(); } } }
2011-07-27 20:16 2077使用目的:字符串的编码与解码。 说明:escape()函数会将 ... -
[心得] 把纯文本嵌入as3类中
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Flex Builder快捷键大全
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2011-06-07 10:36 1457在做Flash应用时,有时可能会遇到需要使用服务器时间的情况, ... -
2011-06-07 10:26 1328package myas { import ... -
2011-06-07 10:24 1943困扰了我好几天,也没人帮我解决..。 最后在网上找到了方法。 ... -
2011-06-03 17:20 1288package engine { impo ... -
Flex中使用三角函数sin() cos()进行圆形排列
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Using non-embedded images in a spark BitmapImage
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在Flash Player 10.2中使用原生鼠标指针
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2011-03-21 19:13 1194送给儿时的自己。 -
2011-01-27 23:35 1258有时候我们需要将某个数组清空或者说重置,我最常用的办法的是重新 ... -
2011-01-27 23:21 2020AS3中的DisplayObject有一个render事件,他 ... -
解决RemoteClass alias信息丢失
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Flex 4 List控件分页功能的实现
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Flash 游戏设计笔记:计时器制作
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3. 路由过滤:Route-Map 可以用于路由过滤,根据不同的路由策略来过滤路由。 在本实验中,我们使用 Route-Map 来实现路由重发布,将 的路由重发布到 OSPF 中,类型为 OE1,metric=100;把 的路由重...
1、RTAB-Map as an open-source lidar and visual simultaneous localization and mapping library for large-scale and long-term online operation-2018.pdf 2、RTABMAP_Appearance-Based_Loop_Closure_Detection_...
We describe a new formulation of appearance-only SLAM suitable for very large scale navigation. The system navigates in the space of appearance, assigning each new ...as a benchmark for future systems.
### BGP Route-Map Policy List Support详解 #### 概述 **BGP Route-Map Policy List Support**(边界网关协议路由映射策略列表支持)是Cisco系统在多个版本的Cisco IOS软件中引入的一项功能增强。该功能允许网络...
This library provides convenient wrappers around ... However, proceed with caution as calling the native APIs may break the connection between the React layer props and the underlying map state.
而set语句则用来修改这些匹配路由的属性,如设置metric、修改下一跳地址、改变AS路径、社区属性、本地优先级、权重或起源类型等。 配置route-map时,首先需要创建一个route-map实例,如`route-map test permit/deny...
3. 应用键绑定:使用`bind-keys-in-mode`在你需要的模式上应用这些绑定: ```elisp (bind-keys-in-mode my-bindings 'text-mode) (bind-keys-in-mode my-bindings 'prog-mode) ``` 这样,无论你在文本模式还是...
安装npm install --save react-map-interaction用法基本的import { MapInteractionCSS } from 'react-map-interaction' ;// This component uses CSS to scale your content.// Just pass in content as children ...
The demo scene is already set up and you can use it as a starting point. Buildings height and Roads width You can set the height and y position for every kind of polygon you want (buildings, water, ...
* 对BGP路由其他属性的设置、修改,使用route-map、match as-path、set等命令。 四、AS路径access-list AS路径access-list是BGP路由策略实施中的一个重要工具,通过对AS路径的匹配,可以实现对BGP路由的过滤。AS...
《Yahoo地图组件:深入探索Yahoo Maps AS3 API 0.9.4 Beta》 Yahoo地图组件,全称为Yahoo Maps AS3 API,是一个专门用于在ActionScript 3(AS3)环境中集成和操作Yahoo地图的服务接口。这个组件允许开发者在Flex、...
broker查看 —— Partitions as Leader、 Partitions as Follower consumer管理(查看、删除) 重置offset 消费消息 —— 支持String和json方式展示 截图 协议与条款 如您需要在企业网络中使用 kafka-map ,建议先...
plot_google_map.m uses the Google Maps API to plot a map in the background of the current ... Additionally, it has the option to auto-refresh the map upon zooming in the figure, revealing more details as
The data are provided as a zip-compressed text file with 26 columns of numbers, separated by spaces. Each row is a snapshot of data taken during a single operational cycle, each column is a different ...
在IT行业中,Google Map API是开发地图应用时广泛使用的工具,尤其在ActionScript 3(AS3)环境下,它为创建交互式地图提供了强大的支持。本文将深入探讨使用Google Map API进行AS3开发的相关知识点。 首先,让我们...
This Map pack expands out the Dungeons universe with new rooms and areas. ...https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/3d/environments/dungeons/polygon-dungeons-map-low-poly-3d-art-by-syn
npm install --save react-map-gl例import * as React from 'react' ;import ReactMapGL from 'react-map-gl' ;function Map { const [ viewport , setViewport ] = React . useState ( { latitud
### MACOM MAPC-A3006-AB/AS GaN功率放大器 #### 产品概述 MACOM MAPC-A3006-AB/AS 是一款采用高效率、0.15微米氮化镓(GaN)在碳化硅(SiC)基底上制造工艺的未匹配封装晶体管。该晶体管支持高达18瓦的饱和功率,...
本教程将通过"ios-Map.zip"中的资源,尤其是"LessonMapKit"文件,深入探讨如何使用Apple的MapKit框架进行地图的集成与操作。MapKit是iOS SDK提供的一种强大的工具,允许开发者在应用中嵌入交互式地图,实现定位、...
在本项目中,"spring boot3+jpa+lombok+mapstruct实现的restful api例子"是一个集成多种技术的示例,旨在展示如何高效地构建RESTful API服务。下面将详细介绍这些关键技术及其相互间的配合。 1. **Spring Boot 3**:...