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dancing link


Knuth对 算法 的描述就是一种享受~
    从算法解决什么问题Exact Cover )(精确覆盖),到算法的实现(DancingLink ),相当的自然,而且对算法的描述,非常自然,很想得通~赞赞!

  看完就知道,关键是如何实现一个那样的矩阵表示,想想C语言的矩阵表示,如果拷贝实在太费时,怎么办呢?dancing Links , 用链表实现~赞~



Knuth's Algorithm X

Donald Knuth 's Algorithm X  is a recursivenondeterministicdepth-firstbacktracking  algorithm  that finds all solutions to the exact cover problem represented by a matrix A  consisting of 0s and 1s. The goal is to select a subset of the rows so that the digit 1 appears in each column exactly once.

  1. If the matrix A  is empty, the problem is solved; terminate successfully.
  2. Otherwise choose a column  c  ( deterministically ). 这里是确定性的,找到含有1最少的那个column  why -Lin Yang 3/30/10 11:07 AM  
    • 原因是:If column c is entirely zero, there are no subalgorithms and the process terminates unsuccessfully  -所以找到含有1最少的那个column,可以尽快结束算法。
    • Golomb and Baumert [16] suggested choosing a subproblem that leads to the fewest branches
    • 这是启发式

  3. Choose a row r  such that A rc  = 1 (nondeterministically ).
  4. Include row r  in the partial solution.
  5. For each column j  such that A rj  = 1,for each row i  such that A ij  = 1,delete row i  from matrix A ;delete column j  from matrix A .
  6. Repeat this algorithm recursively on the reduced matrix A .


-from wikipedia






 * pku 3740 -dancing link
 * 完全按照knuth论文的语意实现。
 * 算法很复杂,但是初始化数据结构更复杂。。


#define ROW 20
#define COL 305
#define INF 9999999

// 必须是按照与删除顺序相反的顺序恢复,才对

int rr, cc;
//both used for data node obj & column obj
struct NODE {
	int L, R, U, D;
	int C; //points	to the column object 
	int S; //column_header use
	char N;//column_header use

struct NODE nodes[ROW * (COL + 1)]; //nodes[0...cc]作为column_header //nodes[999作为header]  nodes[1000 - ...]存放node 

int head_id = 999;//没被占用
struct NODE &head = nodes[head_id];//用nodes[-1]表示
int nodes_id;

int choose_column() {
	int s = INF;
	int c = head.R;
	for (int j = head.R; j != head_id; j = nodes[j].R)
		if (nodes[j].S < s) {
			c = j;
			s = nodes[j].S;
	return c;

void cover(int c) {
//	printf("cover(%d)", c);
	nodes[nodes[c].R].L = nodes[c].L;
	nodes[nodes[c].L].R = nodes[c].R;
	for (int r = nodes[c].D; r != c; r = nodes[r].D) {
//		printf("r:%d\n", r);
		for (int j = nodes[r].R; j != r; j = nodes[j].R) {
//			printf("j:%d\t", j);//here
			nodes[nodes[j].D].U = nodes[j].U;
			nodes[nodes[j].U].D = nodes[j].D;

void uncover(int c) {
	for (int i = nodes[c].U; i != c; i = nodes[i].U)
		for (int j = nodes[i].L; j != i; j = nodes[j].L) {
			nodes[nodes[j].U].D = j;
			nodes[nodes[j].D].U = j;
	nodes[nodes[c].L].R = c;
	nodes[nodes[c].R].L = c;

int search(int k) {
//	printf("search(%d)\n", k);
	if (head.R == head_id)
		return 1;
	int c = choose_column();
//	printf("choose_colume return: %d\n", c);
	for (int r = nodes[c].D; r != c; r = nodes[r].D) {
//		printf("r:%d\n", r);
		for (int j = nodes[r].R; j != r; j = nodes[j].R) {
//			printf("j:%d\t", j);
		if (search(k + 1))
			return 1;//modified
		for (int j = nodes[r].L; j != r; j = nodes[j].L) {
	return 0;

int mat[ROW][COL];
int map[ROW][COL];

void link_row(int r) {
//	printf("link_row(%d)",r);
	int c1 = 0;
	for (c1 = 0; c1 < cc; c1++)
		if (mat[r][c1])
	if (c1 == cc)
	int id1 = map[r][c1];
	nodes[id1].L = nodes[id1].R = id1;// init link list

	for (int c = 0; c < cc; c++)
		if (mat[r][c] && c != c1) {
			int id2 = map[r][c];
			nodes[id2].R = nodes[id1].R;
			nodes[id2].L = id1;
			nodes[nodes[id1].R].L = id2;
			nodes[id1].R = id2;
void link_col(int c) {
//	printf("link_col(%d)",c);
	//init nodes[c]
	nodes[c].U=nodes[c].D = nodes[c].C  =c;
	nodes[c].S =0;
	//insert column_header
	nodes[c].R = head.R;
	nodes[c].L = head_id;
	nodes[head.R].L = c;
	head.R = c;
	int id = -1;
	//set column nodes
	for (int r = 0; r < rr; r++) {
		if (!mat[r][c])
		id = map[r][c];
		nodes[id].C = c;
		nodes[c].S++; //update Sum
		//insert node 
		nodes[id].D = nodes[c].D;
		nodes[id].U = c;
		nodes[nodes[c].D].U = id;
		nodes[c].D = id;
void init() {
	memset(nodes, 0, sizeof(nodes));
	head.L = head.R = head_id;
	nodes_id = head_id + 1;
	for (int r = 0; r < rr; r++)
		for (int c = 0; c < cc; c++)
			if (mat[r][c] == 1)
				map[r][c] = nodes_id++;
	for (int r = 0; r < rr; r++) {
	for (int c = 0; c < cc; c++) {

int main() {
	while (EOF != scanf("%d%d", &rr, &cc)) {
		for (int r = 0; r < rr; r++)
			for (int c = 0; c < cc; c++) {
				scanf("%d", &mat[r][c]);
		if (search(0))
			printf("Yes, I found it\n");
			printf("It is impossible\n");
	return 0;

 1 1

 1 2
 1 1

 1 2
 0 0

 1 2 
 0 1

 3 3
 0 1 0
 0 0 1
 1 0 0
 4 4
 0 0 0 1
 1 0 0 0
 1 1 0 1
 0 1 0 0
 4 6
 0 0 0 1 1 1
 1 0 0 0 0 0
 1 1 0 1 0 0
 0 0 1 0 0 0

 4 6
 0 0 0 1 1 1
 1 0 0 0 0 0
 1 1 0 1 0 0
 0 1 1 0 0 0






    Each update involves about 14 memory accesses when the S heuristic is used, and about
8 accesses when S is ignored. Thus the S heuristic multiplies the total number of memory
accesses by a factor of approximately (14 × 3,617,723)/(8 × 17,818,752) 36%




注意: cover和uncover一定要完全反序~(Notice that uncovering takes place in precisely the reverse order of the covering operation)

struct  point  {
int  L;
int  R;
int  U;
int  D;
int  Sum;
int  x, y;
p[  1010  *  1010  ];
nodes[nodes[c].R].L = nodes[c].L;
nodes[nodes[c].L].R = nodes[c].R;


不要用真正的指针 ,因为那样很难调试。。



    acm dancing link

    ### ACM Dancing Link 数据结构详解 #### 一、概述 **ACM Dancing Link**(简称 DLX)是一种高效解决**精确覆盖问题**的数据结构。它在实际应用中特别适用于解决诸如**数独**这类问题,其核心思想是通过双向链表...

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    #### 4.7 Dancing Link 用于解决精确覆盖问题。 ### 五、计算几何 计算几何部分涉及了众多几何对象的定义、性质和算法: #### 5.1 各种公式 包括计算距离、角度等。 #### 5.2 基本类型定义 定义了几何对象的基本...

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    - 数据结构:Dancing Links 是一种基于链表的特殊数据结构,其中每个元素都有四个链接,分别指向相邻的元素和相对元素。 - 压缩表示:拼图的状态可以压缩为一个二维数组,表示各个位置的块是否已放置。 - 搜索...

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    这个指令使得我们可以轻松地...&lt;link rel="stylesheet" href="http://apps.bdimg.com/libs/bootstrap/3.3.0/css/bootstrap.min.css"&gt; &lt;script src="http://apps.bdimg.com/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"&gt;&lt;/script&gt; ...


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    然后,你可以通过`avfilter_link`函数连接输入和输出过滤器,使得视频流能够通过过滤器链路。 3. **初始化和配置上下文**:在开始处理视频之前,需要初始化`AVCodecContext`并设置合适的编解码器参数。这包括设置...

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