
Nginx mogilefs module (v 1.0.3)


原文地址:http://www.grid.net.ru/nginx/mogilefs.en.html (在墙外)


Nginx mogilefs module (v 1.0.3)

rus eng

MogileFS client for nginx web server.


The module queries MogileFS tracker specified by mogilefs_tracker directive and uses first path returned by tracker to fetch requested file. The file key is specified by mogilefs_pass directive. If no domain or no file with specified key is found by tracker "404 Not found" status is retuned. If file is found but zero paths are returned by tracker "503 Service unavailable" status is retuned. If tracker has returned successful response the modules tries to fetch file using path with the greatest priority.

Configuration directives

syntax: mogilefs_pass [<key>] {<fetch block>}
default: none
severity: mandatory
context: server, location, limit_except

Specifies key of the file to query from MogileFS tracker. The key can contain any variables. If key is omitted, the part of request URI will be uses as key, which remains after stripping the name of mathced location.

            location /download/ {
                mogilefs_pass {

In this example if request URI is /download/example.jpg, the tracker will be queried for file with the key example.jpg.

The fetch block contains configuration which will be used to fetch file from storage node. In this block it is necessary to use proxy_pass directive with $mogilefs_path as an argument. Example:

            mogilefs_pass {
                proxy_pass $mogilefs_path;
                proxy_hide_header Content-Type;
                proxy_buffering off;

The variable $mogilefs_path contains absolute URL to the file on storage node. The fetch block creates a hidden internal location with the name /mogilefs_fetch_XXXXXXXX, where redirected will be performed after successful tracker response.

syntax: mogilefs_methods <[[method 1] method 2 ... ]>
default: GET
severity: optional
context: main, server, location

Specifies which methods will be allowed to access MogileFS. GET retrieves a resource from MogileFS, PUT creates or replaces, DELETE deletes a resource in MogileFS.

syntax: mogilefs_domain <domain>
default: default
severity: optional
context: main, server, location

Specifies the name of MogileFS domain to query. The specification may contain variables.

syntax: mogilefs_class <class0> [ <class1> [ ... ] ]
default: N/A
severity: optional
context: main, server, location

This directive specifies what to use as "class" parameter when making a request to tracker. The arguments of this directives will be evaluated and first non-empty value will be used as class. Arguments can contain variables.

syntax: mogilefs_tracker <IP|IP:port|upstream>
default: none
severity: mandatory
context: main, server, location

Specifies address of MogileFS tracker to query.

syntax: mogilefs_noverify <on/off>
default: off
severity: optional
context: main, server, location

Enables sending of noverify argument to MogileFS.

syntax: mogilefs_connect_timeout <time>
default: 60s
severity: optional
context: main, server, location

Specifies a timeout to be used to connect to mogilefs tracker. Could not be longer than 75 seconds.

syntax: mogilefs_send_timeout <time>
default: 60s
severity: optional
context: main, server, location

Specifies a timeout to be used to send data to mogilefs tracker. If no data will be received by mogilefs tracker during this time interval, nginx will close the connection.

syntax: mogilefs_read_timeout <time>
default: 60s
severity: optional
context: main, server, location

Specifies a timeout to be used to receive data from mogilefs tracker. If no data will be send by mogilefs tracker during this time interval, nginx will close the connection.

Example configuration

error_log  logs/error.log notice;

working_directory /usr/local/nginx;

http {
    include       mime.types;
    default_type  application/octet-stream;

    server {
        listen       80;

        # This location could be used to retrieve files from MogileFS.
        # It is publicly available.
        location /download/ {
            # Query tracker at for a file with the key
            # equal to remaining part of request URI
            mogilefs_domain example_domain;

            mogilefs_pass {
                proxy_pass $mogilefs_path;
                proxy_hide_header Content-Type;
                proxy_buffering off;

        # This location could be used to store or delete files in MogileFS.
        # It may be configured to be accessable only from local network.
        location /upload/ {
            deny all;

            mogilefs_domain example_domain;
            mogilefs_methods PUT DELETE;

            mogilefs_pass {
                proxy_pass $mogilefs_path;
                proxy_hide_header Content-Type;
                proxy_buffering off;


nginx 0.7.1 or above is required to compile this module.


Latest version 1.0.3: 

File MD5 SHA1
nginx_mogilefs_module-1.0.3.tar.gz e3c1b9f4ceb26d7573af5acfda59e9a8 d17d36b3f1ee4902379aaccc3bf993fec89911a0
nginx_mogilefs_module-1.0.3.zip 3ea34b9d99c3cb8cf1a733642ab2d966 65566dc205f05c7d3f8414163b09108187539244

or go to download area


Browse repository


How to use

Download sources from one of the links above. Unpack the archive:

tar xvzf nginx_mogilefs_module-1.0.3.tar.gz

Configure nginx with additional module:

cd <path to nginx sources>
./configure --add-module=<path to mogilefs module sources>
make install


nginx -- is a web-server, developed by Igor Sysoev.


The above-described module is an addition to nginx web-server, nevertheless they are independent products. The licence of above-described module is BSD You should have received a copy of license along with the source code. By using the materials from this site you automatically agree to the terms and conditions of this license. If you don't agree to the terms and conditions of this license, you must immediately remove from your computer all materials downloaded from this site.

Contact author

Valery Kholodkov valery+nginx@grid.net.ru
Please use address extension while composing an Email to me.

Copyright (C) 2009 Valery Kholodkov



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