

package Assis;

import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.Container;
import java.awt.Graphics;
import java.awt.Insets;
import java.awt.Rectangle;
import java.awt.Shape;

import javax.swing.BorderFactory;
import javax.swing.JFrame;
import javax.swing.JScrollPane;
import javax.swing.JTextPane;
import javax.swing.SwingUtilities;
import javax.swing.UIManager;
import javax.swing.border.Border;
import javax.swing.border.CompoundBorder;
import javax.swing.text.AbstractDocument;
import javax.swing.text.AttributeSet;
import javax.swing.text.DefaultStyledDocument;
import javax.swing.text.Element;
import javax.swing.text.MutableAttributeSet;
import javax.swing.text.ParagraphView;
import javax.swing.text.SimpleAttributeSet;
import javax.swing.text.Style;
import javax.swing.text.StyleConstants;
import javax.swing.text.StyleContext;
import javax.swing.text.StyledEditorKit;
import javax.swing.text.View;
import javax.swing.text.ViewFactory;

public class ExtendedParagraph {
	public static void createDocumentStyles(StyleContext sc) {
		Style defaultStyle = sc.getStyle(StyleContext.DEFAULT_STYLE);

		// Create and add the main document style
		Style mainStyle = sc.addStyle(mainStyleName, defaultStyle);
		StyleConstants.setLeftIndent(mainStyle, 16);
		StyleConstants.setRightIndent(mainStyle, 16);
		StyleConstants.setFirstLineIndent(mainStyle, 16);
		StyleConstants.setFontFamily(mainStyle, "serif");
		StyleConstants.setFontSize(mainStyle, 12);

		// Create and add the constant width style
		Style cwStyle = sc.addStyle(charStyleName, null);
		StyleConstants.setFontFamily(cwStyle, "monospaced");
		StyleConstants.setForeground(cwStyle, Color.white);

		// Create and add the heading style
		Style heading2Style = sc.addStyle(heading2StyleName, null);
		StyleConstants.setForeground(heading2Style, Color.red);
		StyleConstants.setFontSize(heading2Style, 16);
		StyleConstants.setFontFamily(heading2Style, "serif");
		StyleConstants.setBold(heading2Style, true);
		StyleConstants.setLeftIndent(heading2Style, 8);
		StyleConstants.setFirstLineIndent(heading2Style, 0);

		// Create and add the extended para styles
		Style paraStyle = sc.addStyle(paraStyleName, null);
		Color bgColor = Color.gray;
		ExtendedStyleConstants.setParagraphBackground(paraStyle, bgColor);
		Border bd1 = BorderFactory.createEtchedBorder(bgColor.brighter(),
		Border bd2 = BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder(4, 4, 4, 4);
		CompoundBorder cb1 = BorderFactory.createCompoundBorder(bd1, bd2);
		Border bd3 = BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder(2, 2, 2, 2);
		CompoundBorder cb2 = BorderFactory.createCompoundBorder(bd3, cb1);
		ExtendedStyleConstants.setParagraphBorder(paraStyle, cb2);

	public static void addText(JTextPane pane, StyleContext sc,
			Style logicalStyle, Paragraph[] content) {
		// The outer loop adds paragraphs, while the
		// inner loop adds character runs.
		int paragraphs = content.length;
		for (int i = 0; i < paragraphs; i++) {
			Run[] runs = content[i].content;
			for (int j = 0; j < runs.length; j++) {
						runs[j].styleName == null ? SimpleAttributeSet.EMPTY
								: sc.getStyle(runs[j].styleName), true);

			// At the end of the paragraph, add the logical style and
			// any overriding paragraph style and then terminate the
			// paragraph with a newline.
			pane.setParagraphAttributes(SimpleAttributeSet.EMPTY, true);

			if (logicalStyle != null) {

			if (content[i].styleName != null) {

			if (i != paragraphs - 1) {

	public static void main(String[] args) {
		try {
		} catch (Exception evt) {

		JFrame f = new JFrame("Extended Paragraph Example");

		// Create the StyleContext, the document and the pane
		final StyleContext sc = new StyleContext();
		final DefaultStyledDocument doc = new DefaultStyledDocument(sc);
		final JTextPane pane = new JTextPane(doc);
		pane.setEditorKit(new ExtendedStyledEditorKit());

		try {
			// Add the text and apply the styles
			SwingUtilities.invokeAndWait(new Runnable() {
				public void run() {
					// Build the styles

					// Add the text
					addText(pane, sc, sc.getStyle(paraStyleName), content);
		} catch (Exception e) {
			System.out.println("Exception when constructing document: " + e);

		f.getContentPane().add(new JScrollPane(pane));
		f.setSize(400, 300);

	// Style names
	public static final String mainStyleName = "MainStyle";

	public static final String heading2StyleName = "Heading2";

	public static final String charStyleName = "ConstantWidth";

	public static final String paraStyleName = "ExtendedPara";

	// Inner classes used to define paragraph structure
	public static class Run {
		public Run(String styleName, String content) {
			this.styleName = styleName;
			this.content = content;

		public String styleName;

		public String content;

	public static class Paragraph {
		public Paragraph(String styleName, Run[] content) {
			this.styleName = styleName;
			this.content = content;

		public String styleName;

		public Run[] content;

	public static final Paragraph[] content = new Paragraph[] {
			new Paragraph(null, new Run[] { new Run(null,
					"Attributes, Styles and Style Contexts") }),
			new Paragraph(
					new Run[] {
							new Run(null, "The simple "),
							new Run(charStyleName, "PlainDocument"),
							new Run(
									" class that you saw in the previous "
											+ "chapter is only capable of holding text. "
											+ "The more complex text components use a more "
											+ "sophisticated model that implements the "),
							new Run(charStyleName, "StyledDocument"),
							new Run(null, " interface. "),
							new Run(charStyleName, "StyledDocument"),
							new Run(null, " is a sub-interface of "),
							new Run(charStyleName, "Document"),
							new Run(
									" that contains methods for manipulating attributes "
											+ "that control the way in which the text in the "
											+ "document is displayed. The Swing text package "
											+ "contains a concrete implementation of "),
							new Run(charStyleName, "StyledDocument"),
							new Run(null, " called "),
							new Run(charStyleName, "DefaultStyledDocument"),
							new Run(null,
									" that is used as the default model for "),
							new Run(charStyleName, "JTextPane"),
							new Run(
									" and is also the base class from which "
											+ "more specific models, such as the "),
							new Run(charStyleName, "HTMLDocument"),
							new Run(
									" class that handles input in HTML format, can be "
											+ "created. In order to make use of "),
							new Run(charStyleName, "DefaultStyledDocument"),
							new Run(null, " and "),
							new Run(charStyleName, "JTextPane"),
							new Run(null,
									" you need to understand how Swing represents "
											+ "and uses attributes.") }) };

class ExtendedStyleConstants {
	public ExtendedStyleConstants(String name) {
		this.name = name;

	public String toString() {
		return name;

	 * The border to be used for a paragraph. Type is javax.swing.border.Border
	public static final Object ParagraphBorder = ExtendedParagraphConstants.ParagraphBorder;

	 * The background to be used for a paragraph. Type is java.awt.Color
	public static final Object ParagraphBackground = ExtendedParagraphConstants.ParagraphBackground;

	/* Adds the border attribute */
	public static void setParagraphBorder(MutableAttributeSet a, Border b) {
		a.addAttribute(ParagraphBorder, b);

	/* Gets the border attribute */
	public static Border getParagraphBorder(AttributeSet a) {
		return (Border) a.getAttribute(ParagraphBorder);

	/* Adds the paragraph background attribute */
	public static void setParagraphBackground(MutableAttributeSet a, Color c) {
		a.addAttribute(ParagraphBackground, c);

	/* Gets the paragraph background attribute */
	public static Color getParagraphBackground(AttributeSet a) {
		return (Color) a.getAttribute(ParagraphBackground);

	/* A typesafe collection of extended paragraph attributes */
	public static class ExtendedParagraphConstants extends
			ExtendedStyleConstants implements AttributeSet.ParagraphAttribute {
		 * The paragraph border attribute.
		public static final Object ParagraphBorder = new ExtendedParagraphConstants(

		 * The paragraph background attribute.
		public static final Object ParagraphBackground = new ExtendedParagraphConstants(

		private ExtendedParagraphConstants(String name) {

	protected String name; // Name of an attribute

class ExtendedStyledEditorKit extends StyledEditorKit {
	public Object clone() {
		return new ExtendedStyledEditorKit();

	public ViewFactory getViewFactory() {
		return defaultFactory;

	/* The extended view factory */
	static class ExtendedStyledViewFactory implements ViewFactory {
		public View create(Element elem) {
			String elementName = elem.getName();
			if (elementName != null) {
				if (elementName.equals(AbstractDocument.ParagraphElementName)) {
					return new ExtendedParagraphView(elem);

			// Delegate others to StyledEditorKit
			return styledEditorKitFactory.create(elem);

	private static final ViewFactory styledEditorKitFactory = (new StyledEditorKit())

	private static final ViewFactory defaultFactory = new ExtendedStyledViewFactory();

class ExtendedParagraphView extends ParagraphView {
	public ExtendedParagraphView(Element elem) {

	// Override ParagraphView methods
	protected void setPropertiesFromAttributes() {
		AttributeSet attr = getAttributes();
		if (attr != null) {
			paraInsets = new Insets(getTopInset(), getLeftInset(),
					getBottomInset(), getRightInset());

			border = ExtendedStyleConstants.getParagraphBorder(attr);
			bgColor = ExtendedStyleConstants.getParagraphBackground(attr);
			if (bgColor != null && border == null) {
				// Provide a small margin if the background
				// is being filled and there is no border
				border = smallBorder;

			if (border != null) {
				Insets borderInsets = border.getBorderInsets(getContainer());
				setInsets((short) (paraInsets.top + borderInsets.top),
						(short) (paraInsets.left + borderInsets.left),
						(short) (paraInsets.bottom + borderInsets.bottom),
						(short) (paraInsets.right + borderInsets.right));

	public void paint(Graphics g, Shape a) {
		Container comp = getContainer();
		Rectangle alloc = new Rectangle(a.getBounds());

		alloc.x += paraInsets.left;
		alloc.y += paraInsets.top;
		alloc.width -= paraInsets.left + paraInsets.right;
		alloc.height -= paraInsets.top + paraInsets.bottom;

		if (bgColor != null) {
			Color origColor = g.getColor();
			g.fillRect(alloc.x, alloc.y, alloc.width, alloc.height);

		if (border != null) {
			// Paint the border
			border.paintBorder(comp, g, alloc.x, alloc.y, alloc.width,
		super.paint(g, a); // Note: pass ORIGINAL allocation

	// Attribute cache
	protected Color bgColor; // Background color, or null for transparent.

	protected Border border; // Border, or null for no border

	protected Insets paraInsets; // Original paragraph insets

	protected static final Border smallBorder = BorderFactory
			.createEmptyBorder(2, 2, 2, 2);





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