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weblogic with spring hibernate mappingDirectoryLocations error
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_wls_cls_gen.jar Issue
from http://jaysensharma.wordpress.com/2009/12/28/_wls_cls_gen-jar-issue/
WebLogic 10 And WebLogic 10.3 creates a Jar file (_wls_cls_gen.jar)while deploying our Archieved Applications (WAR files). Which includes all the contains available inside the WEB-INF/classes directory inside this jar file(_wls_cls_gen.jar). I didnot find a way to tell WebLogic Server to not to create this JAR file, because it creates many issues.
Example: if we have placed a Property file or Some XML files inside the “WEB-INF/classes” directory with the name “test.properties” or “test.xml” then WebLogic Server will place this Property file as well inside the (_Wls_cls_gen.jar) file while deployment…
Now if we write the following code inside out application like Servlet then it won’t work and will fail while reading the Properties file:
Note: Many frameworks uses the Following techinques and Sometimes WebLogic Code causes this issue..(http://forums.oracle.com/forums/thread.jspa?messageID=4217650#4217650)…which may cause our applications to fail while reading jar Archieved resources. because they uses the following techinque to read the resources available inside a JAR file:
——————————————-WRONG – APPROACH – BELOW———————
To avoid the above issue…we need to change our code like following: most of the Frameworks also need to change their implementations…
———————— CORRECT – APPROACH – BELOW ——————-
The above piece of code can be used whenever we want to read a Non-Class/Class resource from inside a JAR file.
Jay SenSharma
weblogic sucks! either you rewrite the function of spring , or you just use the folder way.
ServletContext.getRealPath returns null
Another weird behavior from weblogic when webapp is deployed as WAR. ServletContext.getRealPath() returns null when deployed as WAR but it works ok when deployed as exploded. There are two ways we can fix this issue when you still want to deploy as WAR but would like to get over with this issue:
1. Go to server admin console->Domain-> Web applications. Click the checkbox of Archived Real Path Enabled. This should make an entry into domain config.xml as below.
2. Second option is at webapp level by updating weblogic.xml as below:
The value of <show-archived-real-path-enabled> set in the web app has precedence over the value set at the domain level. The default value of this property is false.
have read an article again, maybe I can try
See the Spring Reference http://static.springframework.org/spring/docs/2.5.x/reference/resources.html#resources-wildcards-in-path-other-stuff
which explains why "classpath*:*.hbm.xml" doesn't work. You can get it to work if you put your hbm.xml files in a specified subdirectory/package, for example "classpath*:res/*.hbm.xml". Or if you put them in the same directories as the corresponding Java classes, you could use "classpath*:com/**/*.hbm.xml", assuming your classes are under the root package "com".
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from http://jaysensharma.wordpress.com/2009/12/28/_wls_cls_gen-jar-issue/
WebLogic 10 And WebLogic 10.3 creates a Jar file (_wls_cls_gen.jar)while deploying our Archieved Applications (WAR files). Which includes all the contains available inside the WEB-INF/classes directory inside this jar file(_wls_cls_gen.jar). I didnot find a way to tell WebLogic Server to not to create this JAR file, because it creates many issues.
Example: if we have placed a Property file or Some XML files inside the “WEB-INF/classes” directory with the name “test.properties” or “test.xml” then WebLogic Server will place this Property file as well inside the (_Wls_cls_gen.jar) file while deployment…
Now if we write the following code inside out application like Servlet then it won’t work and will fail while reading the Properties file:
Note: Many frameworks uses the Following techinques and Sometimes WebLogic Code causes this issue..(http://forums.oracle.com/forums/thread.jspa?messageID=4217650#4217650)…which may cause our applications to fail while reading jar Archieved resources. because they uses the following techinque to read the resources available inside a JAR file:
——————————————-WRONG – APPROACH – BELOW———————
InputStream stream = null; try { Properties p = new Properties(); String path=Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader().getResource(“Info.properties”).getPath(); System.out.println(“—————-PATH: “+path); p.load(new java.io.FileInputStream(path)); Host = p.getProperty(“Host”); Pot = p.getProperty(“Port”); User = p.getProperty(“User”); Passwd = p.getProperty(“Passwd”); System.out.println(“Property Key-Values:” +”\n”+ Host +”\n”+ Pot + “\n”+User+ “\n”+Passwd); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); }
To avoid the above issue…we need to change our code like following: most of the Frameworks also need to change their implementations…
———————— CORRECT – APPROACH – BELOW ——————-
InputStream stream = null; System.out.println(“————————————”); try { Properties p = new Properties(); stream=this.getClass().getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream(“Info.properties”); p.load(stream); Host = p.getProperty(“Host”); Pot = p.getProperty(“Port”); User = p.getProperty(“User”); Passwd = p.getProperty(“Passwd”); System.out.println(“Property Key-Values:” +”\n”+ Host +”\n”+ Pot + “\n”+User+ “\n”+Passwd); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); }
The above piece of code can be used whenever we want to read a Non-Class/Class resource from inside a JAR file.
Jay SenSharma
weblogic sucks! either you rewrite the function of spring , or you just use the folder way.
ServletContext.getRealPath returns null
Another weird behavior from weblogic when webapp is deployed as WAR. ServletContext.getRealPath() returns null when deployed as WAR but it works ok when deployed as exploded. There are two ways we can fix this issue when you still want to deploy as WAR but would like to get over with this issue:
1. Go to server admin console->Domain-> Web applications. Click the checkbox of Archived Real Path Enabled. This should make an entry into domain config.xml as below.
<web-app-container> <show-archived-real-path-enabled>true</show-archived-real-path-enabled> </web-app-container>
2. Second option is at webapp level by updating weblogic.xml as below:
<container-descriptor> <show-archived-real-path-enabled>true</show-archived-real-path-enabled> </container-descriptor>
The value of <show-archived-real-path-enabled> set in the web app has precedence over the value set at the domain level. The default value of this property is false.
have read an article again, maybe I can try
See the Spring Reference http://static.springframework.org/spring/docs/2.5.x/reference/resources.html#resources-wildcards-in-path-other-stuff
which explains why "classpath*:*.hbm.xml" doesn't work. You can get it to work if you put your hbm.xml files in a specified subdirectory/package, for example "classpath*:res/*.hbm.xml". Or if you put them in the same directories as the corresponding Java classes, you could use "classpath*:com/**/*.hbm.xml", assuming your classes are under the root package "com".
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