AJAX Matters Blog » AJAX Tutorials: "AJAX Tutorials
A comprehensive list (over 130) of tutorials on AJAX, JavaScript and other web development topics.
1. Javascript Motion Tween
by Philippe Maegerman
2. 10 Realistic Steps to a Faster Web Site
by Alexander Kirk
3. 60 More AJAX Tutorials
by Max Kiesler
4. addEvent() considered harmful - an article from quirksmode.org
5. AJAX and scripting Web services with E4X, Part 1 - “Get an introduction to ECMAScript for XML (E4X), a simple extension to JavaScript that makes XML scripting very simple. In this paper, the authors demonstrate a Web programming model called Asynchronous JavaScript and XML (AJAX)…”
6. AJAX and scripting Web services with E4X, Part 2 - We have successfully used E4X to invoke Web services, and now we would like to provide Web services using E4X.
7. AJAX and Session Race Conditions
by Harry Fuecks
8. AJAX Design Patterns - “Is this tutorial any different from the others? Well yes and no, it is different in being a tutorial on how to design and build a complete site and not just some fancy little details like how to turn caching in AJAX off or how to create a fancy widget.”
by Christian Decker
9. AJAX FAQ for the Java Developer
- **Ajax Matters** 和 **AJAXPatterns**:提供最新的Ajax技术和设计模式,适合进阶学习。 5. **Ajax相关文章**: - 什么是Ajax:解释Ajax的基本概念和技术原理。 - Ajax技术简介:详细介绍Ajax的工作流程和如何...
AJAX Matters - **网址**:http://www.ajaxmatters.com - **简介**:这是一个非常全面的信息站点,涵盖了关于Ajax的各种技术和解决方案。网站上有很多高质量的文章和技术资料。 - **特色内容**: - Ajax技术文章 ...
《Matters Computational》是一本关于精选算法的书籍草稿,旨在为对特定算法感兴趣的程序员提供实用且经过优化的代码实现。本书的目标读者是对书中所涉及算法感兴趣并希望实际创建及理解经过合理优化的代码的程序员...
### Matters Computational: Key Insights and Algorithms #### Overview "Matters Computational" is a comprehensive resource authored by Jörg Arndt that delves into the intricacies of computational ...
<Data Transfer Matters for GPU Computing> Abstract—Graphics processing units (GPUs) embrace manycore compute devices where massively parallel compute threads are offloaded from CPUs. This ...
As software becomes more and more complex, it is more and more important to structure it well. Well-structured software is easy to write and to debug, and provides a collection of modules that can be ...
这本书讲的就是OKR (Objectives and Key Results) 从问题的角度也更好理解OKR。在公司、团队扩大的过程(尤其中/大型团队),常出现这样的问题: - 团队整体缺乏工作重点、分配资源困难 - 团队内的各成员间协作...
John Hughes在1984年的论文《Why Functional Programming Matters》中,详细阐述了函数式编程的这些优势,并通过操纵列表和树、编写数值算法和实现用于游戏程序的人工智能中的α-β剪枝算法来举例说明。论文强调了...
### Matters Computational: Key Insights, Algorithms, and Source Code #### Overview "Matters Computational" is a comprehensive resource designed for computationalists, including professional ...
### 基础架构的重要性:POWER8与XEON x86对比分析 #### 概述 随着企业数字化转型的步伐不断加快,服务器基础架构的选择成为决定业务成功与否的关键因素之一。本报告聚焦于IBM的POWER8架构与Intel XEON x86架构之间...
Measure What Matters: How Google, Bono, and the Gates Foundation Rock the World with OKRs
综上所述,"Closed-loop Matters: Dual Regression Networks for Single Image Super-Resolution"一文深入探讨了超分辨率技术中的关键挑战,并提出了一种创新的双回归网络架构,旨在解决从LR到HR图像转换中的病态...
How to Design a Good API and Why it Matters
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Writing Matters unites research, reasoning, documentation, grammar and style in a cohesive whole, helping students see the conventions of writing as a network of responsibilities writers have.