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Add ActiveRBAC in your Rails project

  rails my_project
cd my_project
./script/plugin discover (or ruby script/plugin discover on Windows)
./script/plugin install engines (or ruby script/plugin... on Win)
./script/plugin install active_rbac (or ruby script/plugin... on Win)

if there is any problem while you are exacuting the script, just re-try..

  1. Start InstantRails.
  2. Open a Ruby console window.
  3. cd your_app_name.
  4. ruby script/plugin discover.
  5. Reply by no to all questions, except the two questions for http://svn.rails-engines.org/ and https://activerbac.turingstudio.com/.
  6. ruby script/plugin install engines.
  7. ruby script/plugin install active_rbac.


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