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January 19th, 2010 - 07:13
Great Post,
I tried to use your solution in my project but i bumped into a one big inconvenience.
Next to DatabasePropertyPlaceholderConfigurer i wanted to use “standard”
PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer to resolve properties on dataSource bean.
These properties must be loaded from property file.
bean id=”dataSource”
property name=”driverClassName” value=”${db.driver}”"
property name=”url” value=”${url}”
property name=”username” value=”${db.username}”
property name=”password” value=”${db.password}”
The problem is that Spring first creates ALL PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer beans and after that it invokes their postProcessBeanFactory() methods.
In this way dataSource bean is created before any placeholder resolving takes place.
To cope with it i decided to inject dataSource bean name instead of dataSource bean itself.
Additionally, let DatabasePropertyPlaceholderConfigurer implements BeanFactoryAware
(PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer implements BeanFactoryAware but it stores BeanFactory in private filed and can not access it from subclasses)
and retrieve dataSource (by “dataSourceBeanName” name from BeanFactory) within loadProperties method.
This way i am able to retrieve datasource bean “lazily” after standard PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer resolving took place.