An Alchemy speed test
Following from my previous articles on setting up an Alchemy development environment in Flex Builder 3 and passing/returning objects to/from C++ , I wanted to test some of the claims of the speed increase possible with the use of this tool.
With the particular interest in 3D Flash applications, I wanted to test specific mathematical operations using vectors and matrices, namely cross products, normalisation, rotation matrix calculations and vector transformations.
I had initially aimed to create a mathematical library where these functions can be calculated on native ActionScript objects - for example create a function to calculate the cross product of two vectors. However one aspect of Alchemy that became immediately evident is that the cost of marshaling data through the AS3-C++ API is horrendously expensive. This is quite normal so I guess I was naive to expect good results from this. But to give you an example of how expensive this is, for a simple iterative calculation of the cross product of two vectors followed by a normalisation: if the mathematical functions are performed in C++, ie iteratively calling the Alchemy compiled functions, the result is about 1000 times slower than natively performing the calculations in AS3!
So, my first advice is: limit the number of Alchemy calls!!
Anyway, in this article I’ll concentrate on performing pure C++ speed tests (called from AS3) - so computationally intensive calculations performed in a single Alchemy call - compared to the equivalent pure AS3 speed tests.
The tests performed here concentrate on vector and matrix operations. I’ve therefore created very simple Vector and Matrix classes in C++. The Vector class is used to perform dot product, normalisation and cross product operations as shown below.
Vector3D.h :
- #ifndef VECTOR3D_H_
- #define VECTOR3D_H_
- #include "AS3.h"
- class Vector3D {
- public :
- Vector3D();
- Vector3D( double x, double y, double z);
- Vector3D( const AS3_Val& as3Vector);
- virtual ~Vector3D();
- double dot( const Vector3D& v) const ;
- Vector3D cross( const Vector3D& v) const ;
- double modulus() const ;
- Vector3D normalise() const ;
- void setX( double x);
- void setY( double y);
- void setZ( double z);
- double getX() const ;
- double getY() const ;
- double getZ() const ;
- private :
- double _x;
- double _y;
- double _z;
- };
- #endif /*VECTOR3D_H_*/
- Vector3D.cpp :
- #include "Vector3D.h"
- #include
- Vector3D::Vector3D() :
- _x(0),
- _y(0),
- _z(0) {
- }
- Vector3D::Vector3D( const AS3_Val& as3Vector) {
- AS3_ObjectValue(as3Vector, "x:DoubleType, y:DoubleType, z:DoubleType" , &_x, &_y, &_z);
- }
- Vector3D::Vector3D( double x, double y, double z) :
- _x(x),
- _y(y),
- _z(z) {
- }
- Vector3D::~Vector3D() {
- }
- double Vector3D::dot( const Vector3D& v) const {
- return v._x*_x + v._y*_y + v._z*_z;
- }
- Vector3D Vector3D::cross( const Vector3D& v) const {
- Vector3D result;
- result._x = _y*v._z - _z*v._y;
- result._y = _z*v._x - _x*v._z;
- result._z = _x*v._y - _y*v._x;
- return result;
- }
- double Vector3D::modulus() const {
- return std::sqrt(_x*_x + _y*_y + _z*_z);
- }
- Vector3D Vector3D::normalise() const {
- double mod = modulus();
- return Vector3D(_x/mod, _y/mod, _z/mod);
- }
- void Vector3D::setX( double x) {
- _x = x;
- }
- void Vector3D::setY( double y) {
- _y = y;
- }
- void Vector3D::setZ( double z) {
- _z = z;
- }
- double Vector3D::getX() const {
- return _x;
- }
- double Vector3D::getY() const {
- return _y;
- }
- double Vector3D::getZ() const {
- return _z;
- }
One point, specific to Alchemy, is in one of the constructors for the Vector3D: the properties are extracted from the passed AS3 Vector3D object, as discussed in my previous article.
The Matrix3D C++ class is as follows.
Matrix3D.h :
- #ifndef MATRIX3D_H_
- #define MATRIX3D_H_
- #include "Vector3D.h"
- class Matrix3D {
- public :
- Matrix3D();
- virtual ~Matrix3D();
- void setRotationX( double degrees);
- void setRotationY( double degrees);
- void setRotationZ( double degrees);
- void setIdentity();
- Vector3D transformVector( const Vector3D& vector) const ;
- private :
- double _M00;
- double _M01;
- double _M02;
- double _M10;
- double _M11;
- double _M12;
- double _M20;
- double _M21;
- double _M22;
- };
- #endif /*MATRIX3D_H_*/
- Matrix3D.cpp :
- #include "Matrix3D.h"
- #include
- Matrix3D::Matrix3D() :
- _M00(1),
- _M01(0),
- _M02(0),
- _M10(0),
- _M11(1),
- _M12(0),
- _M20(0),
- _M21(0),
- _M22(1) {
- }
- Matrix3D::~Matrix3D() {
- }
- void Matrix3D::setIdentity() {
- _M00 = 1;
- _M01 = 0;
- _M02 = 0;
- _M10 = 0;
- _M11 = 1;
- _M12 = 0;
- _M20 = 0;
- _M21 = 0;
- _M22 = 1;
- }
- void Matrix3D::setRotationX( double degrees) {
- setIdentity();
- double radians = degrees / 180 * M_PI;
- _M11 = cos(radians);
- _M12 = -sin(radians);
- _M21 = sin(radians);
- _M22 = cos(radians);
- }
- void Matrix3D::setRotationY( double degrees) {
- setIdentity();
- double radians = degrees / 180 * M_PI;
- _M00 = cos(radians);
- _M02 = sin(radians);
- _M20 = -sin(radians);
- _M22 = cos(radians);
- }
- void Matrix3D::setRotationZ( double degrees) {
- setIdentity();
- double radians = degrees / 180 * M_PI;
- _M00 = cos(radians);
- _M01 = -sin(radians);
- _M10 = sin(radians);
- _M11 = cos(radians);
- }
- Vector3D Matrix3D::transformVector( const Vector3D& vector) const {
- Vector3D result;
- result.setX(_M00*vector.getX() + _M01*vector.getY() + _M02*vector.getZ());
- result.setY(_M10*vector.getX() + _M11*vector.getY() + _M12*vector.getZ());
- result.setZ(_M20*vector.getX() + _M21*vector.getY() + _M22*vector.getZ());
- return result;
- }
One of the objectives of using the Matrix3D class is to test the performance of the trigonometric functions. A common source of intensive calculations in 3D graphics is the rotation of vectors so this provides a useful test directly aimed at this field.
Two tests are to be examined: one for cross product calculations and another for matrix transformations. These are defined in the main.cpp file.
- #include "AS3.h"
- #include "Vector3D.h"
- #include "Matrix3D.h"
- AS3_Val speedTest1( void * self, AS3_Val args) {
- // Declare AS3 variables
- AS3_Val as3Vector1;
- AS3_Val as3Vector2;
- // Extract variables from arguments array
- AS3_ArrayValue(args, "AS3ValType, AS3ValType" , &as3Vector1, &as3Vector2);
- // Create native C++ objects with AS3 parameters
- Vector3D vector1(as3Vector1);
- Vector3D vector2(as3Vector2);
- Vector3D vector3;
- // Speed test : calculate cross products and normalise
- for ( int i = 0; i < 1000000; i++) {
- vector3 = vector1.cross(vector2);
- vector3 = vector3.normalise();
- vector1 = vector2;
- vector2 = vector3;
- }
- // Obtain a class descriptor for the AS3 Vector3D class
- AS3_Val vector3DClass = AS3_NSGet(AS3_String( "flash.geom" ), AS3_String( "Vector3D" ));
- AS3_Val params = AS3_Array( "" );
- // Construct a new AS3 Vector3D object with empty parameters
- AS3_Val result = AS3_New(vector3DClass, params );
- // Set the x, y and z properties of the AS3 Vector3D object, casting as appropriate
- AS3_Set(result, AS3_String( "x" ), AS3_Number(vector3.getX()));
- AS3_Set(result, AS3_String( "y" ), AS3_Number(vector3.getY()));
- AS3_Set(result, AS3_String( "z" ), AS3_Number(vector3.getZ()));
- // Release what's no longer needed
- AS3_Release( params );
- AS3_Release(vector3DClass);
- // return the AS3 Vector
- return result;
- }
- AS3_Val speedTest2( void * self, AS3_Val args) {
- // Declare AS3 variable
- AS3_Val as3Vector;
- // Extract variables from arguments array
- AS3_ArrayValue(args, "AS3ValType" , &as3Vector);
- // Create native C++ object with AS3 parameters
- Vector3D vector(as3Vector);
- Vector3D copy = vector;
- Matrix3D rotationX;
- Matrix3D rotationY;
- Matrix3D rotationZ;
- // Speed test : calculate rotation matrices and transform vector
- for ( int i = 0; i < 1000; i++) {
- vector = copy;
- for ( double ang = 0; ang < 180; ang++) {
- rotationX.setRotationX(ang);
- rotationY.setRotationY(ang);
- rotationZ.setRotationZ(ang);
- vector = rotationX.transformVector(vector);
- vector = rotationY.transformVector(vector);
- vector = rotationZ.transformVector(vector);
- }
- }
- // Obtain a class descriptor for the AS3 Vector3D class
- AS3_Val vector3DClass = AS3_NSGet(AS3_String( "flash.geom" ), AS3_String( "Vector3D" ));
- AS3_Val params = AS3_Array( "" );
- // Construct a new AS3 Vector3D object with empty parameters
- AS3_Val result = AS3_New(vector3DClass, params );
- // Set the x, y and z properties of the AS3 Vector3D object, casting as appropriate
- AS3_Set(result, AS3_String( "x" ), AS3_Number(vector.getX()));
- AS3_Set(result, AS3_String( "y" ), AS3_Number(vector.getY()));
- AS3_Set(result, AS3_String( "z" ), AS3_Number(vector.getZ()));
- // Release what's no longer needed
- AS3_Release( params );
- AS3_Release(vector3DClass);
- // return the AS3 Vector
- return result;
- }
- /**
- * Main entry point for Alchemy compiler. Declares all functions available
- * through the Alchemy bridge.
- */
- int main() {
- // Declare all methods exposed to AS3 typed as Function instances
- AS3_Val speedTest1Method = AS3_Function(NULL, speedTest1);
- AS3_Val speedTest2Method = AS3_Function(NULL, speedTest2);
- // Construct an object that contains references to all the functions
- AS3_Val result = AS3_Object( "speedTest1:AS3ValType, speedTest2:AS3ValType" , speedTest1Method, speedTest2Method);
- // Release what's no longer needed
- AS3_Release(speedTest1Method);
- AS3_Release(speedTest2Method);
- // Notify the bridge of what has been created -- THIS DOES NOT RETURN!
- AS3_LibInit(result);
- // Should never get here!
- return 0;
- }
For an explanation of the code and the C++ API of Alchemy, I’ll refer you to my previous article on passing and returning objects to and from C++ using Alchemy .
The first test, speedTest1 , performs 1,000,000 times the cross product of two vectors (initially passed by AS3) followed by a normalisation. The resulting vector is used in the following iteration. At the end of all the iterations, the final vector is returned to AS3.
The second test, speedTest2 , calculates rotation vectors around the x, y and z axes. A vector (initially passed by AS3), is then rotated by each matrix individually. This is repeated for 180 steps, increasing the angle of rotation by 1 degree at a time. This again is repeated for a total of 1,000 iterations. The final vector is returned to AS3.
Let’s have a look now at the ActionScript class that calls these tests, and the equivalent pure AS3 tests.
- package {
- import cmodule.vector.CLibInit;
- import flash .display. Sprite ;
- import flash .display. StageAlign ;
- import flash .display. StageScaleMode ;
- import flash .geom.Matrix3D;
- import flash .geom.Vector3D;
- import flash . text . TextField ;
- import flash . text . TextFieldAutoSize ;
- import flash .utils. getTimer ;
- public class class AlchemySpeedTest extends Sprite {
- private var vectorUtils: Object ;
- public function AlchemySpeedTest() {
- // Set up the stage
- stage . align = StageAlign . TOP_LEFT ;
- stage . scaleMode = StageScaleMode . NO_SCALE ;
- // Create the Alchemy bridge to C++ methods
- var loader :CLibInit = new CLibInit;
- vectorUtils = loader . init ();
- // Create a text field
- var timerText: TextField = new TextField ();
- timerText. autoSize = TextFieldAutoSize . LEFT ;
- addChild (timerText);
- // Initialise a timer
- var time0: int = getTimer ()
- // Perform the speed test
- var vector:Vector3D = speedTest1();
- //var vector:Vector3D = speedTest2();
- //var vector:Vector3D = nativeSpeedTest1();
- //var vector:Vector3D = nativeSpeedTest2();
- // Calculate the elapsed time
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