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hack the stanford postagger demo

stanford postagger 的demo默认情况下输出slashtags。在代码中如何修改,才能让它输出xml?
在MaxentTagger.java文件中,修改public String apply(String o)代码
    public String apply(String o) {
      StringBuilder taggedSentence = new StringBuilder();
      int outputStyle;
      boolean tokenize;
      if (config != null) {
        outputStyle = PlainTextDocumentReaderAndWriter.asIntOutputFormat(config.getOutputFormat());
        tokenize = config.getTokenize();
      } else {
//        outputStyle = PlainTextDocumentReaderAndWriter.OUTPUT_STYLE_SLASH_TAGS;
      outputStyle = PlainTextDocumentReaderAndWriter.OUTPUT_STYLE_XML;//change the default tag style to xml
        tokenize = true;
<sentence id="0">
  <word wid="0" pos="RB">Butterfly</word>
  <word wid="1" pos=",">,</word>
  <word wid="2" pos="PRP">you</word>
  <word wid="3" pos="VBP">are</word>
  <word wid="4" pos="JJ">mine</word>
  <word wid="5" pos=".">.</word>



    使用stanford postagger词性标注 //标注 String model = " models=chinese.tagger";= string=content="你们 是祖国美丽盛开的花朵";=MaxentTagger= tagger="new




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