The SAP Information Interchange is SAP's new EDI and B2B managed service. It is a managed EDI/B2B exchange service that is operated in a cloud computing environment. It utilizes SAP's NetWeaver platform as a foundation for the service which makes integrating with SAP users that have NetWeaver very simple - almost plug and play. Even those without NetWeaver can activate the service using IDocs or tRFC.
In an article from last week, I made the following statement, "SAP is making a bold move now to eliminate the need for third party EDI and B2B service providers in favor of a simplified SAP supported environment." What does that mean?
Historically, companies would need to purchase an expensive EDI system from some third party specialized EDI vendor. It was a completely different technology platform unrelated to SAP, required in-depth training, specialized EDI knowledge, integration projects, servers, security and 24/7 helpdesk support (related article on EDI costs). This is just to get started. Once the EDI system and resources were in place, long, hard and expensive multi-year trading partner implementation projects would be initiated. For more information read the article, The Process of Implementing EDI and B2B here.
Today this scenario has completely changed. SAP customers can now simply activate the SAP Information Interchange and pay a small set-up fee and then subscribe to the monthly EDI/B2B service from SAP. There is no longer the requirement for servers, specialized training, helpdesk, EDI systems, multi-year implementation projects, etc. For companies wanting to simplify their IT environment, reduce third party applications whenever possible and standardize on SAP this is a big step in that direction. Simplifying IT environments and reducing non-SAP applications is a growing trend. Even in the emerging mobile computing categories companies are choosing vendors like Sky Technologies because they have embedded SAP mobility solutions rather than external third party middleware.
This new methodology for supporting EDI requirements is similar to connecting to the electrical grid that is run by your local electric utility. You do not need to operate the electric power generation plant, the utility manages and operates it. You just need to activate your account with the electrical utility. SAP now has this service available and it is sold through their field sales teams
SAP Finally Makes a Decisive Move in the B2B Market
sd - electronic data interchange -idoc interface (sd-edi)
此外,课程还会涵盖与IDOC相关的其他SAP技术,如EDI(Electronic Data Interchange)、XI/PI(Exchange Infrastructure/Process Integration)以及现在的云集成方案如Cloud Integration。这些工具和技术提供了更广泛...
SAP EDI(Electronic Data Interchange)映射是企业间数据交换的一种技术,它允许不同系统之间自动交换业务文档,如订单、发票和装运通知等。在SAP环境中,IDoc(Intermediate Document)是用于封装这些业务数据的...
**SAP标准培训课程-CA210 EDI Interface** 是一项旨在为学员提供关于SAP系统中电子数据交换(Electronic Data Interchange,简称EDI)接口配置与管理的专业培训。该课程聚焦于SAP R/3系统的版本4.6B,并于2000年9月...
12. **SAP EDI简介**(Chapter-2-An-Introduction-to-SAP-EDI):这个章节为初学者提供了SAP EDI的基本概念和术语,帮助理解其在企业信息系统中的角色。 以上内容构成了SAP中ALE、EDI和IDoc技术应用的基础,它们...
《ALE、IDOC与EDI技术在SAP中的应用》是一本详细介绍了SAP系统中三种关键技术——高级应用链接(Advanced Application Link,简称ALE)、集成文档(Intermediate Document,简称IDOC)以及电子数据交换(Electronic ...
在SAP环境中,自动化逻辑处理(Automatic Logic Exchange, ALE)、电子数据交换(Electronic Data Interchange, EDI)以及中间文档(Intermediate Documents, IDOCs)是实现企业间数据交流的关键技术。本文旨在详细...
ASCII码,全称为American Standard Code for Information Interchange,即美国信息交换标准代码,是计算机科学中的基础编码系统。它在1963年由美国国家标准协会(ANSI)制定,并于1967年正式发布,旨在统一不同...
SAP.Net EDI数据接口工具是一款专为集成SAP系统与Visual Studio .NET开发环境而设计的高效解决方案。它提供了一种便捷的方式,使开发者能够轻松地在SAP和.NET应用程序之间交换电子数据(EDI)。以下是对这个工具的...
- **信息丢失(Information Loss)**:在规则转换过程中,可能会导致原始知识含义的丢失。 - **模糊规则(Fuzzy Rule)**:使用模糊逻辑来表示的知识规则,具有不确定性和连续性。 总结而言,这篇研究论文深入探讨...
本文将详细介绍如何通过SAP系统的EDI(Electronic Data Interchange)配置实现公司间的自动采购发票处理(MIRO)。这一过程不仅能够提高效率,还能确保数据的一致性和准确性。 #### 一、SAP公司间采购EDI配置概述 ...
### MapInfo® Data Interchange Format (MIF/MID) #### 概述 MapInfo® Data Interchange Format(简称MIF/MID格式)是MapInfo Professional®软件中用于数据交换的一种通用格式。它允许用户在不同平台上轻松地...
本篇文章将详细介绍Java EDI(Electronic Data Interchange,电子数据交换)平台的开发流程。EDI是一种用于商业伙伴间标准化交易信息交换的技术,广泛应用于供应链管理和企业间的业务协同。Java作为主流的开发语言之...
在进行JAVA与SAP集成时,还需要考虑ALE(Application Link Enabling)和EDI(Electronic Data Interchange)等技术,它们是SAP提供的一套完整的数据交换框架。ALE用于管理和控制IDoc的生成、传输和接收,而EDI则涉及...
PHP-EDI是一款专为PHP开发者设计的框架,用于解析和生成电子数据交换(Electronic Data Interchange, EDI)文档。在商业领域,EDI是一种标准格式,用于不同组织之间自动化地交换业务文档,如订单、发票和运输通知等...
- EDI(Electronic Data Interchange):理解电子数据交换的基本概念,它是IDoc技术的基础。 - RFC(Remote Function Call):SAP内部调用远程函数的方式,BC可以利用RFC进行系统间的交互。 - Web服务:SAP BC...
**EDI标准**: iKEP-EDI-v3可能遵循了一些常见的EDI标准,如EDIFACT(United Nations Electronic Data Interchange for Administration, Commerce and Transport)、X12(American National Standards Institute's ...
电子交换-Github资源 EDI Github资源列表。 欢迎拉取请求! 图书馆 Java 用于解析和创建ASC X12 EDI事务的Java库 序列化为JSON -Mantle EDI集成 -Apache NIFI处理器,可将EDI ASC X12和EDIFACT文档... -EDI序列化器/
ascii码表ASCII(American Standard Code for Information Interchange,美国信息交换标准代码)是一种常见的字符编码标准,它定义了128个字符的编码,包括数字、字母、标点符号和控制字符。 ASCII码表包含了从空...