#simple class
class CTest:
count = 0;#class member
def __init__(self, name):
self.name = name;#object member
print "CTest::__init__() called!\n";
CTest.count += 1;#class member
print 'class use:%d\n' %CTest.count;
def __del__(self):
print "%s say bye!\n" %self.name;
CTest.count -= 1;
if 0 == CTest.count :
print "I am the last one!";
else :
print "there are still %d people left.\n" %CTest.count;
def SayHi(self):
print 'Hello, %s!\n' %self.name;
def Count(self):
if 1 == CTest.count :
print "I am the only one!\n";
print "we have %d one here!\n" %CTest.count;
test = CTest('andylin');
print test;
test2 = CTest("congfeng");
5. 在视图(views)中使用提供的装饰器(decorators)或在表单类中使用元类(metaclass)来启用防垃圾保护。 ### 扩展与自定义 `django-simple-spam-blocker`设计得足够灵活,允许开发者根据项目的具体需求进行...
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A-simple-Blog-master/ |-- app/ | |-- __init__.py | |-- models.py | |-- routes.py | |-- static/ | | |-- css/ | | |-- js/ | |-- templates/ | |-- base.html | |-- blog.html | |-- login.html |-- run.py ```...
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利用Python语言实现增强的机器学习模型。 Machine Learning ensembles are models composed of a few other models that are trained separately and then combined in some way to make an overall prediction. ...
当我们看到"PyPI官网下载 | simple-classproperty-1.0.1.tar.gz"这样的标题时,我们可以理解这是一款名为`simple-classproperty`的Python库,其版本号为1.0.1,并且可以在这个文件中找到。描述中提到的"资源全名:...
This demo might cover basic interactions, such as running a Python script from Delphi, accessing a Python library, or wrapping a Delphi class for use in Python. #### TPythonModule and ...
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用Python编写的简单Websocket服务器 RFC 6455(所有最新浏览器) TLS / SSL开箱即用 通过高速公路Websocket测试套件 ...class SimpleEcho ( WebSocket ): def handleMessage ( self ): # echo message back to clien
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含有以下内容:train/|----- ...tools/|----- keypoint_label 基于pyside6的2d关键点标注工具|----- simple/|---------- class_label 基于tk的二分类标注工具|---------- detect_label 基于cv2的二分类目标检测标注工具
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