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jBPM4的发展遇到了瓶颈,官方已经有一个多月没有更新代码了,前段时间又传出了jBPM的主要成员tom和jorom离开red hat的消息,虽然jboss方面已经指定了alexjando作为新的project leader,但是这个家伙一个月来只更新了一次svn,而且还只是改改配置文件。



虽然wiki上面架构图画的很完全,但是从功能来看,基本已经找不到jbpm的影子了,去jbpm-dev开发者邮件列表上看了一下,jboss官方的意思似乎是要用drools flow将jbpm取而代之。

看来前段时间传闻的jbpm和drools的争端已经有了结果,jbpm下一步就算不合并到drools中,也是要被鸠占鹊巢了。下一次发布的jbpm5就是打着jbpm招牌的drools flow了。毕竟drools flow已经完成了bpmn2(据说,咱们没亲眼见过,毕竟drools flow在国内没什么人用)。

下一步怎么办呢?目前已经有不少公司都在是用jbpm4了,使用jbpm3的人就更多,难道我们还要再等几个月甚至一年以上的时间,等drools flow把jbpm完全替代了之后再用工作流吗?还是说我们现在就必须迁移到drools flow上才行。

我的想法是将jbpm4的trunk代码拿出来,放到google code上做一个社区版分支,继续进行维护,这样至少可以保证目前已经使用了jbpm4的项目不会丧失持续的支持(当然对我们自己有好处啦,我们目前做的东西都是基于jbpm4,jbpm4如果死掉了我们岂不是要从头开始?)。

从开源协议上来说是没有问题的,LGPL要求如果修改了原代码,就要开放出来,只要社区版的jbpm4依然使用LGPL开源就可以了。问题是,red hat是否允许我们使用jbpm这个名字,或者说,我们是否可以在修补了bug之后,发布jbpm-4.3.1版,red hat目前拥有jbpm的版权,它是否会禁止其他地方使用jbpm的发布名称呢?也许我们必须改成其他名字,就像mysql被收购以后,作者立刻去搞了一个maria一样?
34 楼 Dawn.yang 2011-03-04  
33 楼 Dawn.yang 2011-03-04  
32 楼 lyf_wx 2010-05-06  
31 楼 almar17 2010-05-05  
30 楼 xyz20003 2010-05-03  
多谢神父支持,如果真要在国内搞开源项目,就不能叫jBPM了。而且LGPL对代码的约束太强,不如Apache 2好操作。

29 楼 comsci 2010-05-03  
28 楼 comsci 2010-05-03  



27 楼 ianatxm 2010-04-28  

jBPM5会取代jBPM4和Drools Flow,毕竟jBPM是jboss官方项目,名气在外。但是jBPM5肯定又是一个全新的框架,就是说刚上到jBPM4.3的同学们还要继续努力。


26 楼 taocong810 2010-04-23  
我的建议倒是,楼主可以基于jpbm4.3, 做一个jpbm-side这样的分支,特点为:

楼主加油 加油
25 楼 supercwg 2010-04-20  
chbest 写道
xyz20003 写道
jBPM 5 will supersede both jBPM 4 and Drools Flow. There is no need for
a jBPM 4 community branch since the whole thing is already a community
project. The sources are already open, and patches can still be posted
through Jira as usual. We might even make a new release now to publish
the updates and fixes made since the jBPM 4.3. However, it should be
clear that jBPM 5 is the focus of new development onwards.


Xu Huisheng wrote:
> Hi Kris:
>   I am glad to see there is still a plan for jBPM. But I can't find
> more details in this roadmap. It is just design a overall view for
> jBPM5, but there is still many problem in jBPM 4. If there is a plan
> to maintain the current version of jBPM 4.x, it will very helpful to us.
See my reply to Sebastian:
" This however does not necessarily mean that jBPM 4.x is "finished". 
We know there are some issues that need to be dealt with (where some of
them have even been solved in the latest snapshot code already), and
we're also looking into that.  Community involvement here is definitely
welcome, so please drop me a message if you want to help out."

>   In the jBPM 5 archetecture figure, there is just a 'Core Process
> Engine' but no more details for the PVM and jPDL. Will we drop the
> support of jPDL and turn to the BPMN and drools?
We have been participating in the creation of the BPMN2 specification,
and we believe it is a big step forward.  Therefore, we want to target
our future development to BPMN2.  Having a standardized language instead
of a proprietary one is almost always a good thing (quality,
interoperability, etc.).  And because BPMN2 also allows you to easily
extend the language if necessary, it still gives us the flexibility we
need as well.

So yes, we are looking at moving towards BPMN2 as the main process
execution language and moving away from proprietary languages as jPDL
and RuleFlow.  Especially since we believe that BPMN2 will be able to
support the same (process language) features as jPDL, but we welcome
feedback on this.  Not sure why you are saying "BPMN and drools" though?
Drools Flow is in exactly the same situation, as that also had a
proprietary language, but will also move to BPMN2.

> Because I just find 'jBPM (3.x) convert plan' here. So I think whether
> we could make a more clearly details for the PVM and jPDL4?
The reason is that jBPM 3.x is currently the officially supported
version.  As part of this service, we will provide a migration path from
jBPM 3.x to jBPM5.  This however does not there will be no migration
path for jBPM4.  We hope and believe that, with some help from the
community, we can extend that to also support jBPM 4.x to jBPM5 migration.




24 楼 chbest 2010-04-20  
xyz20003 写道
jBPM 5 will supersede both jBPM 4 and Drools Flow. There is no need for
a jBPM 4 community branch since the whole thing is already a community
project. The sources are already open, and patches can still be posted
through Jira as usual. We might even make a new release now to publish
the updates and fixes made since the jBPM 4.3. However, it should be
clear that jBPM 5 is the focus of new development onwards.


Xu Huisheng wrote:
> Hi Kris:
>   I am glad to see there is still a plan for jBPM. But I can't find
> more details in this roadmap. It is just design a overall view for
> jBPM5, but there is still many problem in jBPM 4. If there is a plan
> to maintain the current version of jBPM 4.x, it will very helpful to us.
See my reply to Sebastian:
" This however does not necessarily mean that jBPM 4.x is "finished". 
We know there are some issues that need to be dealt with (where some of
them have even been solved in the latest snapshot code already), and
we're also looking into that.  Community involvement here is definitely
welcome, so please drop me a message if you want to help out."

>   In the jBPM 5 archetecture figure, there is just a 'Core Process
> Engine' but no more details for the PVM and jPDL. Will we drop the
> support of jPDL and turn to the BPMN and drools?
We have been participating in the creation of the BPMN2 specification,
and we believe it is a big step forward.  Therefore, we want to target
our future development to BPMN2.  Having a standardized language instead
of a proprietary one is almost always a good thing (quality,
interoperability, etc.).  And because BPMN2 also allows you to easily
extend the language if necessary, it still gives us the flexibility we
need as well.

So yes, we are looking at moving towards BPMN2 as the main process
execution language and moving away from proprietary languages as jPDL
and RuleFlow.  Especially since we believe that BPMN2 will be able to
support the same (process language) features as jPDL, but we welcome
feedback on this.  Not sure why you are saying "BPMN and drools" though?
Drools Flow is in exactly the same situation, as that also had a
proprietary language, but will also move to BPMN2.

> Because I just find 'jBPM (3.x) convert plan' here. So I think whether
> we could make a more clearly details for the PVM and jPDL4?
The reason is that jBPM 3.x is currently the officially supported
version.  As part of this service, we will provide a migration path from
jBPM 3.x to jBPM5.  This however does not there will be no migration
path for jBPM4.  We hope and believe that, with some help from the
community, we can extend that to also support jBPM 4.x to jBPM5 migration.



23 楼 supercwg 2010-04-20  
22 楼 xyz20003 2010-04-20  
jBPM 5 will supersede both jBPM 4 and Drools Flow. There is no need for
a jBPM 4 community branch since the whole thing is already a community
project. The sources are already open, and patches can still be posted
through Jira as usual. We might even make a new release now to publish
the updates and fixes made since the jBPM 4.3. However, it should be
clear that jBPM 5 is the focus of new development onwards.


Xu Huisheng wrote:
> Hi Kris:
>   I am glad to see there is still a plan for jBPM. But I can't find
> more details in this roadmap. It is just design a overall view for
> jBPM5, but there is still many problem in jBPM 4. If there is a plan
> to maintain the current version of jBPM 4.x, it will very helpful to us.
See my reply to Sebastian:
" This however does not necessarily mean that jBPM 4.x is "finished". 
We know there are some issues that need to be dealt with (where some of
them have even been solved in the latest snapshot code already), and
we're also looking into that.  Community involvement here is definitely
welcome, so please drop me a message if you want to help out."

>   In the jBPM 5 archetecture figure, there is just a 'Core Process
> Engine' but no more details for the PVM and jPDL. Will we drop the
> support of jPDL and turn to the BPMN and drools?
We have been participating in the creation of the BPMN2 specification,
and we believe it is a big step forward.  Therefore, we want to target
our future development to BPMN2.  Having a standardized language instead
of a proprietary one is almost always a good thing (quality,
interoperability, etc.).  And because BPMN2 also allows you to easily
extend the language if necessary, it still gives us the flexibility we
need as well.

So yes, we are looking at moving towards BPMN2 as the main process
execution language and moving away from proprietary languages as jPDL
and RuleFlow.  Especially since we believe that BPMN2 will be able to
support the same (process language) features as jPDL, but we welcome
feedback on this.  Not sure why you are saying "BPMN and drools" though?
Drools Flow is in exactly the same situation, as that also had a
proprietary language, but will also move to BPMN2.

> Because I just find 'jBPM (3.x) convert plan' here. So I think whether
> we could make a more clearly details for the PVM and jPDL4?
The reason is that jBPM 3.x is currently the officially supported
version.  As part of this service, we will provide a migration path from
jBPM 3.x to jBPM5.  This however does not there will be no migration
path for jBPM4.  We hope and believe that, with some help from the
community, we can extend that to also support jBPM 4.x to jBPM5 migration.


21 楼 五月天 2010-04-20  
20 楼 johnsonboby 2010-04-19  
19 楼 卡拉阿风 2010-04-19  
clsun88 写道

18 楼 木易有峰 2010-04-19  
17 楼 clsun88 2010-04-19  
16 楼 saiyaren 2010-04-19  
15 楼 chbest 2010-04-19  



    jbpm4jbpm5是关于jbpm流程管理框架的专题,涵盖了jbpm4和jbpm5两个主要版本。jbpm是一个开源的工作流管理系统,用于帮助开发者实现业务流程自动化。以下是基于给定文件的信息,深入解析jbpm4和jbpm5的知识点: 1. *...


    【jbpm4web - JBPM4的Web版Demo详解】 JBPM4是一个开源的工作流管理系统,它提供了强大的业务流程管理(BPM)功能,包括流程设计、执行、监控和优化。"jbpm4web"是基于JBPM4开发的一个Web版本的示例项目,旨在帮助...




    本指南由胡奇编写,旨在为开发者提供一个全面的参考,帮助他们快速学习和掌握使用jBPM4进行工作流应用的开发。 ### 标题知识点: - **工作流应用开发:** 工作流应用开发是指通过建立工作流模型,使用计算机程序来...

    JBPM4 常用表结构及其说明

    JBPM4是JBPM(Java Business Process Model)的一个版本,主要用于提供业务流程管理的功能。它通过一组数据库表来支持工作流的执行与跟踪。本文将详细介绍JBPM4中的常用表结构及其用途。 #### 一、资源库与运行时表...


    【JBPM4工作流简介】 JBPM4是一个开源的工作流管理系统,它提供了全面的业务流程...源码分析对于理解JBPM4的集成方式、API使用和业务逻辑实现至关重要,对于想要深入学习BPM领域的开发者来说,这是一个宝贵的资源。


    这个脚本首先创建了一个名为`jbpm`的数据库,然后在这个数据库中创建了一个表`BPM_PROCESSINSTANCE`,用于存储流程实例的信息。 #### 3. 执行Ant脚本 最后,通过命令行执行Ant脚本来创建数据库: ```bash ant ...


    这个简单的JBPM4项目源码提供了一个完整的web工程,旨在帮助开发者理解并实践如何在实际开发中应用JBPM4。 **一、JBPM4核心概念** 1. **流程定义(Process Definition)**: 在JBPM4中,业务流程以BPMN2(Business ...


    jBPM,全称为Java Business Process Management,是一个开源的、灵活且可扩展的业务流程管理框架,涵盖了业务流程管理、工作流和服务协作等多个领域。自2004年10月加入JBoss组织后,jBPM逐渐成为JBoss企业中间件平台...


    这个"jBPM4完整例子"是一个基于SSH(Struts2、Spring、Hibernate)框架集成jBPM4.4的请假流程应用,非常适合初学者了解如何在实际项目中运用jBPM4进行工作流开发。 首先,我们来详细了解一下SSH框架。SSH是Java Web...


    jBPM4是一个基于Java的企业级工作流管理系统,它为业务流程管理(BPM)提供了全面的解决方案。本教程将引导您逐步了解如何安装配置、使用流程设计器、部署业务归档以及利用服务和jpdl进行流程定义。 **第二章 安装...


    **JBPM4环境搭建** JBPM(Java Business Process Management)是一款开源的工作流管理系统,它提供了对业务流程的建模、部署、执行和监控的能力。在本文中,我们将深入探讨如何搭建JBPM4.4的开发环境,这对于理解...


    jBPM4是一个Java平台上的业务流程管理(BPM)系统,它支持Business Process Execution Language (BPEL) 和 jPDL(jBPM特有的流程定义语言)。jPDL允许开发者使用XML来定义流程,包括任务、事件、规则和泳道等元素。...

    JBPM4 java源代码分包详解JBPM4

    JBPM4是一个流行的开源工作流管理系统,它提供了一整套用于设计、执行和管理业务流程的工具。在深入研究JBPM4的源代码时,我们可以从其包结构中了解到框架的核心功能和设计理念。 1. **org.jbpm.pvm.internal.ant**...

    JBPM4 表 详细介绍

    JBPM4作为其一个版本,具有丰富的功能及特性,尤其在流程管理和任务分配方面表现突出。下面将详细介绍JBPM4中各个表的作用及相关字段说明。 #### 1. **JBPM4_DEPLOYMENT** - 流程定义表 - **描述**: 此表用于存储...

    jbpm4 完整的请假流程

    jbpm4是一个基于Java的企业级工作流管理系统,用于设计、执行和管理业务流程。这个“jbpm4 完整的请假流程”是一个示例项目,旨在帮助初学者理解和实践jbpm4在处理业务流程,尤其是请假申请流程中的应用。在这个项目...


    JBPM是一个扩展性很强的工作流系统,百分百用JAVA语言开发,持久层采用Hibernate实现,理论上说,只要Hibernate支持的数据库JBPM都支持。同时它还能被部署在任何一款JAVA应用服务器上 JBPM的工程文件,大家可以到...

    jBPM 4使用手记

    jBPM 4提供了一个图形化的流程建模工具——jBPM Designer,通过它可以使用BPMN 2.0语言创建流程模型。设计师允许用户拖放活动、事件、网关等元素,实现流程的可视化设计,同时支持导出为XML格式的流程定义文件(....

    jbpm jbpm3 jbpm4 用户和开发指南+教程+最佳实践全套

    jbpm是Java Business Process Management(Java业务流程管理)的缩写,它是一个开源的工作流管理系统,主要用于企业级应用中处理业务流程的自动化。jbpm3和jbpm4是该系统的两个重要版本,提供了丰富的功能来支持流程...


    - **数据库整合**:可以选择将jBPM4的表和业务表放在同一个数据库中,以实现数据的一致性和事务处理的统一性。 - **数据库测试**:提供了一套完整的测试步骤,帮助确保数据库配置正确无误。 - **数据库安装与连接...

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