The Web SQL database API isn’t actually part of the HTML5 specification, but it is part of the suite of specifications that allows us developers to build fully fledged web applications, so it’s about time we dig in and check it out.
What’s in the box?
If you haven’t guessed from the overly verbose specification title, Web SQL Databases is a spec that brings SQL to the client side. If you have a back-end developer’s background, then you’ll probably be familiar with SQL and happy as a pig in muck. If not, you might want to learn some SQL before you start hacking around, Google’s your friend here.
The specification is based around SQLite (3.1.19), but having come from MySQL myself, it’s all pretty much the same (sorry for the sweeping statement!).
For an example of Web SQL Databases working, have a look at the Twitter HTML5 chatter demo I put together. It uses SQL and the WHERE clause to narrow down the recent chat about HTML5 on Twitter (it will work in Safari, Chrome and Opera 10.50).
There are three core methods in the spec that I’m going to cover in this article:
Support is a little patchy at the moment. Only Webkit (Safari, SafariMobile and Chrome) and Opera 10.50 (ATOW alpha on Mac) support web databases. Fellow Doctor Bruce Lawson has told me that Firefox are holding off as they feel there’s a better implementation than SQLite (though I hope it’s similar, whatever they pick). Either way, I’d definitely recommend checking out the SQLite documentation for the functions that are available.
Because of this patchy support and the simple fact that Webkit had implemented the database spec some time ago, the spec on the W3C is now slightly ahead of the implementations in Safari, while Webkit is still catching up. On the other hand, since Opera has only just added support, it’s closer to the spec (I’ll mention the differences as we go along).
Nonetheless, it’s fun to play with, so let’s get playing!
Creating and Opening Databases
If you try to open a database that doesn’t exist, the API will create it on the fly for you. You also don’t have to worry about closing databases.
To create and open a database, use the following code:
var db = openDatabase('mydb', '1.0', 'my first database', 2 * 1024 * 1024);
I’ve passed four arguments to the openDatabase
method. These are:
- Database name
- Version number
- Text description
- Estimated size of database
The missing feature of openDatabase
(I’m not sure when it was added) is the fifth argument:
- Creation callback
The creation callback will be called if the database is being created. Without this feature, however, the databases are still being created on the fly and correctly versioned.
The return value from openDatabase
contains the transaction methods, so we’ll need to capture this to be able to perform SQL queries.
Estimated database size
From the tests I’ve run, only Safari prompts the user if you try to create a database over the size of the default database size, 5MB. The prompt is shown the image below, asking whether you want to grant the database permission to scale up to the next size of database — 5, 10, 50, 100 and 500MB. Opera, on the other hand, builds the database without complaining, which I expect might change later as it’s still in alpha.
I could be wrong, but everything I’ve tested so far says that versioning in SQL databases is borked. The problem is this:
If you upgrade your database to version 2.0 (e.g., there are some important schema changes since version 1.0), how do you know which visitors are on version 1.0 and which are on version 2.0?
The version number is a required argument to openDatabase
, so you must know the version number before you try to open it. Otherwise, an exception is thrown.
Also, changeVersion
, the method to change the database version, is not fully supported in Webkit. It works in Chrome and Opera, but not in Safari or Webkit. Regardless, if I can’t determine which version of database the user is on, then I can’t upgrade the user.
A possible workaround is to maintain a state database, something like the ‘mysql’ database in MySQL. This way, you would only have one version of this state database, and within this you would record the current version of any databases that control your application. It’s a hack, but it works.
Now that we’ve opened our database, we can create transactions. Why bother with transactions instead of just running our SQL? Transactions give us the ability to rollback. This means that if a transaction — which could contain one or more SQL statements — fails (either the SQL or the code in the transaction), the updates to the database are never committed — i.e. it’s as if the transaction never happened.
There are also error and success callbacks on the transaction, so you can manage errors, but it’s important to understand that transactions have the ability to rollback changes.
The transaction is simply a function that contains some code:
var db = openDatabase('mydb', '1.0', 'my first database', 2 * 1024 * 1024);
db.transaction(function (tx) {
// here be the transaction
// do SQL magic here using the tx object
I recently uploaded a demo to that demonstrates a transaction rollback in action: Web SQL database rollback demo
In the nightly builds of the browsers, we also have db.readTransaction
, which allows only read statements to run on the database. I assume there are performance benefits to using a read-only readTransaction
instead of a read/write transaction
, most probably to do with table locking.
Now that we’ve got our transaction object (named tx
in my example) we’re ready to run some SQL!
This is the funnel of love for all your SQL goodness. executeSql
is used for both read and write statements, includes SQL injection projection, and provides a callback method to process the results of any queries you may have written.
Once we have a transaction object, we can call executeSql
var db = openDatabase('mydb', '1.0', 'my first database', 2 * 1024 * 1024);
db.transaction(function (tx) {
tx.executeSql('CREATE TABLE foo (id unique, text)');
This will now create a simple table called “foo” in our database called “mydb”. Note that if the database already exists the transaction will fail, so any successive SQL wouldn’t run. So we can either use another transaction, or we can only create the table if it doesn’t exist, which I’ll do now so I can insert a new row in the same transaction:
var db = openDatabase('mydb', '1.0', 'my first database', 2 * 1024 * 1024);
db.transaction(function (tx) {
tx.executeSql('CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS foo (id unique, text)');
tx.executeSql('INSERT INTO foo (id, text) VALUES (1, "synergies")');
Now our table has a single row inside it. What if we want to capture the text from the user or some external source? We’d want to ensure it can’t compromise the security of our database (using something nasty like SQL injection). The second argument to executeSql
maps field data to the query, like so:
tx.executeSql('INSERT INTO foo (id, text) VALUES (?, ?)', [id, userValue]);
and userValue
are external variables, and executeSql
maps each item in the array argument to the “?”s.
Finally, if we want to select values from the table, we use a callback to capture the results:
tx.executeSql('SELECT * FROM foo', [], function (tx, results) {
var len = results.rows.length, i;
for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
(Notice that in this query, there are no fields being mapped, but in order to use the third argument, I need to pass in an empty array for the second argument.)
The callback receives the transaction object (again) and the results object. The results object contains a rows
object, which is array-like but isn’t an array. It has a length, but to get to the individual rows, you need to use results.rows.item(i)
, where i
is the index of the row. This will return an object representation of the row. For example, if your database has a name
and an age
field, the row will contain a name
and an age
property. The value of the age
field could be accessed using results.rows.item(i).age
That’s all you should need to get started with Web SQL Databases. I’m certain that mini JavaScript libraries are going to emerge to help support working with databases. If you want to find out more about SQL databases (shameless self promotion begins) I just finished the storage chapter for Introducing HTML5, which I’m writing with fellow Doc Bruce, so check that bad boy out too!
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Web SQL 数据库是 HTML5 中的一种存储机制,它允许开发者在客户端存储数据,并提供了一个类似于关系型数据库的存储机制。下面是使用 Web SQL 数据库的相关知识点: 1. 使用 Web SQL 数据库简介 Web SQL 数据库是一...
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首先,HTML5引入了Web SQL Database API,虽然这个API已经被废弃,但SQLite作为其背后的数据库引擎,仍然可以在一些浏览器中使用。通过JavaScript,我们可以创建一个SQLite数据库,定义表结构,并执行SQL语句。 1. ...
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