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  • 性别: Icon_minigender_1
  • 来自: 北京


    今天快要被VC6.0的编译器给搞疯了,按照自己的编码速度,今天因该把驱动通讯模块基本通过编译,但是没有想到的是,VC6.0不支持最支持最新驱动框架(WDK),在网上找了一下午资料,都没有能快速的方法解决,没有办法只好用最原始最笨的方法了-写一个ieWraper把要调用的WDK API给包起来,然后再WDK的环境下编译成DLL,然后在调用DLL。


                            C/C++ COMPILER OPTIONS
usage:cl[option...]      filename...   [/link linkoption]

/O1 minimize space                              /O2 maximize speed
/Ob<n> inline expansion (defalut n=0)   /Od
disable opimization(default) 
/Og enable global optimization               /Oi[-]
enable intrinsic functions
/Os favor code sapce                            /Ot
favor code speed
/Ox maximum optmations                     /Oy[-] enable frame pointer omission

                               -CODE GENERATION-
/GF enable read-only string pooling          /Gm[-]enable minimal rebuild
/Gy[-] separate functions for linker          /GS[-]enable security checks
/GR[-]enable C++ RTTI                          /GX[-]enalbe C++ EH(same as /EHsc)
/EHs enable C++ EH(no SEH exceptions)  /EHa enable C++ EH(w/SEH exceptions)
/fp:<except[-]|fast|precise|strict> choose floating-point model:
                 except[-]-consider floating-point exceptions when generating code 
                 fast-"fast" floating-point model;results are less predictable
                 precise-"precise" floating-point model;result are predictable
                 strict-"strict" floating-point model(implies/fp:except)
/GL[-] enable link-time code generation   /GA optimize for windows application
/Ge force stack check for all funcs           /Gs[num] control stack checkings calls
/Gh enable _penter function call              /GH enable _pexit function call
/GT generate filber-safe TLS accesses     /RTC1 Enable fast checks(/RTCsu)
/RTCc convert to small type checks        /RTCs stack Frame runtime checking
/RTCu uninitialized local usage checks
/clr[:opt] compile for common language runtime,where option is:
           pure - produce IL-only output file(no native executable code)
           safe - prdouce IL-only verifiable output file
           oldsyntax - accept the Managed Extensions syntax from Visual C++ 2000/2003 
            initialAppDomain - enable inital AppDomain behavior of Visual C++ 2002
            noAssembly - do not produce an assembly
/Gd __cdecl calling convertion                /Gr __fastcall calling convertion
/Gz __stdcall calling convertion              /GZ Enable stack checks(RTCs)
/Qifist[-] use FIST instead of ftol()
/hotpatch ensure function padding for htpatchable images
/arch:<SSE|SE2> minimum CPU architecture requirements,one of:
                         SSE - enable use of instructions available with SSE enabled CPUS
                         SSE2 - enable use off instructions available with SSE2 enabled CPUS
                         -OUTPUT FILES-
/Fa[file] name assembly listing file          /FA[scu] configure assembly listing
/Fd[file] name .PDB file                         /Fe<file> name executable file
/Fm[file] name map file                         /Fo<file> name object file
/Fp<file> name precompiled header file  /Fr[file] name source browser file
/FR[file] name extended .SBR file
/doc[file] process XML documentation comments and optionally name the .xdc file

/AI<dir> add to assembly search path  /FU<file> forced using assembly/model
/C don't strip coments                        /D<name>{=|#}<ext> define macro
/E preprocess to stdout                      /EP preprocess to stdout,no#line
/P precprocess to file                          /Fx merge injected code to file
/FI<file> name forced include file          /U<name> remove predefined macor
/u remove all predefined macors           /I<dir> add to include search pth
/X ignore "standard places"

/Zi enable debugging information                /Z7 enable old-style debug info
/Zp[n] pack structs on n-byte boundary      /Za disable extensions
/Ze enable extenstions(defalut)                   /Zl omit default library name in .OBJ
/Zg generate function prototypes                /Zs syntax check only
/vd{0|1|2} disable/enable vtordisp              /vm<x> type of pointers to members
/Zc:arg1[,arg2] C++ lanuage confomance,where arguments can be:
                 forScope[-] - enforce Stand C++ for scoping rules
                 wchar_t[-] - wchar_t is the native type,not a typedef
/ZI enable Edit and Continue debug info
/openmp enable OpenMP 2.0 language extensions


@<FILE> Options response file /?,/help print this help message
/bigobj generate extended object format              /c compile only,no link
/errorReport:option Report internal compiler errors to Microsoft
                     none - do not send report
                     prompt - prompt to immediately send report
                     queue - at next admin logon ,prompt to send report (default)
                     send - send report automatically
/FC use fall pathnames in diagnostcs                   /H<num> max external name lenght
/J default char type is unsigned                          /nologo suppress copyright message
/showInclude show include file names                  /TC compile all files as .c
/Tp<source file> compile file as .cpp                    /TC compile all file as .c
/TP compile all files as .cpp                                 /V<string> set version string
/w disable all warnings                                       /wd<n> disable warning n
/we<n> treat warning n as an error                    /wo<n> issue warning n once
/w<l><n> set warning level 1-4 for n                  /W<n> set warning level(defalut n =1)
/Wall enable all warnings                                    /WL enable one line diagnostics
/WX treat warning as errors                               /Yc[file] create .PCH file
/Yd put debug info in every .OBJ                         /Yl[sym] inject .PCH ref for debug lib
/Yu[file] use .PCH file                                          /Y- disable all PCH options
/Zm<n> max memory alloc(% of defalut)             /Wp64 enable 64 bit porting warnings

/LD Create .DLL                                                 /LDd Create .Dll debug library
/LN Create a .netmodule                                     /F[num] set stack size
/link [linker options and libraries]                         /MD link with MSVCRT.LIB
/MT link with LIBCMT.LIB                                    /MDd link with MSVCRTD.LIB deubg lib
/MTd link with LIBCMTD.LIB debug lib




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    "mingw-w64 C/C++编译器"是VSCode中实现C/C++开发的关键部分,通过它,开发者可以方便地在VSCode内编译、运行和调试C/C++程序。为了将这个编译器与VSCode结合使用,你需要首先安装VSCode,然后安装C/C++的插件,如...

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