iBATIS Project Team Moving to Google Code
Eight years ago in 2002, I created the iBATIS Data Mapper and introduced SQL Mapping as an approach to persistence layer development. Shortly thereafter, I donated the iBATIS name and code to the Apache Software Foundation. The ASF has been the home of iBATIS for the past six years.
A lot changes in six years. By 2010 we’ve seen a great deal of innovation and change in the areas of development methodology, source control, social networking and open-source infrastructure. As part of the ASF, iBATIS has had only limited ability to benefit from some of these new developments—some of which are not all that new anymore.
Our project has a committed team, a vibrant community, a great culture of cooperation and some exciting new releases. But we believe we can make it even better.
Therefore, the entire core development team of iBATIS has decided to continue the development of the framework at a new home and with a new name.
This includes all of the iBATIS for Java committers:
- Clinton Begin
- Brandon Goodin
- Jeff Butler
- Larry Meadors
- Nathan Maves
- Kai Grabfelder
And all of the iBATIS.NET committers:
- Michael McCurrey
- Ron Grabowski
- Michael Schall
Both the Java and .NET project teams have forked the software to Google Code, where they’ll continue to maintain it and create new releases.
- The names of the new projects are: MyBatis and MyBatis.NET
- The website for the new projects is: http://www.mybatis.org
- Java Google Code Project: http://code.google.com/p/mybatis/
- .NET Google Code Project: http://code.google.com/p/mybatisnet/
Some answers to obvious questions:
- The license will not change
- Your code will be fully compatible
- The package names and namespaces won’t change anytime soon
- iBATIS 2 and 3 will be supported, with both 2.3.5 GA and 3.0.1 GA releases becoming available immediately
- iBATIS.NET 1.x and 3.x will be supported, with a new release coming available soon
- None of the existing Apache resources will be deleted (not any time soon at least)
- The Apache project will be archived in the Apache Attic, if or when it becomes stale
- Now – The Confluence wiki is already frozen (due to login issues)
- By June 23rd – The Jira issue tracker will be changed to read-only mode
- By June 30th – The team (mentioned above) will unsubscribe from the Apache mailing lists
- July 1st, 2010 – Marks the 8th birthday of the framework!
We believe can improve a number of things by making this move, including (but not limited to):
- Lighter process
- More frequent releases
- Unified infrastructure
- Modernized tools (source control etc.)
- Build and deployment automation
- Easier to use mailing lists
- Single sign-on for users
- Greater community involvement
- More productive development team
There are only a few things you need to do immediately, and a couple that you’ll need to do eventually.
- Sign up for new mailing lists (now)
- Use the new issue tracker and wiki (now)
- Change bookmarks / links to the new site (now)
- Download new build (when you need your next build)
- Change DTD/XSD DOCTYPE headers in XML files (after you upgrade in #4, but old doctypes will work with the new framework too)
Full details for each of these steps can be found at the following Wiki page.
Making this move is a big decision and a lot of work. However, we truly believe that the efforts will pay off.
We’d like to thank the Apache Software Foundation for the past six years of working together.
We’ll see you all on the other side.
Clinton Begin
Original Creator of iBATIS
Ibator is a code generator for iBATIS. Ibator will introspect a database table (or many tables) and will generate iBATIS artifacts that can be used to access the table(s). This abates some of the ...
`org.apache.ibatis.annotations.Param`是MyBatis中的一个重要注解,用于处理方法参数映射。 `@Param`注解主要用于SQL查询中的动态参数绑定,尤其是在动态SQL语句中。在MyBatis的映射文件或者Mapper接口中,当我们...
在`org.apache.ibatis.executor.resultset.ResultSetHandler`中,ResultMap被用来定义字段与Java对象属性的映射关系。ResultMap不仅支持简单的列名映射,还能处理复杂的一对多、一对一关系映射。 六、...
Ibatis 是一款轻量级的Java持久层框架,它允许开发者将SQL语句与Java代码分离,从而使得数据库访问更加灵活、易于维护。本篇文章将深入探讨Ibatis的核心概念、最佳实践以及与其他框架如Struts和Spring的整合。 1. ...
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五、iBatis与MyBatis的区别与联系 MyBatis是iBatis的升级版,它继承了iBatis的所有优点,并做了很多改进,比如引入了注解支持、增强了对Spring的整合等。MyBatis更加现代化,社区活跃,持续维护,而iBatis则停止了...
标题 "ibatis in action and src code" 暗示了我们即将探讨的是关于iBATIS这一持久层框架的实战应用和源代码分析。iBATIS是Java开发中的一个流行ORM(对象关系映射)框架,它允许开发者将SQL查询与Java代码分离,...
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### ibatis 与 hibernate 之间的比较:优点和缺点 #### 概述 在 Java 开发领域中,对象关系映射(Object Relational Mapping,简称 ORM)是一种将面向对象编程语言中的对象模型与数据库系统中的关系模型相互转换的...
iBATIS是一个由Clinton Begin创建,目前由Apache基金会支持的持久化框架,它专注于数据库查询的简化,尤其在JDBC编程方面提供了极大的便利。相对于全自动化ORM解决方案如Hibernate,iBATIS被称为“半自动化”ORM实现...
- **ibatis迁移到Google Code**:之后,该项目迁移到了Google Code,继续进行维护与开发工作。 - **ibatis与myBatis的关系**:在ibatis的基础上,通过社区的努力与贡献,最终演变成了myBatis,两者的转换不仅仅是...
标题 "A code generator for iBATIS" 指的是一款为iBATIS框架自动生成代码的工具。iBATIS是一个开源的Java库,它允许程序员将SQL语句直接嵌入到Java代码中,实现了数据库访问层(DAO)的简化。这款代码生成器能够...
Ibatis是一个轻量级的持久层框架,它允许开发者将SQL语句与Java代码分离,提高了数据库操作的灵活性。 首先,确保你已安装了以下组件: 1. JDK 1.6.0 或更高版本:这是运行Ibatis所必需的Java运行环境。 2. SQL ...
Spring与iBATIS的集成 iBATIS似乎已远离众说纷纭的OR框架之列,通常人们对非常流行的Hibernate情有独钟。但正如Spring A Developer's Notebook作者Bruce Tate 和Justin Gehtland所说的那样,与其他的OR框架相比...
在与SSI(可能是Spring、Struts、iBATIS的组合)整合时,iBATIS能发挥更大的作用,提供更灵活的数据访问解决方案。 描述提到"ibatis中自己能运行的,还有能跟SSI整合的类库都在里面",这意味着我们关注的是iBATIS...