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100 Ways to Motivate Yourself--(A)
Action is required. Goals are not enough. You have to take action.
1. Create a vision.
Create a vision of who you want to be and live into that picture as if it's already true. You create it, you don't wait until you receive it. You can make it up.
2.Tell a true lie
Make up a lie about how great you are to make yourself sound unbelievably wounderful. Think of a picture of who you want to be. Without that picture,you can't live up to that self.
3.Leave your confort zone.
Our society encourages us to seek comfort. And yet only challenge will test our skills and make us better. Only challenge and the self motivation to engage that challenge will transform us. And every challenge we face creates a more skillful self.Look for challenges to motivate yourself. It's up to you to notice your stuck in a confort zone. it's up to you to break free from it and fly away.
4.Find your key
Book:"The Master key to Riches"by Napoleon Hill."The great master key to riches is nothing more or less than the self discipline necessary to take complete full control of your own mind.Remember the only thing you have complete control is your own mental attitude."Maybe the hill book is not your "Key",but you'll find your own instruction book if you look for it. It's out there, waiting for you.
5.Plan your work
When your too depressed or when your too upset to start something new.But then that's the perfect time to learn life's important rule. The rule is the transmutation of those negative emotions through"definitely planned work"Definitely planned work is the path to self motivation after you create your vision of who you want to be. Definitely planned work contained the power of PURPOSE.One hour of planning saves three hours of execution. It is impossible to work passionately with a sense of purpose and feel depressed at the same time. Successfully planned work will motivate you to do more and more than you ever thought possible.
6.Move your goal posts
Most people don't realize the reason their not getting what they want in life is because their major goals are too small and too vague.And therefore have no power. Your major goal will not be reached if it fails to excite your imagination. What really moves you is to set a large and sprcific POWER goal. A power goal is a DREAM that drivers you.People that create power goals are living on PURPOSE. They know what their up to in life. You know you had a power goal by observing it's effect on you. It's not was a goal is that's important,it's what it does.
7.Dribble with your other hand
It's not that you can't,it's that you haven't. You need to start reprogramming your habits of thinking. You can think optimistically if you build it up slowly one thought at a time. i.e. with samll persistent incremental victories.
8. Play your character
How you act is who you become.We can get energy and motivation by doing the character who we want to be. We can become that character if we practice being that character all the time.
9.Don't just do something, sit there
Sit quietly and do absolutely nothing.Be alone for a long time all by yourself. Sitting in silence allows you true dream in life to take shape and clarity. In life today, you either living you dream or someone elses. And unless you give your dreams the time and space it needs to express itself, you'll live the better part of your life living the dreams of other people.
10.Use the right chemicals
Use the chemicals that already exists in your system when you laugh,sing, dance, hug someone. When your having fun, your body chemistry changes. Once you make a job fun, you solved the problem of self motivation.
11.Leave high school
In high school we become fearing about what others think of us. Our mission in life became not being embarrassed. We were afraid to look bad, so we made a point not to take risks. Most people designed their entire lives based on what other people think of them. But we can leave that habit behind. Emerson: "Why should the way I feel depend on the thought in someone else's head."
12.Lose face
You can create a self that doesn't care about what other people think.You can motivate yourself by leaving the painful self consciousness of high school behind. Show me a guy who is afraid to look bad I can show you a guy you can beat every time.
13.Sing without feeling
Become a performer. Act like you feel like you want to feel."We do not sing because we're happy. We're happy because we sing." If you want to be happy, find the happiest song you know and sing it.It works.
14.Kill you television
If your watching too much television, you might find it useful to ask this question. Which side of the glass do you want to live on?When you watching television, you're watching other people do what they love to do for a living. Those people are on the best side of the glass because they're getting money and you're having fun and you're passively watching them have fun. They're getting money and you're the one paying."I find television very educational.Every time some turns it on, I go to the other room to read a book."
15.Read yourself a story
Abraham Lincoln would read the newspaper everyday alound. He discovered that he remembered twice as much if he read alound than if he read it silently and he remembered twice as long of a time.
16.Get on your death bed
Many of us keep pretending that our game has no end. We plan to do great things someday when we feel like it. Confronting our own death doesn't have to wait until we run out of life. In fact being able to vividly imagine our last hours on our death bed creates a paradoxical sensation. The feeling of being born all over again and that's the first step of self motivation.
17.Be lazy to begin with
There isn't any job that can't be handled if you break it down into small pieces"-Henry Ford. When you break a job down, remember to allow yourself some laziness in the beginning. Because it isn't important how fast you're doing it,What's important is that you ARE doing it. The irony is, the slower you start something, the faster you'll finish. When you first think about doing something hard and overwhelming, you're mostly aware of how you don't want to do it at all.In other words, the mental picture you have of doing the activity fast and furiously is not a happy picture so you think of ways to avoid doing the job all together. Thinking about starting slowly is easy.And doing it slowly allows you to actually start doing it. Therefore it get finished.
18.Leave your friends
Stay way from soul call friends who don't support your goals, when you're in a conversion with a pessimists possibilities seems to have a way of disappearing and a sense of cynicism.Remember, cynics do not create.Everyone knows that enthusiasm is contagious.And being in a conversation with an optimist opens us up to more and more of life's possibilities.
19.Plan you game
Design your own life game plan. Let the game respond to you rather than ther other way around.Act on the crucial difference between CEEATING verus RESPONDING.
20.Find your inner Einstein
The next time you see a picture of Albert Einstein,realize that's actually you.Every human has the capacity of genius.To experience Einstein's creative level of thinking all you have to do is comment to using your imagination.This is sometimes a difficult recommendation for grown ups to follow.Grown ups become using their
imagination for only one thing,worrying.Grown ups visualize worst case scenarios all day along.All their energy for visualization is channeled into colorful pictures of what can go wrong.Worrying is a MISUSE of the imagination.What people don't comprehend is that the human imagination was designed for better things.People who use their imagination to create often achieve things that worriers never dream of achieving.Even if the worries have much higher IQ(s).Dreaming is the design stage of creating the future.Imagine yourself living a motivated life.
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