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导出page and portlet in IBM portal server


XMLAccess 是一个小型的独立应用程序程序,它使用 HTTP 连接与服务器进行连接。因此,可以访问和远程配置门户网站。)一般在portal 安装目录\bin 下面 xmlaccess.bat。


1. 导出portal page


xmlaccess.bat -in d:\***\ExportPage.xml -user ***-pwd ***-url http://host/wps/config -out d:\***\result_exportPage.xml 


ExportPage.xml 文件格式可以参考 Portal安装目录\doc\xml-samples



<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
 * Licensed Materials - Property of IBM
 * (c) Copyright IBM Corp. 2003, 2006.  All rights reserved.
 * US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or
 * disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM
 * Corp.
 * DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTIES.  The following [enclosed] code is
 * sample code created by IBM Corporation.  This sample code is
 * not part of any standard or IBM product and is provided to you
 * solely for the purpose of assisting you in the development of
 * your applications.  The code is provided "AS IS", without
 * warranty of any kind.  IBM shall not be liable for any damages
 * arising out of your use of the sample code, even if they have
 * been advised of the possibility of such damages.


    <!-- sample for exporting a page -->
    <portal action="locate">
        <content-node action="export" uniquename="ibm.portal.Documents.Welcome" />




其他还有导入导出portlet, page 等。




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